Not sure what else to do

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"Okay, anybody hand me a lighter, snuffy come on" snuffy handed Ricky a lighter from his pocket.
"Oh god! Ugh!" "Fuck!" Joey was twisting and turning on his bed, struggling in pain. I couldn't even look at him like that.

He was in so much pain.
"I'm sorry I have to this to you, it's the only way to stop it from bleeding. Or you'll die" Ricky told Joey as he bent down next to him. He held the lighter under a metal spoon as he burned it.

"Oh damn it, fuck, please don't" Joey said
"I have to"
"N- No"
"Come on Joey just stay calm" billy said. "It's okay" I said as I laid my thumb over and index finger under his chin. He looked at me. I kneeled down on the floor to look at him properly. I kissed the top of his forehead.

Ricky nodded at me

"Ugh!" Joey groaned in pain.
"Alright" Ricky said. He held the spoon inches away from Joey's skin.

Joey was breathing heavily. But he screamed when the spoon came in contact with his skin
"Fuck! Oh god! Ugh, S- Stop" he was yelling. Ricky's hand was shaking as he held back the burning spoon from Joey's skin. Joey was on the verge of tears.

I was waiting for Ricky to come out of the bathroom. He was washing his hands from the blood.
He came out of the bathroom. "You okay?" I asked
"Yeah" he said
"Wait, your jacket has blood on it" he said. "Yeah, I know" I said as I looked at it. "Do you want me to get you another one?"
"No, thanks" I said

"Well here, take mine. Actually it's joey's, but he wouldn't mind" Ricky took off his jacket and handed to me. "Thanks" I said as I took off my own. I threw it on the floor and put on the jacket Ricky gave me.

I picked up my jacket and threw it in the bathroom floor. "I never even liked it" I said.
Ricky chuckled
We both headed back to the boys' room. Joey was standing up while billy stuck a white bandage over his bruise.

"Th- thanks, billy" Joey said
Billy nodded in return. "You alright?" He asked him. "Yeah" Joey replied. "Good" billy replied.

Then billy punched Joey's shoulder gently. "Don't you ever do that again, you stupid ass" Billy said seriously, angrily, but gently and sweet.
I don't know how he does that. When he wants to sound mad and angry, he sounds sweet and soothing.

Joey sighed and nodded. His head turned to look at me. I smiled at him as I leaned to my side on the door frame.
He walked to me and wrapped both hands around my waist. I laid my hands on his arms.

"I'm sorry" he whispered as his forehead pressed against mine, and his shirtless body touched me. Hm...

"For what?"
"I don't know, I'm just...sorry" he whispered.

He gently pressed his lips on mine. His lips touched my ears as he whispered "I love you"

I couldn't help but smile. "I love you too"
"Alright love birds" we heard Ricky say. We both looked at the boys who were looking at us.

Snuffy turned off the lights. The brightness of the stars looked beautiful. It shine through the window, beautifully.

The boys all tucked into bed. "I can't go to sleep on my bed"
"Well you can't sleep on the floor" Hank said
"Why not?" He asked. "Suit yourself, man" he said and laid down on his bed.

Joey struggled to sit on the floor by the window. The window was literally over his head. I looked at him and smiled softly. I sat beside him. "What are you doing?" He asked
"I wanna stay with you" I said
"You can't sleep on the floor, my bed is empty"

My thumb rested on his cheek as I stroked it. "I wanna stay with you" I whispered
He looked at me with this shimmering brown eyes and nodded.
I laid my head on his chest and my hands on his stomach. His hands were around me and I couldn't help but feel safe in his arms.

He leaned in closer to me, I felt his chin on my head. "Goodnight, baby" he whispered
"Goodnight" I whispered back

The lights outside kept shining brightly into the room I couldn't sleep. I kept my eyes open this whole time thinking. Just thinking

I didn't want to move my head in case I woke up Joey. I stayed still on his chest, in his arms. Peacefully.

"Sweetheart" he whispered
I moved my head to look up at him "yeah?" "You're awake" he said, still whispering
"I can't sleep"

"Me neither" he replied
We stayed here, siting down on the floor, our backs on the wall, in his arms
His hands trailed up and down my back.
"Yeah, baby?" I felt tingly inside when he called me that.
"Will we ever get outta here?"

Another minute of silence. Every time he does that, I sense that something is wrong
"...I don't know"
"I thought you always had all the answers"

He looked at me with those eyes that killed me each time.
"I'm not sure what else to do" he said

"You don't have to do anything"
"I wanna protect you"
"You don't have to do that" I said. His face was only inches away from mine.

"Yes I do. I can't watch you get hurt" I know he was only being protective, but it's annoying sometimes I wish he'd stop worrying about me a lot.

"I know"
He moved a strand of hair off of my face.The next thing I knew, his lips pressed against mine.

Gently and softly kissing me. His hands were still around my waist. He moved my hair away from my neck and started leaving kisses on it.

This was literally happening. Shit

He was still kissing my neck. "Baby?" He whispered
"You're beautiful"
I didn't know what to say to that. What do I do? Do I just sit there letting him leave kisses everywhere

"I love you" I told him
"I love you too" he said and pressed his lips against mine once again.


but anyway, this story is a flop, it's bad, it's bad news, stop reading !

Kidding, don't stop reading. Hold on to that feeling. Lol

Anyway, This story may seem sort of like a toy soldiers fan fiction instead of a Joey Trotta one, but it's not. It's not I tell you.

OK, bye
And don't forget to subscribe! I mean don't forget to comment!

Yep, that's more like it
See y'all's later !

WheatonTrotta, OUT!

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