'The view'

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The beauty of nature. Some people hate rainy days while other people love the sound of rain ticking against the window while laying in bed. Feeling the sunshine on your face can make you happy. But also kids that wake up to see lots of snow laying outside makes them feel the happiest child on earth for a moment. The sight of a waterfall... the cool breeze and the crashing sound of the water as it hits the rocks below are experiences that people probably won't forget anytime soon.

Justin's POV
'I'm scared Justin... there's a thunderstorm.' Hearing Jazzy's anxious voice through the phone made me sad that I couldn't go see her. And just hug her and tell her everything will be okay. I wish I lived in Canada now.

'Ah Jazzy I promise everything will be alright. The thunder doesn't hurt you. You're savely in your bed right? Is Jaxon also awake?'

'Yes I'm in bed. Daddy gave me the phone so I could call you. Jaxon sleeps already.'

'When I was as little as you and heard thunder outside, I would aways sing out loud so then I didn't hear it anymore. Maybe we can sing a song together?'

'I'm not a little girl anymore! I'm a big girl. Jaxon is little. But yes I wanna sing.'

'Can I join you two?' I've turned around and saw Selena standing at the door. I smiled at her.

'Jazzy did you hear that? Selena wants to sing with us too!'

'Yaaaay! Hi Selena. Can we sing Naturally?'

Selena's POV
I smiled while hearing Jazzy's excited voice. She was probably not scared anymore. I took a seat next to Justin on the couch and he gave me the phone.

'Hello princess! Ofcourse we can sing Naturally. I know a very good part okay?'

'Okay!' Justin smiled too while hearing his sister so happy now. I've started to sing.

'You are the thunder and I am the lightning.' I've heard Justin and Jazzy singing along with me. 'And I love the way you know who you are and to me it's exciting. When you know it's meant to be. Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally. When you're with me baby. Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally ba-ba-baby.'

No one's POV
'Thank you for making my sister happy.'

'Don't give me the credits now. It was your idea to sing a song.'

'Yes but you helped me. I'm wondering if Jazzy randomly choose this song or that she really knew that there's thunder and lightning in the lyrics.'

'I think you sister isn't only little anymore. But she also becomes a very smart girl.'

'Ofcourse... she's got the smart brains from me.'

'Now then tell me Justin why do you think you're so smart?'

'Because I was smart enough to fall in love with you!'

Two hours later Justin was talking with his dad on the phone. Jeremy told him that Jazzy was in sleepy land 5 minutes after the phone call. Selena was tired and decided to go upstairs already. She closed the curtains in the bedroom. Turned on the lights that were standing on the nightstands. And grabbed her satin nightgown that she bought not long ago at Victoria's Secret. She took her clothes off. And when she just pulled the nightgown over her head the door of the bedroom opened.

Justin caught a glimpse of her naked body before it got covered with the blue satin. He only saw her back now. He walked towards her, wrapped his arms around her middle and layed his chin on her right shoulder.

'I've heard that the thunderstorm is coming to La anytime soon. Should I take your mind off it with something more passionate than singing?' Selena turned around in Justin's hold and wrapped her arms around his neck.

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