'Holding your hand'

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When a young boy just takes his first steps into a very busy street he will need his mom's or dad's hand to guide him. If you are scared and you're laying on a dental chair you want to have someone holding you hand just to make you feel better. And you can show your love with someone walking down the street while holding each other's hands. There are alot more situations where a person needs someone's hand. Selena Gomez has been in a situation like that. And it gave her a lot of strength to do something.

*September 28, 2012*

Selena's POV
Waking up on your free day and worrying about something you want to do is not a good idea. I had imagined a better start of the day with my boyfriend still sleeping next to me. But sadly he was already gone. He had to go to the studio already early in the morning. To help Carly with the final touches of her album. I shouldn't complain though because he would come back this afternoon already instead of late in the evening. He had a busy period of time and I understand it. This comes with our job. Always busy.

For a few seconds my worrying thoughts were gone. But then when I walked downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast it came right back to me. Getting a neck tattoo yes or no? I wanted to do a tribute for my mom. The year 1976 when my mom was born getting inked in Roman numeral on the back of my neck. I already searched on internet how it would look like: LXXVI. And I thought it would look very beautiful. But now the question is if I'm brave enough to do it.

I've got my toast and some tea and walked to the sofa. I started to giggle because I remembered a special day almost 2 years ago where I wasn't exactly brave too. Me and Justin were still friends at that time.

*Flashback to December 18, 2010. Miami, Florida*

I started to walk nervously back and forth in front of the couch. Glancing over at him every few seconds to check and see what he was doing. Justin ofcourse looked completely relaxed while looking at his phone. Probably posting tweets to his fans on twitter after the impressive show tonight. But he didn't only looked relaxed.. he also looked completely beautiful leaning casually against the table. I noticed that he was wearing a red t-shirt and he looked damn good in it.

Which caused a grin to spread all over my face. And ofcourse Justin decided on that exact moment to put his phone down and looking at me. He immediately noticed my expression. 'What has you smiling?' He asked. Smiling right back at me.

Oh god he does NOT need to know I was just checking him out in that shirt. I thought of a good answer. But my brain was barely functioning being in the tourbus alone with Justin. 'I uh.. I'm just happy that your here?' I answered. Hoping he dropped it even though I know it sounded unconvincing.

'That's nice but I don't believe that's the reason you are smiling.' He smirked back at me. Flipping his hair and staring into my eyes.
If he keeps looking at me like that... I won't have any brain cells left to work with. I walked as casually as I could manage over to the kitchen area. I pulled myself up onto the counter across from where Justin was standing and tried to look very nonchalant.

'I was just smiling. I swear. People do that you know, just randomly smile.' I replied back.
'Oh they do, but I know you and there's a reason why you are blushing so much. Come on.. tell me.' He was pouting with his bottom lip. Which made my heart skip a beat. What I would give to nibble on that lip. Wow.. I was really out of control today. I shook my head no. Not really trusting myself to speak. I could feel the heat on my cheeks as I blushed again. This time because of the thoughts I was just having.

'You drive a hard bargain, let's see.' He said while grinning. 'I'll give you a cookie if you tell me?'

Again I shook my head no. But a giggle escaped through my lips. This made Justin smile even wider and he began walking towards me slowly. With his beautiful hair still a bit wet from the shower.

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