Falling apart

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"Okay fine. Fine. I'm leaving" Joey said. "Good choice, Joseph. Good choice" the man said as he held my neck.

"Let her go" Joey said as he held out his arms for me. "Let her go, please" he repeated.
"You seem to care about her" Luis said
"I do, so let her go!" Joey yelled.

The man gave him a dirty look and he let me go. As soon as he did, Joey wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.
"Are you okay?" He whispered to me. I nodded
"I'm leaving. I have to go" he said
"What? No" I said

"I'll be okay, I promise. I'll be fine" he said with tensity.
"Joey I-"
"You'll be okay, you'll all be okay" he said as he held my chin up to look at him properly
"Hey. Hey" he whispered

"I love you" he said
"I love you too" I said with tears as I kissed him. "I'll see you soon, I promise" he whispered.

"Please be careful" I told him
"I'm always careful" he said
"I mean it, Joey" I said. He looked into my eyes for a moment "are you two down?!" We heard Luis yell.

"Asshole!" Joey yelled at him. Luis didn't frown or anything, he chuckled and rolled his eyes.

Joey placed his fingers under my chin again. "Look, I don't know if I'll see you again, but I do know that I love you so much, and I don't wanna leave you. But I can't let you get hurt, I can't let you go" he told me

Everyone was still looking at us. "I can't let go of you either" I said
He tilted his head to my left and kissed my left cheek. "I love you, baby" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too" I rested my head on his right shoulder before he let go of my hands.

I nodded. Joey looked at me me, Then at the man who had a smirk on his face. "Leave" he yelled at Joey
"Now!" He yelled again

Joey looked at us one more time before turning around to leave.
But being the idiot the is, he turned around and punched Luis.

Oh fuck!

"Joey!" Billy and I yelled as Luis kicked him.
"Joey stop!"

Joey tried to grab his gun. He kicked Luis five times in the knee, he elbowed his lips, but the man hit Joey's arm with his gun.

"Joey!" Ricky yelled
"Leave him alone!"

Then that's where my heart stopped. Everything turned around, it crashed down. Falling apart.

A gun shot was heard. And Joey fell to the ground.
"Joey!" I yelled.

He was lying still on the grass. "Joey!" Billy yelled.
Ricky held me back but Billy ran towards Joey.

"Let me go" I yelled at Ricky. But he let me go and I instantly ran towards Joey.
"Joey. Joey!" I cried as I fell to my knees. My hands were on his chest. Billy was on his knees as well. He was holding Joey's hand, crying.

I felt a lump in my throat when Joey's head moved. "B- Billy" he said. Barely.
"I'm- I'm s-s-sorry"

"Joey, stay with me buddy. Stay with me, come on" Billy said as he shook Joey's Hand slightly

His head tilted towards me. He reached out his hand to my cheek. "I - I - I love you" was all he said.

"No, no Joey please don't" I cried
His head tilted to the left and he laid still. His eyes wide open. Hank, Ricky, Snuffy, Derek, and Ted all walked up to Joey as the tears began streaming down their cheeks.

"No!" I cried
"No, no please no. Joey wake up, wake up! Jesus, wake up Joey!" I cried as I lifted his head on my lap.
I saw Billy look at me from the corner of my eyes. He had tears running down his cheeks.

Sooner or later, I felt warm arms tighten around me. I looked up to find my head buried in Billy's chest. I felt his heart beat, skip a few beats as well. He was crying. A lot.

Is this how it was supposed to end? Losing someone you love so much. Over something so stupid, he could've walked out of here alive, safe.
Is this how it feels like? When you lose someone you love.

To feel like a huge part of you fell apart. This lump in your throat that might never go away. His hands lay there, pale and cold.

Billy's hand was on top of Joey's face, he closed Joey's eyes and held me back in his arms.

Ricky's hands were on my back as the tears fell from his cheeks.
"Please wake up" was all I said. I've never cried so much in my life before.

Joey's gone, and all of his friends are suffering because of this. Because of stupid terrorists that had to attack this school. Out of all the kids, why Joey? Why the boy who mattered the most to me? To us?

I've never seen Billy cry this much either. Is this how it was supposed to end? With Joey dead on the grass?



So that just happened I'm sorry, I know it's stupid and it's cheesy and it sucks but Joey's dead and so am I.

Was I the only one who cried while watching his death scene, and not only that, but watching Billy Tepper cry made it ten times worse

I need a minute...

Okay well, this isn't the last of the story.
🚨Still two or three chapters to go. 🚨
Hopefully you'll stick to it and keep reading, so bye guyzzzzz

See ya later gurl!
Boy...cat, dog, fish, I don't know....I don't know.


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