'Our story is never finished'

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You will probably recognize it when you read a beautiful book and you just don’t want it to end. Or when you read a story that will always stay on your mind. Even though you read it already 10 years ago. You can also really experience a story like a love story. A beautiful love story like that from Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. Many fans around the world follow their ups and downs. And they all hope that their story will never end.

No one’s POV
Selena giggled as she and Justin paged through a couple more magazine articles online with stories about the two of them. ‘You know what I was wondering about the other day?’ Justin asked. Letting his lips graze her bare shoulders as he spoke. Selena replied: ‘What?’ while she turned to him.

Justin continued: 'That blog we found a while ago on Tumblr. The one dedicated to me and you as a couple.’ Justin smirked. 'I wonder what they think about all this gossip and your fake relationship with Zedd.’

'Well I’ve actually creeped.’ Selena admitted with a chuckle. 'Whoever runs it is not very happy with Zedd. They think he’s a sneaky woman stealer. And that you’re heart is still broken because of this all.’

'You’re joking..’ Justin’s grin widened with shock as he leaned back a little to stare at her face for signs of joking.
'No I’m serious!’ Selena laughed. Turning back to her laptop and fedgeting with it until she found the familiar blog. She tilted the screen so Justin could see it easier. And he leaned forward to look at it with her. Selena hadn’t looked at the blog since right after she and Justin had a fight.

The rants about how awful Anton Zaslawski aka Zedd is. And the gifs of Justin singing the song: 'Be alright’ were no longer the center of attention. But rather the pictures that just came online from a paparazzi page where Selena and Justin were walking into a restaurant last night. She should have figured already that it wouldn’t take that long.

'Okay wait.’ she defended before Justin could start with comments about how wrong she was.'This stuff all just came out but if we scroll down I’ll prove that I’m right.’ She giggled when Justin started to tickle her teasingly. After paging back a few pages Selena found the older posts and stuck her tongue out at Justin. 'SEE!’

'Fine.. fine.’ Justin chuckled, biting her shoulder playfully. 'Go back up to the new stuff though. What’s the blog posting now?’ Selena scrolled back up and the two of them began reading and looking at the most recent posts. Ofcourse they had the magazine pictures edited beautifully into graphics, photosets and gifs. They also had a few of the articles about Justin and Selena with their own responses about how the media was totally wrong. And how clearly in love the two were. And that she didn’t had a relationship with dj Zedd.

Justin leaned forward to scroll through the page. He clicked onto Selena’s dashboard then and typed: 'jelena’ into the search bar. 'Have you ever searched us in here, or do you always go to the Jelena blog?’

Selena answered: 'Uh.. I usually just go to the Jelena blog to be honest. Because I don’t want to see any hate about us.’ Justin hit the enter key and a surprised look crossed his face when more results then he’d been expecting showed up. Most of them were of the pictures that the paparazzi took last night when they went to the restaurant.

But there were alot older ones too. Even from 2009 when they took a picture together with Justin’s mom and Chaz, when they met Selena at Knotts Scary Farm. Loads of pictures, video’s, photosets and gifs flashed before their eyes. Most of what they found made them laugh, sometimes it felt a little bit creepy but it also flattered them that people cared so much.

Ofcourse there were people who weren’t at all supportive of Justin and Selena together. Girls who thought they looked fake and that Selena didn’t love Justin. Comments like: 'She’s dating Zed!! She needs to back of Justin!! She’s a famewhore.’ Justin clicked those comments away and couldn’t believe what he just readed. Then he saw something new and pointed at the screen. 'Look here.. they are saying you’re flawless and perfect.’ I agree with them!’

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