James' POV*
He sat back down next to me, sighing as he did. I thought for a second. Do we really want to play charades? I looked at Aleks, who was looking at me with a slight smile on his face.
"What are you smiling about?" I asked him. He slightly laughed.
"I don't know," he shrugged. "Just you."I felt the same way sometimes. I've been in love with Aleks since the day I've met him, I admit it, but I just don't have the guts to tell him. To be honest, I'm kind of scared to tell him.
What if he rejects me? What if he didn't want to be my friend anymore? What if he hated me for the rest of my life? These questions come into my mind every day. You should tell him! The world is about to be shit, you might not even see him after tomorrow!
I realized that Aleks was trying to get my attention.
"James? Are you alright?" He asked me in a concerned voice. I looked over to him and tried my best to smile.
"Yeah..yeah everything's fine," I said with a hollow voice. He shook his head and scooted closer to me."No, there is something wrong. I can tell. You have that look on your face," he said. I looked him in his eyes. Damn his eyes are beautiful.
"What look?" I laughed, gesturing to my face. "I don't have a look!" I said.He nodded.
"Yes you do, the same look you always have when somethings up. So, what's up?"I shivered as he put his hand on my shoulder. Should I tell him? What would he say?
Aleks' POV*
James sat motionless on his bed, staring at a spot in the room. Something was wrong, I could tell. He never daydreams unless something is up.I waved my hand in front of his face. Nothing. Damn, something must really be on his mind. I shook him by both of his shoulders, and he snapped back to reality.
"James? Are you alright?" I asked him.
"Yeah...yeah everything is fine," he said with a voice crack. He's lying. Why would he lie?I shook my head and scooted closer to him.
"No, there is something wrong. I can tell. You have that look on your face," I said. He looked up at me, and stared for a bit with a smile on his face.
"What look?" He said, slightly laughing. He's denying it, playing me dumb. "I don't have a look!" He insisted.I sighed.
"Yes you do, the same look you always have when somethings up. So, what's up?" I asked him, putting my hand on his shoulder, making him jump. I could feel him shaking underneath my hand. Is it that bad?He sighed loudly, making me look up at him. He was already looking at me. He turned so his body was facing me completely, my heart fluttering as he scooted closer, making our legs touch slightly.
Then, all was silent. We just stared at each other like it was a staring contest, except we would blink. James put his hand on my leg, making me blush, but I didn't break my gaze.
"Aleks, I um...I need to tell you something," he said, breaking the contest by looking down. He moved his other arm on my other leg, making him look up at me."What is it James? You can tell me anything," I said quietly. He look down with uncertainty.
"I promise," I said even more quietly. He was still looking down as he started to mumble.
"Hey," I said, lifting his chin with my hand. He blushed as I lifted his face so I could see him.
"I can't hear you," I said, and he nodded."Um.....it's just that...I can't! I can't do this!" He yelled. He took his hands off of my legs and put his head in his hands. I put my hand on his shoulder.
"It's ok, if you don't want to tell me, it's fine," I reassured him. He shook his head.
"I want to tell you but I just can't," he said softly. I nodded my head. I know how you feel James, I need to tell you something too, but I just can't say it. I don't want to ruin our friendship."James, if you won't say something, then I will," I said, my voice shaking slightly. He raised his head and nodded as for me to continue. Here it goes.
"James, we have been friends for years. And in those years I've discovered something about myself that I don't know how to explain. I don't know how, or when it started, but now see that it feels so right. So, James, I just want to say, for a long time now, I've lo-"
"Guys!" Jordan bursts through the door. Are..you..fucking..kidding..me.
James POV*
"So, James, I've just wanted to say, for a long time now, I've lo-"
"Guys!" Jordan burst through the door yelling. What the actual fuck Hordan!? What was Aleks going to say? Was he going to say he loved me? No James, stop it! He isn't like you!"What Hordan!?" I yelled, making both of them jump. Jordan held up his arm, a watch on it. I checked my watch. 2:58.
"Oh shit," I whispered. Aleks looked at me, his gaze holding my eyes.
"Let's go," he said holding out his hand. Does he want me to hold his hand? I blushed and took his hand, our fingers entwining perfectly.We got up and all headed downstairs to the living room where everyone else was. Everyone was in their groups, so me and Aleks stood by the couch. Everyone was silent, you could hear a pin drop on a rug.
Then, a loud knock came at the door. I checked my watch again.
I looked at Aleks who was looking at his watch as well. He looked up from it and looked at me, holding his gaze for a few seconds. I smiled at him, to which he smiled back. I was hesitant at first, but held out my hand to him, which he took without thinking. I love this man.Aleks' POV*
Here we are, standing by a couch, our hands intertwined together. Nothing could ruin this moment. At least I thought nothing could.Another loud knock from the door echoed through the house. We all looked at each other before we all approached the door in one big group. Jordan opened the door to reveal three big men in suits standing at the door, arms crossed.
I tightened my grip on James' hand, which he squeezed my hand back in reassurance. The men looked at us all.
"Are you all in different groups, or are you all going to separate?" One man asked us, his eyebrow raising. Jordan was the one to answer.
"We are three groups in total, two in each group," his voice shook. The man in front of the other two nodded."Ok, each group will take a different car, and go to the airport so you can get transported," the man explained. The man gestured behind him to reveal three giant cars.
"They remind me of the Insurgents from GTA V," I whispered. James laughed quietly, and I smiled.The man in front pointed to Seamus and Sly.
"You two in a group?" The man asked, to Sly nodded. "You two are coming with me, Sandlot, you take those two," he said pointing to Dan and Jordan. "And Merge, you take them," he said pointing at me and James.The other men nodded and went to stand by their cars, waiting for us. I turned to everyone, and gave them all a hug. I hugged Sly last.
"I'm going to miss you buddy, I really am," he said, a tear coming from his eye. I hugged him tighter.
"I'm going to miss you too. Take care of him, will ya Seamus?" I yelled over his shoulder, to which Seamus nodded.Sly gave me a salute, and headed to his chosen car.
Sly and I have been friend before I even met James. Without Sly, I never would of met the Creatures, or even James. We made a band called Stuck In Your Radio, which he was the lead singer, and I was the bassist. He's been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and I don't want to lose him because of the fucking government.
I looked back at James, and we both headed to our assigned car. We both got in, and the man started the car, the engined blaring. I took James' hand without even thinking, but he didn't pull away which made me feel better.
I don't want to lose Sly, but I could live with that. If I lost James, I could never live with myself, I don't know what I would do if I lost the love of my life.
Hey guys! Just a heads up, I'm writing another story! It's going to be a ImmortalHD x Reader story. I've been writing this story in my LA class, and I love it so much I'm going to put it on here! I hope you guys like it, and I'll get the first chapter out as soon as I can! - Michaela :D

The Beginning of The End ( NovaHD )
FanfictionWhen the whole world goes into The Purge for overpopulation, everyone must join. Everyone even The Creatures. They split up into groups of two and are placed around the globe. James and Aleks are in a group together fighting for their lives. Along t...