Aleks' POV*
James sat by me, our hands still connected. He makes me feel so safe. I looked over to him. He was looking out of the window, the Colorado mountains towering in the distance with snow on the tops of each one. I didn't look at the mountains though, I looked at James. He was enough of a view for me.He wore a black beanie on his head that had TheCreatures written in the front of it in white, his black curly hair flowed out from underneath it. He started to close his eyes, but then opened them again. He must be getting tired.
He did that a few times before shutting his eyes completely, and didn't open them again. I smiled at him, his breaths slowing and getting deeper. I don't blame him, the ride has been long, and I don't know where were going, we passed the Denver airport like 10 minutes ago.
James' head started to slide across the seat towards the window where a metal bar was. I caught his head, and put it upright again. Who wants to be woken up with a throbbing head? That shit would of hurt. The car shook from a pothole in the road, and his head slid onto my shoulder.
I was stuck in an truck, holding hands with James, and his head is on my shoulder...great.
A few minutes later, he started to shuffle around. He put his arm around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck. I felt myself blush and I smiled to myself.
"Aleks," he whispered in my ear which made me shiver.
"Yeah?" I whispered back, but received no answer.Is he still sleeping and having a dream? I tipped my head so I could see him better. His eyes were still closed and he was still breathing deeply.
"Having a dream there buddy?" I whispered to him, even though I knew he couldn't hear me.About an hour into the trip, I dozed off, and fell asleep.
I woke up in a car, James sitting at my side. He looks at me and smiles.
"I love you Aleksandr, I always have." My heart stopped. He loves me? I smiled back, I felt myself blushing.
"I love you to James," I said quietly.He started to lean towards me, the space between us closing. Right before our lips could touch, all went black.
My eyes fluttered open to reveal the cloudy sky, the sun hidden behind the grey clouds. Then I remembered James. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I lifted my head to see a big grey truck in a ditch. ' That was the car I was in with James,' I thought.
I got up, even though it was difficult at first. I had to see if James was ok. I made it to the car to see bent and twisted metal coming off of the truck. I could barley see through the back window, but I saw something. It was James' yellow watch.
I went to his side of the truck and forced the door open. James was inside, blood on his face and his legs, and a big cut on his arm. His arm that wore the watch was above his head. Thank god I gave him that watch, I probably wouldn't of found him without it.
I made my way to his side, when suddenly, he sat up. He looked around frantically, then saw me and calmed down.
"Aleks?" He asked, which I nodded to. He tried to get out of the truck, but he wouldn't budge."Aleks, my legs are stuck, I can't get out," he said.
"Then I'll help you!" I tried to pull the piece of metal that was trapping his legs, but it wouldn't move an inch. "There is gotta be something I could do!" I yelled. I realized I was staring to cry."He held out his free hand to me and caressed my cheekbone with his thumb. I started to cry even more, my lip trembling. He wiped my tears away.
"Hey it's alright. You will be ok," he said calmly. I shook my head.
"I can't live without you James," I whispered to him, tears pouring down my face. He started to cry too."I love you Aleks," he said in a deep breath. He was loosing blood. I broke down, I couldn't handle it anymore.
"I love you too," I finally said in between sobs. He smiled at me.
"Always remember that.... I've always always....will..."His eyes shut and the rising and falling of his chest stopped. Then I knew, he was gone.I woke with a start, jumping from a warm place my head had laid on. Then I realized, I had slept on James' shoulder. From what it looked like, he was still fast asleep. I smiled at him and laid my head back on his shoulder.
"About 3 more hours until we get there," the man that was driving said. I responded with a hum and put my hand on James' leg. He doesn't know how safe he makes me feel. Before I fell back asleep, I kissed him on the cheek. I hope he didn't feel that. That would be kinda awkward.
James' POV*
I groggily opened my eyes, I was still tired. I moved my head to the left, but bumped into something hard.
"Ow, fuck," I complained. I had bumped into Aleks' head.He stirred for a moment, then relaxed on my shoulder again.
"Damn man, you got a hard head," I laughed.I then felt a throbbing on my cheek. I felt my cheek which was warm. Why is my cheek warm? I shook it off and looked out the window. There was no longer mountains towering in the distance. It was all desert, a few palm trees here and there. The sand dunes were resembling the Colorado mountains.
Then, a building came into view which looked like a giant mall. As we got closer, I could tell it wasn't a mall at all. It was an army base. Helicopters and airplanes were taking off and landing, coming and going quickly.
I shook Aleks awake.
"Where are we?" He said dazed from sleep. I pointed over to the base as a United Airlines flew overhead.
"Alright boys," the man said. "This is the last place you will ever see your friends in a long time. This is the place you will get transported from."Shivers came from my body. Aleks took my hand and smiled at me.
"Don't worry," he said quietly. I just nodded. I didn't want to worry about anything right now, just me and Aleks.Aleks is all I worry about anyways...

The Beginning of The End ( NovaHD )
FanfictionWhen the whole world goes into The Purge for overpopulation, everyone must join. Everyone even The Creatures. They split up into groups of two and are placed around the globe. James and Aleks are in a group together fighting for their lives. Along t...