Letting you go

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We were all out in the quad. After having breakfast and being counted.
All the students were now laughing and enjoying their last night here. Maybe. If the dean lets us go, he probably wouldn't though.

Billy, Derek, Ted, Hank, Ricky, and Snuffy were all running around playing soccer. While Joey and I were sitting on the grass by a tree. Joey was drawing in his notebook with his back leaning against the tree, and his legs spread out onto the grass.

I sighed while thinking the plan through in my head again. "Are you okay?" Joey asked me
"Yeah, I'm fine" I nodded. "I can't believe we're finally getting out of here" Joey said
I nodded "yeah"

He looked at me as he placed his notebook on the grass, beside him.
"C'mere" he told me as he patted a spot between his legs. Is he literally telling me to sit between his legs.

Well I ain't saying no to that

I sighed and walked on my knees towards him. He spread out his legs as he held out his hands for me. I sat on my knees between his legs while he rested his head on my back.

I laughed "what are you doing?"
He chuckled
"I miss spending alone time with you" he said. "You pervert" I laughed. "I'm no pervert" he said as he laid his hands on my waist. My back was literally leaning on his chest.

I felt him move my hair from my neck as he pressed his chin on my left shoulder.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked me in concern.
I turned around to face him, still in between his legs.
"I'm fine" I smiled as I pressed my forehead against his. He closed his eyes.

"Hey there you two" Ricky came and sat down next to us.
"Hey" we both said as we looked at him. "Are you guys ready?" He asked us. We both nodded
"The plan is gonna start in two hours, yeah?"
"Yeah" I said

He nodded his head.
"Watch out!" We heard Hank yell. A ball came hurdling towards us. Joey ducked his head as it hit the tree branch and bounced back towards Hank and snuffy

Billy tackled them as Ted and Derek were kicking the ball around.
"That was damn close" Joey laughed
I chuckled as I looked at him

"Would you guys stop that? You're grossing me out" Ricky said
"Why do you guys always say that?" I asked. "Because you two are gross" Ricky said

I hit his shoulder as I sat properly next to him, with my back on the tree branch.
Ricardo looked at the five girls sitting on the grass by the stairs. Chesy and Josie were there.

"Just talk to her" I said
"What?" He asked in confusion as he looked at me. "Talk to her" I repeated.

Ricardo shook his head "no. She'd think I'm a creep" he said
"No she won't, she likes you" I said

"She does?" He asked
"Yeah. She  told me yesterday" I admitted. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked
I shrugged while raising my eyebrows.

He looked back at her. "Do you think she'd wanna talk to me?" He asked
"Go ahead man, she'll talk" Joey said
Ricky nodded his head. He stood up and looked at her again.

"If you're lucky, she'll bite" Joey smirked as I laughed.
Ricky shook his head and flicked him away like a bug. He made his first move by walking towards her

Sooner or later, Billy, Hank, Snuffy, Yoghurt, and Ted sat down beside us
"Hey guys" Joey said
"Just an hour left till the plan starts, okay?" Billy asked
"Okay" I said

"Wait, Chesy. I can explain!" We heard Ricky say as the girl walked away in anger.
He headed towards us. "What happened?" I asked
"She fucking slapped me, Les" Ricky said as he held his hand to his cheek. "I didn't know she'd do that" I said

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