'Ice.. ice.. baby'

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It’s that time of year.. where most of the songs you listen to suddenly become more romantic. Sweaters are the main choice in your wardrobe. Leggings, pants, boots and scarfs are overflowing in your closet. You can see your breath when you step outside and your cheeks become rosey. This is the time of year when you crave the company of another person. More than you usually do, because that’s what winter is about. The time of year when you can stay at home and watch movies on a Friday night. And read endless amount of books, but be totally okay with it. It’s winter.. and we al want sombody to spend it with.‘

No one’s POV
‘Here’s your captain speaking. We will shortly arrive at Salt Lake International airport. Fasten your seatbelts, turn of all your eletronic devices and put your seats all the way up please. Thank you for flying with Delta Air Lines. We wish you all a pleasantly stay in Utah.’

Justin, Selena and Jaden Smith decided to hang out with each other at Will Smith’s mansion in Utah for a couple of days. They all needed a break and were up to have some fun. Justin’s bodyguard Moshe joined them so they all would have a save trip.

Justin’s POV
It was sad that Will had to work on another movie right now. Otherwise we would probably have even more fun if he could join us with his wife Jada. And Willow was unfortunaly sick. We would miss Will’s jokes but ofcourse we all are thankful that we’re aloud to stay here for a couple of days. Right now I was making some popcorn while Jaden and Selena were choosing a good movie to watch. I’ve poured a little salt on the popcorn for me and Jaden. While Selena preffered some sweet popcorn.

I came back out of the kitchen with 2 huge bowls and saw them still looking at many dvd’s sorted out on the table. Moshe went out tonight to get some drink at a local bar. These mansions were secluded so we would be save here as long as we didn’t go outside.

'It looks like you two still didn’t choose one’.

They both looked up to me and than their eyes drifted away towards the bowls full of popcorn. Selena grabbed it out of my hands in a split second and gave the salty popcorn to Jaden. They both mumbled a 'no’ while attacking the popcorn. I chuckled and looked back at the movies on the table. I saw one that I really wanted to see again but I had to make a smart deal otherwise Jaden wouldn’t aloud it. I grabbed the dvd and turned around to the food junkies.

'Let’s make a deal. I will make another bowl of popcorn. But than I’ll get to choose the movie.’

Selena immediately said 'deal’. Jaden recognized himself already on the cover of the movie 'The Pursuit of Happyness’. He looked at me with a dissaproval look and said 'Do you really want to see me also on screen now?’

'Do you want to eat more popcorn or not?’

Jaden sighed while Selena said to him 'But you can’t deny that it is a really good movie. You deserved a oscar and your dad too.’

I winked at Selena and asked Jaden another time 'more popcorn or not more popcorn?’ After a moment I’ve finally heard him saying 'more popcorn’.

Selena’s POV
Last night it was fun to see a young Jaden with short curly hair on the television again. But right now I had a pleasant sight too. Jaden was doing karate kicks while were ice skating. He thought it was cool but for me it looked hilarious. And Justin was skating behind Moshe and teasing him that he would push him any second. And ofcourse after a while he really did. But Moshe didn’t fall.

I could skate a little bit but I was relieved they never asked me to do a movie like the Ice Princess. I would probably fail misaberaly when I had to show a pirouette in front of camera’s and a entire film crew.

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