James' POV*
I stood by Jordan as the man rubbed the cloth on Aleks' arm, making it glow a slight orange. Aleks looked over to me, his brown eyes sparkling. I was worried about what the man was going to do to him, but I tried my best to smile.The man picked up the knife and turned towards Aleks.
"Now since your the youngest one in this house, I will need to do a little extra precaution," the man said, giving Aleks a stern look. What does he mean extra precaution? Aleks gave the man a confusing look.
"I'm sorry son. I'm going to need to make a large cut into your arm. This will hurt very badly but it needs to be done for government reasons."I felt my heart drop. Fuck. That. Aleks pulled away his arm roughly, making the man stumble back a few steps.
"Your not fucking cutting into my arm! This shit is ridiculous!" Aleks yelled. I stepped in front of the man so he couldn't get to Aleks. I don't know why, but I felt like I needed to protect him.Your not going to hurt my Aleks. The man crossed his arms.
"Sir it's either let me cut your arm, or I kill you. Government rules," the man said sternly. I felt like I was going to collapse. I had tears in my eyes, and turned around to find Aleks staring at me.He gave me a smile, but then stepped in front of me to face the man. He stood there for a second. Was he seriously thinking about this? There is nothing to think about! Aleks finally looked up towards the man and spoke.
"I'd rather die and not feel the pain than go through all this shit." My stomach dropped. How could he think like that?I grabbed his shoulders and spun him around to make him face towards me.
"No Aleks. Your not going to die, let him cut your arm! Please! I don't care how much it hurts, at least you will be alive!" I spoke quietly at him. He was starting to cry too. But I didn't expect to say my next words.
"I can't live without you!" His eyes got wide with surprise. But it was true, I couldn't live without him. He actually was one of the reasons that reminded me why I was living.Without him, I wouldn't have a reason. He smiled and turned around, but froze. I felt him tense up, and I looked over his shoulder. The man had a gun pointed to his head. The man had began to count down, and Aleks hadn't said anything.
"Aleks! Snap out of it!" I yelled into his ear, making him jump. He immediately held out his arm to the man. The man looked at his arm and nodded, putting the gun down and picking the knife up.Aleks sat down on a stool at the bar shaking with fear. His tattooed arm was down at his side. He had his hand in a fist, his fingernails digging into his skin making it turn red. He is going to hurt himself more if he does that. I tapped him on the shoulder, making him look up at me. I held out my hand to him and he gave me a confused look.
"What are you doing?" He asked. I pointed towards his hand.
"Don't do that. Squeeze my hand instead, your just hurting yourself even more," I said trying to smile.
"Won't I just hurt you instead?" He said. I laughed at that. Aleks is strong, but not as strong as me. He smiled at me, making me feel a little relieved.
"I'll be find. I think I can handle it," I said smiling.He took my hand, our fingers intwining perfectly. Like a glove. He started to gently squeeze my hand, even though the knife was nowhere near his arm. I would be scared too.The man picked up the knife and put it above Aleks' arm.
"Ready?" The man asked Aleks. I could feel him shaking, so I put my hand on his shoulder and gripped it tightly, trying to make him feel better. I stepped closer towards Aleks so my chest was against his head. I took in a shaky breath, nervous.Aleks took in a deep breath and nodded at the man. The man slowly put the knife onto his arm, barley pressing it to his skin. All of the other Creatures left the kitchen. The knife cut into his arm, making blood gush out of it. I looked away and Aleks cried of pain. He shouldn't have to suffer like this because of the fucking government! I tightened my grip on his shoulder, me tensing up. I looked back to his arm to see blood everywhere. The man was still cutting his forearm.
But then, Aleks' weight got heavier on my. He fell back onto my chest and I caught him. The man had finished cutting and was putting a bandage around his arm.
"Aleks?" I whispered into his ear, but he didn't budge. I started to freak out.
"Aleks!! Aleks wake up!" I yelled. All of the others came running into the kitchen, mouths opened and eyes wide.The man stepped back and put everything into his briefcase.
"I'll be back tomorrow, but will give you all a shot. The shot will give you a tracking liquid. The liquid will help us find your location," the man said. Without another word, he picked up the briefcase and left. They never tell us anything, do they?Aleks was still breathing, but he had a fever. I picked him up bridal style and carried him upstairs to his bedroom. I laid him on his bed and ran into the bathroom to get some medicine to help his fever go down. I went back into his room and sat him up, gave him the medicine, and laid him back down. Please come back to me.
I stayed in his room with him all day. Everyone came to visit him and ask how he was doing. It was now night time and he hadn't moved a muscle. I laid in his bed on my side, staring at him. His face was perfect when he slept. He had a slight smile on his face. Is he dreaming about something?
Suddenly, he started to turn into his back. Thank god he's moving. I smiled at him and laid there for a few more minutes. I was getting tired, but didn't want to leave Aleks alone. I went into my room, grabbed my pillow, and went back into Aleks' room and laid on his bed. I moved the hair out of his face to see him smiling still.
Damn he is so adorable. Wait, what? I shook the thought out of my head and scooted closer towards him. He had all the covers and was hogging them. I wanted him to be warm, but I was freezing. I reached over him and grabbed more of the covers, but he was laying on them. When I tried to pull the blankets, they didn't budge. I fell on top of him, the wind getting knocked out of me.
My head was on his chest and my arm around his torso. He was actually really warm. I was too tired to get up so I just stayed there. Then, he started to smuggle closer towards me. His arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer. Great. What a dream he's having.
I took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. He smelled like fresh baked cookies. I smiled into his chest, and slowly drifted into a sleep. Please wake up soon Aleksandr. I need you to be with me again.

The Beginning of The End ( NovaHD )
FanfictionWhen the whole world goes into The Purge for overpopulation, everyone must join. Everyone even The Creatures. They split up into groups of two and are placed around the globe. James and Aleks are in a group together fighting for their lives. Along t...