Like a walk in the park

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A bit of a too long chapter, so sorry! I didn't notice

"Joey" I whispered
"Yeah, Baby?" He whispered. "You're awake?"
"I am now" he said as he sat up straight. I did too. "Sorry if I woke you" I said
"It's okay. I couldn't even sleep, it's fine" he said that so softly and calmly.

I nodded.
I felt like closing my eyes and drifting to sleep, but the feeling stung every time. "I don't think we'll ever get out" I said

"Hey, hey" he whispered as he laid his fingers on my chin, for me to face him.
"It's gonna be okay, trust me. They'll all be out of here"

He noticed the worried expression on my face. "Hey, guess what?" He said
"You wanna know what the first thing I'm gonna do when we get out of here?"

"I'll take you to that place where you've always wanted to go" he said that and held my hand.

"Yeah?" I asked
"Yeah" he nodded
"Which place?"
Joey laughed slightly "the mountain hills. You always talk about how much you've wanted to see the sunset. And the clouds, those beautiful golden clouds. And the orange sky, and the sun"

"Really?" I asked
I kissed his cheek. "Thank you" I whispered.
"Anything for my sweetheart" he chuckled as he held me closer. "I love you, baby boy" I whispered

He laughed a bit. "That's cute" he said. "What's cute?" I asked with a smile "that nickname, baby boy" he said

I shrugged and kissed his cheek again.

He saw the tired look on my face, and he frowned slightly "baby, go to sleep. You need some rest" he said as his finger tips stroked my right cheek softly.

"I can't sleep" I shook my head
"None of us can sleep, Les. With the two of you talking all the time" snuffy suddenly said.

Out of nowhere, Hank sat on his bed and rubbed his eyes as he put on his glasses.
"Jesus Christ" Billy sat on his bed as well and turned on the lamp light.

Ricky squinted his eyes at the light as he uncovered his bed sheets and sat up, too.
"Will you two put a sock in it?" Hank said
"Sorry, we just can't sleep" Joey said. I just noticed he had no shirt on. "Aren't you cold. Man?" Snuffy asked

"A little bit" Joey replied. I got off the floor and looked for his shirt.
I almost tripped over Billy's foot "asshole" I mumbled as he chuckled a bit. I saw joeys striped shirt laying on the floor.

I bent down to get it and handed it to him.
"Ugh" he grounded as he struggled to get up. But I gave him my hand for him to stand up.

"Thanks" He said
"You're welcome"

I could see his bandage was gonna slip off his skin. The next thing I knew, I pulled the bandage off his skin

"Ow!" He yelled at the sting.
His hand held the fucking bullet hole inside him. It was bleeding a bit.
I got him a new one out of the first aid kit. "Joey, C'mere" I told him

He walked towards me and looked down at my hands as I stuck the bandage to his skin once again.
"You alright?"
He nodded and kissed my forehead. I smiled. He threw his shirt over his head and put it on.

"You look really tired, Les" Snuffy told me
"Well yeah you moron, I can't sleep" I snapped at him. "Are you okay?" Ricky asked
"Yeah" I said Rudely

Joey's hand was wrapped around my shoulder as he pulled me closer to him
"Get some rest" he whispered in my ear, softly
"I can't"

"Why not?" He asked
"I can't stop thinking about it" I said
"About what?"

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