'Singing along'

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In 1999 many girls were singing along to the song 'Hit me baby one more time' from Britney Spears. While boys were rapping 'Wild wild west' from Will Smith. Now many years later nothing has much changed with loving music.

'Music is an escape. Escape who you are, your tears, your fears and forget what's wrong.'

Selena's POV
I've got awakened out of my sleep through a familiar sound. This time it wasn't the alarm of my phone. The sound came out of the bathroom. I blinked my eyes while getting used to the bright morning light. I've got up from bed and put my favorite satin robe on. And then tip toed to the door of the bathroom. I started to grin when I could hear Justin more clearly now.

'You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible. A centerfold, miracle, lyrical. You saved my life again. And I want you to know baby.'

I could have never imagined that I would ever caught Justin singing my song under the shower. Most of the time I would hear him sing 'Teenage dream' from Katy Perry.

'I, I love you like a love song baby. I, I love you like a love song baby. I, I love you like a love song baby. And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat.'

I could never sing this song so good like him this early in the morning. I was almost jealous now. Next thing I know Justin turned of the shower and his beautiful voice stopped singing.

I was questioning myself now. Should I go back to bed again before he opens the door. And act like nothing happened? Or should I keep standing here and letting him know that I've caught him? I decided to go for the first idea and run as fast as possible back to bed again while dropping my robe on the floor.

Justin's POV
Finally my tiredness was gone after an refreshing shower. In about a hour I would meet up with Scooter and Allison to talk about what kind of direction I want to go with some new music. It was Sunday today so I shouldn't be working. But hanging out with Allison and Scooter doesn't feel like work to me. I feel like they are my second family. And with our busy schedules we only had some time today.

After drying my hair and body I wrapped the towel around my middle. Selena was probably still asleep. When I opened the bedroom door my thoughts were right. I walked into the direction of the walk in closet. But then noticed Selena's robe laying on the floor. 10 minutes ago it was still hanging on a chair.

I turned around and saw Selena's head just above the covers from our bed. She was awake now and she had an mischievous look on her face. I grabbed the robe and looked right back at her with a questioning look. 'Goodmorning to you gorgeous. This robe wasn't laying here 10 minutes ago. What were you up to?'

Selena's POV
I have to admit.. I felt honored every morning to look at his naked chest and his hair all wet and sexy. Everyday was a pleasantly start for me. Should I just change the subject to complementing his looks. And get him back in bed instead of answering his question?

'Goodmorning.. you look hot today.' I tried my best to look alluring as possible. And I started to bite my lip a little. Justin's expression changed into a heated look. He walked slowely to the bed and then crawled on top of me while shaking his head. Water drops were falling down all over my face out of Justin's hair. I looked at him with disbelief. He was doing this on purpose. 'Why did..' Justin stopped my talking with his mouth on mine.

'You asked for it.. you shouldn't ignore my question like that.' I looked back at him with a shy smile and then pulled his head back to me. But ofcourse he stopped me. 'No... no.. no were not gonna take this further. Because first I need an explanation. And second in one hour Scooter and Allison expect me at the office.'

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