Sounds like a plan, Billy

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We were all up in our dorm rooms. Billy was pacing, Joey was on his bed drawing in his notebook, snuffy, of course, was smoking, Ricky and Hank were playing a card game, and the two nerds were sitting on the ground messing around with a Mickey Mouse plastic jar.

I was laying in bed next to Joey, bouncing a ball in my hands while looking at Joey's drawings.

"Guys" he heard Billy say. We all ignored him and kept our heads in the clouds. "I have an idea, a big one. I've gotta plan to get these fuckers out of here"

"Billy, shut up, were tying to concentrate over here" Hank said as he shuffled a stack of cards.

"Would you guys listen to me?" He said.
"What?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Do you wanna get outta here or not?" He asked us
"Yeah" I said

"Okay then. Get up and listen to me, all of you" he said. I was still laying in bed, and no one cared.

Seconds later, he grabbed the ball and threw it on the ground. "Asshole" I said as I sat up.
He grabbed Joey's notebook and pencil, and threw them on the table. "Hey, man" Joey said

"Give me that!" Billy said as he grabbed the stack of cards in hanks' hands.
"Hey!" Ricky said as he punched Billy's back playfully

"Don't make me throw that cigarette" he pointed at snuffy. Snuffy rolled his eyes and blew smoke at him.

"Alright, what's you're genius plan?" I asked sarcastically
"Guys come on, this could be our ticket out of here" Billy told us.

"Okay okay, we're listening" Snuffy said
"Alright" Billy started

...... He talked and talked and talked. And his plan might actually work.
"Did you write that down?" He asked Joey
"Yeah yeah, I got it" he said

"Good, we'll started tomorrow" Billy said
"Why not now?" I asked
"Nah, it won't work now, tomorrow morning, during breakfast" Billy said

"Alright" I said
"You better be right about this" Ricky said. "Hey, I'm always right" Billy said.
"As long as there are machine guns, I'm in" Joey said

"Oh yeah so you could get yourself shot again" Hank said
"You know, this machine gun stuff must really run in mafia families" Snuffy said.

What the hell snuffy!

"You son of a bitch!" Joey yelled as he tackled him to the bed. "Hey hey!" I yelled as I tired to get him off snuffy

"Joey, take it easy" Billy said as he grabbed his arms. Ricky tried to help snuffy.
"Joey stop!" Hank yelled
"Joey!" I yelled. Billy pulled him off and snuffy was breathing heavily as Ricky and Hank held his arms.

"Hey I'm your friend, I can call you a fucking whop if I want to" Snuffy said
"Make up" Ricky told them.
Joey rubbed his eyes and fixed his shirt. Him and snuffy did a handshake.

"Sorry man, just don't call me a whop" Joey said
"Is it okay If I call you an asshole?" Snuffy asked with a smile. Joey chuckled and smiled "sure. Asshole, dickhead, whatever you want" Joey said

We all laughed at that.
"Yoghurt, got any candy around here?" Ricky asked him
"No" He said
"What about-" Ricky got cut off when we heard a knock on the door.

I let go of Joey's hand and went to open the door. I was surprised to see Chesy. She was crying.

"Hey, Les" she told me through her sobs.
"Hey Ches, are you okay?" I asked

Hank and Ricky stood behind me with their heads peeking through the door.
"Who's that?" I heard Ricky whisper
"I don't know" Hank whispered back.

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