'Wave after wave'

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You probably remember when you went to the beach someday and you saw little children running away from the waves that were coming closer. And they had so much laughter and wanted to repeat the activity over and over again untill they were very tired. And their parents would be dead tired too from running after them. Or the relaxed feeling that you had when you were laying on a air bed floating around in the ocean. This all will make you probably want to go on a holiday already. And that's exactly what Justin and Selena are going to do.

No one's POV
'Here's your captain speaking. We will shortly arrive at Portland International airport. Fasten your seatbelts, turn of all your eletronic devices and put your seats all the way up please. Thank you for flying with American Airlines!'

Justin and Selena were almost at their holiday destination. From the aiport they only had to drive for like 20 minutes in the direction of Yarmouth and then go to Cousins island dock. Where a boat would bring them to Chebeague. A beautiful secluded island just off the coast of Maine.

Selena's POV
I was enjoying the beautiful view of the ocean and the island was already in sight. Justin was sitting a few feet away from me looking at his phone. I turned to look at him and asked: 'Are you seasick? Because you didn't leave that chair for 30 minutes already.'

Justin looked up from his phone and blinked with his eyes from the sun shining directly into his face. He immediately hided his beautiful eyes with putting his sunglasses on. It looked hot on him though.

'No I'm not seasick I just don't want to see any sharks down there. Because that would ruin this perfect day.' I shook my head while laughing. 'You know I'm scared for them right?! I'm even scared when I'm swimming in a pool!'

I couldn't see his eyes anymore but I still could see a big smirking mouth. I walked to him and hold my hand out in front of his face. 'Please enjoy this view with me for only like one minute? I promise I will warn you when I see a shark fin and then you can run to your chair before you even have seen it.'

Justin's POV
Selena looked at me with a smile and a begging look in her eyes. Where I just couldn't say no to. I let her grab my hand and pulling me with her to the railing of the boat. Selena was leaning against the railing and I stood behind her wrapping my arms around her and laying my chin on her right shoulder.

Selena was staring right in front of her with a precious smile on her face. I wispered in her ear: 'Doesn't this remind you of something we have seen years ago on the top row of the Staples Center?' Selena turned her head to me and answered: 'Ofcourse I will never forget that night. 'You can' *kissing my forehead* 'be my' *kissing my right cheek* 'Jack' *kissing my left cheek* 'And I'll be your Rose.'

I screamed: 'I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!' Selena laughed out loud. I wispered again: 'But this boat shouldn't sink though because I want to receive some more kisses from you... Not only on my face but on every other part of my body.'

Selena looked at me with red cheeks. But then wispered in my ear: 'If you are going to cook for me tonight then maybe there will be some reward during the night.' Then I felt a soft blow against my ear. Did she really just say that? And did she really just panted in my ear or am I just imagining this? Probably through my hormones standing this close to her.

Selena's POV
After admiring the inside of the cozy beach house with all the different rooms and the furniture, I'm currently sent away out of the house to go for a walk. Justin didn't let me take one look in the fridge and everywhere else around the kitchen. Because he didn't want me to know already what he would cook for me tonight. So I decided to walk along the shore.

Seeing the sunset and enjoying the peaceful place was a great moment for me. It's such a secluded island so we wouldn't see much people here. And if we did meet people here then they probably wouldn't even recognize us.

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