Day 42- Sally

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Ace of hearts- whipping for 4hrs

Sally's POV

Somehow I had become more distant from the other girls, even Scarlett was feeling the strain of my hostile attitude. Sitting in bed seemed like the most logical thing to do and staring at walls had become a day long activity that never got boring; with so much to think about, I didn't have time to socialise. Scarlett had shown her annoyance and frustration at my sudden change in mood and refused to even try anymore with me. She would just go and hang out with Ava or Hannah who were in her words 'better company'.

The confined space was beginning to feel claustrophobic and smaller by the second, the white walls closing in on me. All I needed was a window or some fresh air, something that could calm my racing brain. I needed an escape.

Walking down the stairs with shaky legs I couldn't help fear what I would face, some worried faces and Scarlett's that was full of anger. I had deeply upset her. Smoothing out my hair and bracing myself to walk into the kitchen, I wiped away the tears that seemed to constantly stain my face.

"Sally," Ava called and came over to hug me much to Scarlett's disapproval; I ignored her and went to pour myself a glass of water from the tap. Holding the cup in my hand, I noticed the shaking that rocked through my body.

"Are you alright?" Jen asked with a hoarser voice due to her sudden cold.

"I don't know," I admitted truthfully.

"Maybe you need to get out," Hannah put in and a they all nodded, well minus one. Scarlett was trying to ignore me as hard as she could, not turning around to see what they were all causing a fuss about. I knew that she was dying to see, to know what was wrong with me. Any drama was welcomed, good or bad.

"Yeah maybe," I said vaguely taking a seat by Jen and staring down at my glass that was half full of clear liquid. Ripples formed on the surface due to the constant shaking and I found my hand releasing the tight grip on the glass and leaving it untouched on the table. I could feel four pairs of eyes on me, even Scarlett's, watching what I was doing with intense concentration.

"I'll get someone," Jen said as if she had read my mind. It had started off as something harmless but I was beginning to get increasingly worried about my condition both mentally and physically. It seemed like eternity before anyone returned and the the shaking had dramatically heightened.

"I'll take you outside," a kind officer said before taking my hand and leading to the door. My vision was blurring and I was suddenly choking on air. The officer began to get worried and fumbled around with the locks on the door before finally wrenching it open and pulling us both out into the open air.

It was cold, the air was fresh against my face and I felt myself shiver slightly in my loose clothes. The fogginess in my brain cleared and I could see again without a smoke cloud in front of me, obscuring my vision.

"Better?" She asked quietly to me and I nodded gratefully. My head whipped around when I heard footsteps on the gravel and I saw a police officer running towards us his face grave and somber.

"What's wrong?" The female officer beside me asked with confusion high in her voice.

"We have him," he gushed, his hat clutched to his chest.


"He's not alone,"

"How many?"


My breath was taken away and I began to feel faint hearted. How could he have 1,000 people on his side?

"How?" The lady asked in just as much shock as I was in.

"This was not the only game, there everywhere. Every city. Every country. He gathered and army for this day," the police officer grumbled as he walked inside dragging us both in.

"How will we fight him?"

"We are not sure yet," the man said, taking a sip from a cup of tea that was resting on a stack of papers.

"What does he want?"

"The girls,"

"That's not happening, "

"I'll go," I piped up which left both of them in stunned silence staring at me like a madman.

"What?" The man said staring at me still.

"I'll go to him," I said confidently, it made sense. I wouldn't let the other girls have to face his wrath, I would go and hope that it was satisfactory.

"No one's going," the lady said sternly, brushing me off to call the other girls to tell the news. I could hear their cries from the hallway as I stood in awkward silence with the man.

"You may think you're brave but it's plain stupid," he muttered to me, his eyes fixed on the carpet in front.

"If it saves lives then its not stupid," I said defiantly, chin jutted out. I was certain on my choice.

"It doesn't save your life," was the last thing he uttered before leaving me in stunned silence. I saw him walk off as I stood rooted to the spot, somehow his words had a freezing effect on me. I had been ready to die. Die.

My sleep that night consisted of Scarlett whispering lies into my hair about how it would all work out and the sobbing that wracked through my body. The tears wouldn't stop, I didn't expect them too. They had melded into my appearance. They were part of me.

So this is a little thank you note for 1k like WOWWW!!! I am honestly speechless, I never expected this book to go anywhere. I never even expected to carry on writing this book let alone get any reads on it. Thank you so much (I feel like this may be dragging on a bit) :)


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