Stick to the plan

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We were all up in our dorm room. Not really ours, Ted and yogurt's. I was sleeping and so were Hank, Snuffy, Ricky, Ted, and yogurt. Billy was on the floor, awake. After what happened a few hours ago. He sat there crying. Not so much, but he cried.


Lights were running back and forth in the room. Suddenly, Hank and Ricky jumped out of bed.

"Les wake up. Wake up Les!" Ricky whisper yelled. I groaned. He pulled me out of bed as he ran towards Billy.

"Wake up Billy"
"I'm awake" Billy groaned

"That's the signal. They're gonna attack anyone out" Hank said
"They're crazy. What the hell do they think we can do? They'll get everybody killed" Billy said
"This is your idea" snuffy said

"It's too late to back out now" I said
"No it isn't" Billy said

"They're depending on us to do what we said" Hank said.
"Well they'll stop depending on us when we don't answer" Billy said
We all shrugged at each other

Hank grabbed a mirror from the wall and started waving it through the window
"You asshole!" Billy whisper yelled as he got off the floor and tackled Hank. They started fighting, but Hank pushed Billy on a bed.

I helped him up, but he just walked away. "Maybe it was a mistake to follow your plan but we did because you wanted us to" Hank said

"Now it's too late for us to back out, we can't back out and neither can you" he added

"I bet I made you fuck up my whole life, I'll get you all killed" Billy said as he looked around all of us

"Hey come on" I said as we held him back.
I saw the blood dripping through his shirt. His cuts were still bleeding.

How hard did that guy hit him?

"I'm sorry" Hank said
"The cuts in your back" I said. "Forget about the cuts on my back. The cuts the least of our problems right now" Billy said

"Your plan is just as good now as it was before when we thought it was great" snuffy said
"We were wrong before" Billy stated

"No stop this Billy!" Ricky said
"You got us into it, you gotta get us out" He added.

"Oh, if you say we have to do this for Joey I'm gonna fucking puke" he said as he buried his face in his hands.

"We don't have to tell you why. You know why" I told him
He looked at me with those brown eyes. He looked at all of us. We were all looking at him. He knew exactly why we have to do this.

And he wasn't gonna back out. Not now.

He sighed. "You're fucking morons. You know that don't you? You're fucking morons"
Ricky and snuffy looked at each other and chuckled slightly

"We're really Gonna do this?" Snuffy asked
"You bet" Billy said as he sat down. "Alright, we got a lot of work to do"

"Specially you" he said as he pointed at yogurt.
Yogurt looked up at all of us, then he stopped to look at Billy. "Me?" He asked


Sorry for the low key chapter. And by low key, I mean completely boring and short. But whatevzzzz!

Okay, well. The next chapter is the whole saving the school plan chapter. So....
Stick around, hopefully

I'll see you guys later
Actually I can't see you, but you know what I mean. Right?

Please tell me you know what I mean.
Alrighty then...

See ya!

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