Aleks' POV*
After I told James about my dreams, he gave me another hug. I felt guilty about not telling him about some parts, I just couldn't bare to handle what he would think. I didn't even know what I thought on those dreams that I had. Dreams are just dreams, right?The man coughed loudly, making me and James come apart.
"I still have to give you the shot," he said, holding up a needle. I stepped in front of everyone, facing the man.
"What the hell did you do to me? I can't even feel the pain in my arm anymore!" I said, holding up my arm. The man just laughed."It's a chemical. The orange liquid that I put on your arm before I cut it made your arm heal much faster. It also make you a little stronger for a period of time," the man explained. Damn dude.
"So your saying if I take this off, the cut will be gone?" The man thought for a second, looking around the room.
"Eh, there would probably be a mark where the cut was, but that's about it," he said.I slowly unraveled the bandages on my left arm to reveal a big bruise on where the cut should of been. It ran from my wrist to the increase of my elbow. I stared at it, stunned.
"Holy shit Aleks!" James said, shaking my shoulders. I looked at him and he has the biggest smile on his face. I smiled at him and turned back to the man in the suit.
"Thank you," I said smiling. He smiled back, and started to talk again.James' POV*
"Alright everyone listen up. This injection will hurt, kind of like a bee sting, but you won't be able to feel it about 10 minutes after I give it to you," he explained. What the fuck is with this guy and pain?I looked over towards Aleks, he was looking at me, just standing there with a blank face. I gave him a confused look. He quickly looked away, red coming to his cheeks. Butterflies came to my stomach once again. Your so weird Aleksandr, so so weird.
The man had a lot of needles on the table. Fuck, I hate needles. Eddie stepped up first. He sat on a stool and held out his arm. He looked over towards me and I gave him a smile. He smiled back. That's the first time I've seen him smile in a long time.
Eddie looked back up towards the man. He had the needle in his hand. It had the glowing orange liquid in it. He was hovering it over Eddie's arm, looking for a certain spot in his arm. The man looked back up at Sly.
"You ready son?" The man asked. Sly nodded, and the man plunged the needle in his arm.Sly's face was etched with pain, he was clenching his teeth together, trying not to yell. The man took the needle out of his arm, the liquid drained out of it and was now in Sly's arm. When he took it out, Sly got up and walked out of the kitchen, holding his arm.
I realized that I was shaking. Eddie never felt pain, even if he was, he would never show it. Aleks looked at me, worry filling his eyes. Might as well get it over with. I stepped up to the stool and sat down. Aleks stood beside me, holding my hand. Butterflies came to my stomach again. He's just trying to make me feel better.
The man got another needle and hovered it over my arm, trying to find the right spot. Once he found it, he looked up at me. I looked over at Aleks, who was looking at me, his chocolate eyes shining. He squeezed my hand tighter, which I squeezed his hand back in reassurance. I nodded at the man, and he put the needle in my arm, him pushing a red button on it, releasing the liquid into my arm.
The pain started slow, I could handle it. But then, it got worse...much worse.
It started to burn, like my arm was on fire. But then, it was like needles going into my arm, like I was getting a tattoo done on my whole arm. I clenched my teeth, trying not to yell out. I took a big breath and breathed out slowly, but it didn't help.
Aleks was still holding my hand, but was now crouched in front of me. I closed my eyes, trying to think of something else.
"James? Are you ok?" Aleks asked me in a worried voice. I shook my head. Does it look like I'm fucking ok?I opened my eyes. Aleks was still in front of me, his eyes full of worry. I could tell he was shaking. He suddenly got up and walked over to the man.
"What the hell did you do to him?" He yelled at him. Damn it Aleks, now is not the time. I tried to get off of the stool, but fell off of it instead.Aleks ran over to me and tried to help me up. He surprisingly pulled me up with ease, and slung my arm over his shoulders. He put his arm under my arm to support me. He slowly walked with me until we reached the stairs. I
can't do that shit."A-Aleks, I c-can't," I whispered. He looked at me with worry.
"James, trust me," he said holding out his hand. I gave him a confused look. He slightly smiled.
"Trust me, please," he pleaded. Then it hit me. He wants to carry me?"Aleks I'm t-to heavy. You'll d-drop me," I stuttered. He shook his head. What is with this boy today?
"Please James," he asked. I sighed. If he really wants to try. I took his hand and leaned into him so my head was on his chest, one of his hands on my back and on my waist. I nodded, and he surprisingly lifted me up with ease, carrying my bridal style up the stairs.He carried me to my room and set me down on my bed. I laid down and relaxed. Aleks laid down by my side, and I stared at the ceiling. I looked over at him, he was staring at me. His eyes are so pretty. I couldn't disagree with my thoughts. His eyes are pretty.
We kept staring into each others eyes until I laughed. He smiled at me.
"What's so funny?" He asked me.
"I'm not really sure" I laughed. This time, he laughed with me. I turned my gaze back to the ceiling and closed my eyes.But before I drifted away, I thought felt something warm against my lips..or maybe it was just my imagination?
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile! School got me going in different directions. I'll be uploading a lot sooner now! I was also stuck on this chapter, but not anymore! The next chapter, well... Just brace yourselves, that's all I'll say.
Love you guys! -Michaela :D

The Beginning of The End ( NovaHD )
FanfictionWhen the whole world goes into The Purge for overpopulation, everyone must join. Everyone even The Creatures. They split up into groups of two and are placed around the globe. James and Aleks are in a group together fighting for their lives. Along t...