'Each other's muse'

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Justin bieber and Selena Gomez had a relationship for four years. They had many ups and downs but their love for each other was so strong that it just couldn't end. They had many similarities like both being born when there parents where still very young. But the relationships of both weren't strong enough so in the end they split up. So Justin and Selena could both relate to that as a young child having no happy family. Also one important similarity for both of them is music.

Selena's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night and my head was overloaded with possible lyrics for a new song. I just couldn't sleep anymore and had to write it down to clear my head. Otherwise I would be staring at the ceiling above me for the rest of the night. And then I would wake up with huge bags under my eyes and seeing Justin like that the next day wasn't a very clever idea. I started to write and my pen took over my thoughts faster then I could have imagined. After one hour of writing I was happy with what I've got, and could finally fall asleep from the second I layed my head on the pillow.

Justin's POV
After a whole night of recording a new song at the studio I could finally go to Selena's house and crawling in her queen size bed while she was still probably asleep. When I arrived upstairs it was a bummer that the bed was already empty. I heard the shower and I was walking in the direction of the bathroom when I've got stopped in my tracks. I saw a paper on her desk and my curiosity won it from me so I started to read: 'I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand. I don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned. Won't tell anybody. Won't tell anybody. They wanna push me down, they wanna see you fall. Won't tell anybody how you turn my world around. I won't tell anyone how your voice is my favorite sound. Won't tell anybody, won't tell anybody. They wanna see us fall, they wanna see us fall. I don't need a parachute, baby, if I've got you. Baby, if I've got you, I don't need a parachute. Your gonna catch me. You're gonna catch me, if I fall down, down, down.'

The shower stopped so I immediately put my eyes away from the paper and as fast as I could jumped on her bed. A few seconds later Selena opened the bathroom door while wearing only a towel around her body. She looked at me with a surprised smile and jumped on the bed to give me a hug while saying 'hi' in the proces. Selena: 'I didn't expected you already to be here. Otherwise I would be dressed already and having a breakfast ready.'

Justin: 'I don't mind at all seeing my girl all clean and almost naked'. Selena: 'But what..' Justin interrupted her talking with a kiss. Selena pushed him off her after enjoying the kiss for too long and said: 'Don't interrup me like that with your sexyness'. Justin: 'What can I say? I'm the master of sexyness on this whole planet.' Selena: 'Yeah right..but what I wanted to say is..what were you doing the whole time when you waited for me?' Justin: 'Oh just checking my twitter and posting a hot selfie on instagram where my fans are drooling about right now'. Selena giggles and started to kiss him.

While Justin is enjoying this kiss he's also thinking about the handwriting that he just read on her desk. It has to be a new song. It gives him on that exact moment a inspiration to write a song himself that will be called 'Fall.' Justin stops the kiss and says 'Thank you for being my muse'.

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