Running through it

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"Les wake up, wake up Les. Come on" I opened my eyes slowly, and I saw yoghurt shaking me.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed.
"What time is it?" I asked
"8:30" he said.

I immediately sat up. "What?! You were supposed to wake me up 20 minutes ago" I told him
"I tried" he said

I got off my bed to find no one in the room. "Where is everybody?" I asked
"Downstairs having breakfast" he said.
This is the first real conversation I've had with yoghurt, so I'd rather not yell at him all the time

"We should go" he said
"Yeah, we should" I replied. He walked in front of me towards the door and opened it. He closed it as we walked through the hall.

"So how come they call you yoghurt?" I asked
"Because I like yoghurt, everyone knows that" he said. "Oh" I said
"I like Derek better" I said
"Thanks" he said.

We reached the stairs. We started walking down as he made small talk "how long have you been friends with those guys?" He asked

"About a year or so" I said
"They're cool. Crazy, but cool" he said. I chuckled at that. "Yeah" I said

"So how could a smart nerd like you get kicked out of his old school and end up here?" I asked
"I don't even wanna talk about it" he said
"Okay, fair enough" I said

"I like you. As a friend" I said. "I like you too. As a friend" he chuckled

I hit his shoulder playfully and laughed as we reached the bottom floor. The cafeteria was right there with all the kids eating and making noise.

"Let's go" I said
We both walked in the cafeteria. We saw Joey, Billy, Ricky, Snuffy, and Hank sitting in a table with Ted. They were all laughing.

"Hey guys" I told them
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty" Billy told me
"I see someone finally woke up" Snuffy said. I punched his arm. "Ow" he said silently. I sat next to Yoghurt as he sat next to Billy.

A few seconds later, a tray was placed in front of me. And a kiss on my cheek. "Hey there, sweat heart" Joey said as he sat next to me.

"Hey" I smiled at him as he kissed me. "Gross" we heard Billy say
"Can you go somewhere else?" Hank asked
"You guys are making me wanna have an asthma attack" Snuffy said. We all bursted out laughing at that one.

Ha ha. Very funny Jonathan Bradberry

"Let's go over the plan" Billy said as I took a bite out of my eggs.
We all rolled our eyes and groaned.  But Billy didn't care, he went on and on

"So Ricky and Hank, you two tell everyone about the plan, yoghurt and I go into the bathroom with Ted. Ted don't get out until you see a guard"

Ted nodded

"I go up the vent, and yoghurt you follow me. We wait till Snuffy has his 'asthma attack' so the guards would get distracted and leave the headmaster's office. We go in, I switch the chips, then we get out as fast as possible. Then if anything goes wrong, Ricky and Leslie, you two get in the bathroom and well...kick that asshole where it hurts. Yoghurt, you get his gun. Then Joey you distract the guards while I get back in the kitchen. I knock out the guards in there, the helicopters will be shooting at the guards up in the roof, so a few of them would die. Leslie and Joey, you two take everyone into the basement, Ricky, Hank, yoghurt, Ted, you follow everyone there, but make sure you're the last to go in, in case any guards sneak up on them. That's where the military soldiers come in, I'll be in the kitchen with a machine gun ready to shoot at whatever guard comes in, you guys keep everyone in the basement. And then I do it. I kill em'"

All of us had our jaws slightly dropped. A, from how much he talked. And B, what the hell, I'm not gonna remember all that?
"Would you mind saying that again, I wanna write it down" I said as everyone looked at me
"What?" I asked
"I'm serious, Les" Billy told me. "So am I" I said.

He rolled his eyes and continued eating.
I sighed trying to run through all of that in my head.

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