Aleks' POV*
"We're a good team then," I said smiling. I was glad to be on a team with James. If would feel weird not being in a team together. We always do everything together.
"The perfect team," he said quietly. My stomach fluttered again. What did he mean by that?Just then, the doorbell rang. James' eyes lit up.
"The pizza!" He yelled and ran to the door. I laughed at that. He always knows how to make me laugh. He opened the door, took out his wallet, and gave the man some money. He gave James the pizza and then shut the door.James smiled at me and gestured for me to come into the kitchen. I went into the kitchen to see Jordan and Dan not there. They must of moved. James was already taking out the plates and he handed me one. He opened the box and started to take 3 pieces.
"What the hell James there is are 6 of us not 3! Don't take all of it you hog!" I yelled playfully. He laughed at that.
"Well then you better stop complaining and start eating," he said, taking another slice. I smiled at him and quickly got a few slices before returning back into the living room, and sitting on the couch, James joining me.After a few minutes, everyone noticed the pizza and got some as well. Jordan was the last one to get some, and came and joined all of us.
"Alright guys. Everyone is in a group. Let's all just take a break and do whatever for the rest of the day. Don't worry about anything right now," Jordan said.
That's weird. Jordan usually never lets us take any breaks. Mostly on week days, no matter what happens. I would think he wouldn't let us take a break because of what happening, but I guess I'm wrong?I could tell James noticed it too. He gave Jordan a confused. Jordan got up, and went upstairs into his room. I looked over at James and he just smiled at me, making me smile back. James looked at his watch.
"It's getting pretty late Aleks. I'm probably going to head to sleep. We can finish talking tomorrow." I nodded and he got up, heading to his room. I got up as well and went into the kitchen.I was trying to think, but I didn't know what I was trying to think about. I sighed, my mind fuzzy and got a Pepsi Max out of the refrigerator. I opened it, making a hissing noise, and took a sip. I walked out of the kitchen, drink in hand, and walked upstairs to my room. When I got to my room I closed the door and went to my computer, checking my YouTube status. I hadn't posted a video in awhile so I decided to do an update video.
I set up my webcam and pushed the record button. I smiled at the camera and started talking.
"How's it going everyone? My name is Aleks or better known as ImmortalHD on the Internet. This is a quick Update Time. So as you may all know, the Purge is upon us." I stopped talking for a second. I didn't know what to say but I tried to continue anyway.
"I know that you may all be worried, and that's ok. I'm worried too, about all my friends, and all of my Nobs," I said smiling. I felt like I was about to cry."I want you all to know that I love each and every one of you, no matter what happens. The group is being separated into groups of 2," I said, trying to change the subject.
" Jordan and Dan are one group, Sly and Seamus are a group, and James and I are another. I'm scared about what is going to happen to my friends. I really am. But I want you all to just believe and have faith in yourselves. I love you guys."A tear rolled down my cheek as I turned off the camera. I didn't want to edit the video so I just uploaded it. I left my computer on so my video could process. I laid on my bed and just stared at the ceiling. I couldn't thing straight again.
All I could think about was James. How am I supposed to keep him safe? What if he gets hurt and I can't help him? What if I get hurt and I slow him down? What if I get him killed?
All of my thoughts disappeared as I slowly drifted into a deep sleep.
Thanks for reading the chapter everyone! Just asking, how am I doing so far? I need to know If I should keep going on with this story. Anyways thanks again! Give me ideas of you have any! -Michaela :D

The Beginning of The End ( NovaHD )
FanfictionWhen the whole world goes into The Purge for overpopulation, everyone must join. Everyone even The Creatures. They split up into groups of two and are placed around the globe. James and Aleks are in a group together fighting for their lives. Along t...