Saving the day

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A Guard walked into the bathroom. He headed over to one of the toilets.
Teds' heart beated faster, his palms were sweaty and he panicked. Though, he distinctly remembered Billy telling him to close the water if anything went wrong.

So that's what he did, Ted turned off the tap water.
The guard turned his head suspiciously and looked at Ted. Ted just excited the bathroom before something happened.

He was now in the cafeteria.
He rushed over to Leslie who was sitting at a table with some kids.
Ted tugged at her arm. She looked at him in concern. She got off her chair to talk to him,

"A guard. There's a guard in the bathroom" Ted managed to say. He rushed off, leaving Leslie worried.

She headed over to Ricky who was nervously rubbing his arms, and talking to some guys.
She hit his arm, slightly. He turned his head to look at her. She gave him a look of concern, then pointed at Ted who was walking away in a rush.

Ricky knew exactly what she meant, so they both headed to the bathroom as fast as possible.
Once they got in, they found the guard attacking Billy.
"Billy!" Leslie yelled. She punched the guard trying to get him off of Billy. Ricky rushed over to them and held the guy by his shirt, slamming him against the wall. Though, that caused the guard to kick Billy to the ground.

Leslie grabbed the gun out of the guards hands and threw it to Yogurt.
"Yogurt, catch" she said as Yogurt caught the gun.
Billy and Ricky both attacked the guard, trying to at least knock him out, but Yogurt held the gun tightly in his hands and hit the guard in the head with the big black machine gun.

The guard got knocked out.
"You okay?" Leslie asked Billy and Ricky. They both nodded, but it seemed they were still injured.

The rejects had a team of soldiers on the outside of the school, they help out with the headmaster.


Leslie, Ricky, Billy, and Yogurt all got out of the bathroom, casually and separately so no one suspects anything.

"Alright, I'm going" Billy told Leslie.
She nodded.
Billy was about to walk away when she grabbed his wrist. He turned around and she gave him a hug.

"Thank you, Billy"
"For what?"
"Just thank you" she said before walking away.

Billy stayed in his spot for a few seconds before heading to the kitchen.
One of the guards made eye contact and suspiciously followed him into the kitchen.

Billy tied an apron around his waist.
"Are you supposed to be in here?" A guard asked
"Yeah, I'm on pots and pans" Billy said. "Pots and pans?" The guard asked, confused.

Billy nodded.
"Yeah , pots and pans"
Billy said as he held a pot and a pan in his hands.
"When they wanna give a terrible punishment to the students, they put em' on pots and pans."

"To wash em'" Billy added.
The guard turned around and chuckled
"Pots and pans" the guard scoffed

"Yeah, pots and pans" Billy said right before he smashed his head with a pan.
Knocking him out. Or maybe even killing him.


On the outside, the soldiers, the good guys, we're trying to sneak past the gate of the school. They had their big black guns in hand.

Two of them rushed to the gate. They spotted two guards on the roof, talking into walkie-talkies. The soldiers slid their guns through the holes of the gate, the target was the two guards on the roof.

In a split second, gun shots appeared in the skin of the guards, making them fall, and die. Blood spilled everywhere.

The headmaster took part in the plan as well. He snuck into the school, just behind some trees and bushes, he had a small bomb with him. He didn't take a minute to think about it, he immediately threw the bomb under the guards' car.

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