James' POV*
I stood in the living room, watching as the TV shut off and all the lights in the house came back on. Just then, Aleks ran out of the room and up the stairs.
"Aleks! Aleks come back!" I yelled, but he didn't stop.I looked over at Jordan and he shook his head. Is he telling me not to go after him? I ignored him and went after Aleks. I wanted to make sure he was ok. I walked across the living room and up the stairs. I slowly walked to his door and put my ear on it, listening for anything. I'm probably being creepy.
I slowly opened the door which made a creaking noise. I opened it halfway then closed it, stepping in to see Aleks laying on his bed crying. I frowned at that. Why did the government have to do this to him? What the fuck is wrong with these people? I pushed my thoughts away and focused back on Aleks.
I made my way over to his bed and sat down. He either didn't notice me or didn't care. I put my hand on his back and started to rub up and down, trying to give him some comfort. That's when he looked up at me.
His brown eyes sparkled from his tears, but somehow made them look like the stars were in his eyes. I smiled at him and started to get up, thinking he wanted to be alone. But he grabbed my arm before I could move away. I turned around and before I knew it, he was hugging me. He had his arms around my neck and his head on my chest, wetting my white t-shirt with tears, but I didn't care.
I happily hugged him back, putting my hands around his torso. His hugs were comforting, they made me feel safe, forget all the things that were happening around me.
"I don't want you to leave sooner James," he said softly, sniffling. I was surprised that he would say that, but I thought the same exact thing. I didn't want to lose my Aleksandr because these stupid people wanted revenge.I hugged him tighter and rested my head on his shoulder.
"I'll never leave you Aleksandr. No matter what happens. I promise," I said sternly. We just stood there hugging each other. After a few minutes, he broke from me.
"I'm sorry, it's just that..." He said with a quiet voice. He put his head down and shook it. I gave him a confused look."What? What is it?" I said, softly putting my hands on his shoulders. His eyes connected back with mine. He shook his head and smiled.
" I don't know. Just something about you, it feels like I'm safer when I'm with you, like I can tell you anything and you'll help me. I just..." He trailed off again and sat on his bed. I sat down next to him and smiled.
" I know what you mean. I feel safer around you too. And if you need to tell me anything, tell me, don't hesitate," I said looking at him. His eyes trailed up and sparkled.I smiled and gave him another hug. I got up and started to walk out of his room.
"Where are you going?" He asked with a confused voice. That made my smile get wider.
"Going to make breakfast. It's still only morning you know," I laughed. His eyes got big and nodded.
"Oh yeah. I forgot what time of day it was." He laughed at his sentence, me joining in.He had a weird laugh. It was sometimes high pitched, sometimes like a middle school girl, and sometimes he did his famous 'snake laugh' which I liked a lot. His laugh made me laugh. People say I have the golden laugh, but I really think he does.
I walked out of his room, him following me downstairs to the kitchen. When we got into the kitchen, he opened the fridge and got out some milk. I watched him as he grabbed the cereal out of the cabinet and poured himself some. When he was done, he took his bowl and sat at the bar on a stool, and started to eat his breakfast. I just grabbed a S'mores Poptart and sat down next to him.
We both sat in silence for while, eating away at our food until Aleks broke it.
"Thanks James," he said quietly, looking up at me. I gave him a confused face. Why is he saying sorry? I didn't do anything.
"For what?" I laughed. He smiled at me and kept his gaze at me for a few moments.
"For everything you've done to help me. I would be a wreck without you." I felt my cheeks heat up. I smiled at him.
"Welcome buddy. Like I said, if you need anything let me know," I said patting his shoulder.He got up and put his bowl in the sink. He put some water in it to make it easier to clean later. I was halfway through my Poptart when I felt arms snake around my neck that made me shiver.
"What are you doing asshole?" I said blushing. I tried to turn around, but his chest was against my back. I tried to shake him off me, but he held his grip. Damn, he's stronger than I thought.Suddenly, he grabbed my Poptart and ran into the living room. I raced after him, making the stool fall over, almost falling myself.
"Aleks dammit! I'm fucking hungry! Give it back!" I yelled at him, but he just laughed. He shook his head and ran up the stairs into his room. I heard his door lock, leaving me alone in the living room.I went back into the kitchen and opened the cabinet to see another box of Poptarts. I happily opened the box to see nothing but a piece of paper. I took out the paper and inspected it. It had writing on it.
"Sorry about eating all of the Poptarts. I got hungry in the middle of the night. I know how much you hate empty boxes, so I left it here for ya. Don't worry though, I'll buy you more when Jordan gives me some money. The bad thing is that I don't think that'll ever happen. - Aleks"I stared at the note, reading it over again. Motherfucker. I sighed and walked into the living room, turning on the TV. I sat there watching Cops because why not? I love criticizing the people on that show. I heard someone coming down the stairs. I looked up to see Aleks coming into the living room. I smiled at him and he sat down next to me.
"Thanks for eating all of my Poptarts asshat," I said smiling at him. I was mad, but I couldn't be mad at him forever, so I gave up and decided to forgive him. He laughed at me.
"Anytime buddy."Thanks for reading this chapter. The next few chapters will have a little bit more to do with the Purge. If you have any ideas for chapters, let me know! Love you all!! -Michaela :D

The Beginning of The End ( NovaHD )
FanfictionWhen the whole world goes into The Purge for overpopulation, everyone must join. Everyone even The Creatures. They split up into groups of two and are placed around the globe. James and Aleks are in a group together fighting for their lives. Along t...