James' POV*
I woke up being cold, a
tattooed arm was around my waist. I looked over and saw the most beautiful thing. Aleks was sleeping by my side. I smiled at the view and slowly sat up, Aleks' arm sliding away.Then I remembered what had happened the previous night.
I kissed Aleksandr.
I smiled at the image in my head. What time is it?
I looked down at my yellow watch.
I sighed and groggily got up. I made my way to our new kitchen. I was glad to call it ours instead of mine. How plain. I opened the fridge and got the carton of eggs out to make something for breakfast. I heard a creak on the wood floor and looked over to see a sleepy Aleks.
His hair was everywhere, but I didn't mind. His eyes were half open making him look even more cute. "What are you doing up so early?" he asked me, yawning. I laughed at him.
"Making breakfast. You don't have to be awake you can go back to sleep." He nodded and walked into the bedroom again. I heard him yawn before he closed the door, making me chuckle.
I went back to cooking breakfast. While I was cooking, I could help but think of Aleks. So many questions and thoughts in my head, but I could never find an answer. It's like I was lost on a dark trail, but Aleks was my light and he found me and brought be home. He was my light.
A loud creek from behind me made me slightly jump. Before I could turn around, strong arms slithered around my waist. I smiled.
"I thought you were going back to sleep."
"I couldn't sleep. It doesn't feel right without you anyways." His words brightened up my day.
He pushed his chest to my back and rested his head on my shoulder. His warm breath on my neck sent chills down my spine.
"Why can't every morning be like this?" He whined. I chuckled.
"Because you never get up in the morning. I'm surprised you even know the word morning," I said sarcastically.Aleks laughed at that.
"Well then I'll start getting up every morning when you do-"
"HA! Okay Aleks, I'll believe that when I see it."He took his hands from my sides and walked to the fridge. I missed the warmth from him.
A knock from the front door startled me. I slowly walked towards the door and opened it. A woman and a man stood side by side, not giving a single expression on their faces.
"Ummm, hello. Can I help you?" I said, trying not to sound alarmed.The man was the one who spoke.
"We've come to collect James Wilson and Aleksandr Marchant for testing," he said calmly.Testing? The man that brought us here never told us anything about testing.
"Testing? What kind of testing?"
"Just to test that you don't have certain addictions or are now taking any kind of drugs or medicine."I found this all weird. It's the Purge, not the fucking Hunger Games. They usually just tell everyone a date and when it starts, not put you in certain states and then do testing on you. As much as I found this all weird, I accepted. Well, I really had no choice but to accept.
Aleks then came to the door. He had stood nearby, hearing the whole conversation between me and the man, so I didn't need to explain. The man motioned for us to follow him, ignoring that we were both wearing only our clothes from last night. Aleks gave me a look of suspicion, but I followed the man anyways, Aleks right behind me.
Aleks' POV*
The tiled hallway floor was cold on my bare feet. The man walked in front of us, leading us somewhere, while the woman was behind me, following us.We stopped at a two-way intersection of halls. The man turned around and looked at us, the woman stood by his side. He pulled out a small calculator looking device from his pocket and inspected it. He pressed buttons making it beep.
"Okay, James Wilson, come with me. Aleksandr Marchant, go with her," he said. I looked at James, they were splitting us up? For how long?
"How long will we be apart?" James said worriedly, not breaking his gaze from mine. There was sadness in those brown orbs of his.
"Not sure, estimated to three to five days at the most." I huffed out a frustrated breath. Five days without James? I don't think I can be that long without him.He gave me a reassuring smile, and took my hand. A spark ran up my spine from his touch, not caring about the two people beside us.
"I'll see you soon, be strong and train well young Jedi," he said, making me laugh.He smiled and hugged me tight. I didn't want the hug to end, but to my disappointment, it did. The next thing he did surprised me.
With one quick motion, he cupped my face, leaned forwards and kissed me. I put my hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. He bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gladly gave him.
However as soon as his tongue entered my mouth, the man pushed us apart.
"I'm not going to watch you two make out. You can do that when your testing is done, now let's go," the man angrily said.He started walking down the long hallway. Before James followed him, he looked up at me, gave me a smile, and turned away.
That was the last time I saw James in a long time.

The Beginning of The End ( NovaHD )
FanfictionWhen the whole world goes into The Purge for overpopulation, everyone must join. Everyone even The Creatures. They split up into groups of two and are placed around the globe. James and Aleks are in a group together fighting for their lives. Along t...