Aleks' POV*
I sat on the couch by James, watching TV. I felt bad for eating his Poptarts, but I liked bothering him. He always got mad and yelled at me. But for a few weeks now, he hasn't got that mad. Even when he was, he wouldn't stay mad at me for long. I wonder why?We were watching cartoons on the TV. Then suddenly, the lights went off again. Can I watch 5 minutes of TV without this lady talking? I looked over to James to see worry in his eyes. He looked over to me, but tried his best to smile. That's when the TV flickered on again. The lady was sitting there like she usually did.
What is it now? I've cried enough for one day.
"Hey guys! The stupid lady is on the TV again!" I yelled. They all came running into the living room and stared at the TV.
"What the hell does she want now? She keeps turning off the damn lights and we can't see shit!" Seamus said. I just shrugged. I didn't know anything. I just wanted this whole Purge thing to be over."Good morning everyone. This is an important announcement. Since everyone is taking part in the Purge, you will all need a tracker. You will need these for important reasons. Those reasons I cannot state under government law. Over the next few days, an officer of ours will come to your house and give you a tracker. Don't ask questions. If you refuse this tracker, you will be executed. That's all for now, good day."
I was sick and tired of this. What secrets are they hiding from us? I felt an arm go around my shoulder. I knew it was James, he always stood by me wherever I was. I looked over to him to see him looking at the ground. I stared at him for a few minutes until he looked up at me and smiled. Then, a loud knock on the door interrupted my gaze.
I looked over to Jordan who slowly went towards the door. He opened it and there stood a man with a suit on. Jordan looked over to us and looked back to the man before he spoke.
"Um... Hello. May I help you?" His voice shook when he spoke.
"I am here to give you your trackers," his deep voice rumbled. Damn dude, he got here quick. Without Jordan telling him to, he stepped into the house and into the kitchen.He had a briefcase and set it down on the table. He opened it to reveal a cloth, a bottle of something that glowed orange, and a weird looking knife. Why does he have a knife? Protective reasons? The man looked up to Jordan.
"Who is the youngest here?" He asked. Jordan looked over to me. Well shit. I stepped into the kitchen to where the man was, James' arm falling off my shoulder. The man looked up at me and smiled."Hello. And your name?" You seriously want to know my name? Why does it matter? I didn't want to be rude so I answered him.
"Aleks," I said quietly, looking down at the ground. He nodded and took out the bottle and the cloth. He opened the bottle and put some of the orange liquid on it, making the cloth glow. James had come into the kitchen and was now standing by Jordan across from me. I gave him a smile and he worriedly smiled back.The man grabbed my arm, making me jump. He rubbed the cloth on my bare arm, making it tingle slightly. Thank god he didn't put this on my tattooed arm. He put the bottle and cloth on the table and got the knife. I started to shake with fear.
"Now since your the youngest one in this house, I will need to do a little extra precaution," he said with a stern look. I gave him a questioning look.
"I'm sorry son. I'm going to need to make a large cut into your arm. This will hurt very badly but it needs to be done for government reasons."I felt my stomach drop. I yanked my arm away from him, making him step back.
"Your not fucking cutting into my arm! That shit is ridiculous!" I yelled at the man. James stepped in front of me and faced the man, blocking my view of the him since James was taller than me.
"Sir it's either let me cut your arm, or I kill you. Government rules," the man said crossing his arms.James looked back at me, tears in his eyes. I gave him a smile but then stepped in front of him. I thought for a second but then spoke.
"I'd rather die and not feel the pain than go through all this shit," I said sternly, making the man's eyes widen in surprise. James spun me around and held my shoulders tightly.
"No Aleks. Your not going going to die, let him cut your arm! Please! I don't care how much it hurts, at least you will be alive! Please Aleks! I can't live without you!" He spoke quietly to me. His last words made my eyes widen. What does he mean by that?But when I turned around, the man had a gun pointed to my head. Everyone had come into the kitchen at this point, eyes wide, mouths opened, just standing there. I was so scared I froze up, unable to move or speak. He pushed the gun closer to my forehead. I felt the cold metal of the gun against my head. I heard the man beginning to count down from 5. That's when James spoke up.
"Aleks! Snap out of it!" He yelled into my ear making my jump. I snapped awake and held out my bare arm to him. He looked at my arm and nodded, putting the gun down. I sat down on a stool by the bar. The man was holding my arm. I could tell he was shaking too.
What was he so scared about? I put my other hand in a fist, my fingernails digging into my skin. James tapped me on the shoulder and held out his hand.
"What are you doing?" I asked him. He gestured towards my hand.
"Don't do that. Squeeze my hand instead, your just hurting yourself even more," he said slightly smiling.
"Won't I just hurt you instead?" He laughed at that, making me smile a little.
"I'll be fine. I think I can handle it." I took his hand and started to gently squeeze it, even though the knife wasn't even in my arm. James always made me feel better, even in the worse situations.The man picked up the knife and hovered it over my forearm.
"Ready?" He said, making me shiver. James put his other hand on my shoulder, making me feel a little bit calmer. I could feel his chest on the back of my head. I took a deep breath in and nodded. I heard James take a shaky breath. He is just as nervous as I am. I tried to focus on something else as the man lowered he knife into my arm, barely pressing it against my skin. I focused on James, my mind wondering places in my head.But then my thoughts were cut short when I felt a sting on my arm. It shot up my whole arm making me tense up. It got worse and I screamed out in pain, James tightening his grip on my shoulder. I squeezed his hand as hard as I could. Then I started to get dizzy.
I opened my eyes slightly to see blood oozing from my arm, the knife still cutting it, making it burn even worse. My eyes suddenly got heavy, and I couldn't hold their weight anymore. I felt myself falling backwards but was caught by something against my back. I knew exactly what it was too. James was holding me up.
I could barley hear James yelling something but got more distant as I slowly blacked out, not seeing or hearing anything.
Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry if it wasn't good, I wrote it at 2 in the morning. I'll be doing some twists to the story and a lot more so stay tuned. Love ya!! -Michaela :D

The Beginning of The End ( NovaHD )
FanfictionWhen the whole world goes into The Purge for overpopulation, everyone must join. Everyone even The Creatures. They split up into groups of two and are placed around the globe. James and Aleks are in a group together fighting for their lives. Along t...