Terorists attacked

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9 AM in the Morning

Leslie's POV

The boys and girls were all surrounding something, Yelling and cheering. The headmaster walked passed them and saw his whole office in the front lawn.

Him and the headmaster stood in the middle of the lawn and talked
They both didn't have frowns on their faces, just curiosity.
"any idea who did it?"
"A very good idea"

He looked at the crowd of students, and sighed.
His eyes went from one place to another. Then he looked at Billy

"You" he pointed at billy

"Oh, billy" we heard people laugh in the crowd.
"and you" me and Joey "and you two" to Riccardo and snuffy

He motioned Hank To come forward as well.

We all stood together in the middle. "You ladies and gentlemen, have the honor of returning this furniture to its original place"

We all stood there either laughing, or looking at each other. Billy threw his banana peel in the trash. And we all just laughed harder.

"Pick. Up. That. Banana"

"Ooohhh" the crowed said
Billy did as he was told, and Ricky and I high-fived each other

"Are there any objections?"
"No sir" we all said in unison.


We were getting breakfast at the cafeteria. Joey was behind me and billy and Hank were in front of me, as Ricky and snuffy and the others were behind Joey.

"Thanks man" Joey told Billy
We were all talking about all of the times we out smarted the headmaster and Dean.
"I know, especially that time" I laughed
Billy gave me a high five as we walked in line

A kid walked by with pudding in his tray. And Billy, being the evil genius he is, dipped his finger in the pudding cup and licked it.

Wow, Billy

"That's gross don't do that" I said
"Try and stop me" Billy said with a smirk as he licked his finger once more.

Seriously, Billy?

After a couple minutes, we heard some gunshots. What the hell.
About two seconds later, a group of men walked in on us. There was complete silence

All of us had our eyes on them.The man started firing his gun up in the air
There were screams and gasps and everyone ducked under tables
I felt someone pull me down against the food table. It was Joey. He held my hand tightly and sat incredibly close. He looked at me "Les"
"Joey what the hells happening?" I whispered

"I don't know" he panicked
Another man walked in and he was dressed in full black. Damn it, he looked scary.
My heart was pounding


"Come here Giles"
Hank walked passed Billy and into the front of the crowd. "Your father is representative Henry Giles Jr.?"

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