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A beautiful women that was born in Grand Prairie Texas, was a worldwide superstar for many years now. The world got to know her when she was only 7 years old. Playing and singing with a purple dinosaur Barney. At that time she didn't knew what she would accomplish even more after that show. But she did knew right then that her dream became reality. In 2009 she met a sweet boy who had the same hairstyle as the guys from the famous band: The Beatles. This boy became famous too. With some help from his mother and Youtube. They became friends but their didn't end it. A beautiful romance was born throughout their friendschip of Selena Marie Gomez and Justin Drew Bieber.

Selena's POV
The plane just left the ground from the airport. Mexico here we come. Ashley Cook one of my best friends, was currently reading a magazine next to me. So I guess no girl talk for another hour. I looked out of the window and the world became smaller every second that the clock was ticking. I felt exitement throughout my whole body. I was going to work on a new album in a peaceful place. And a group of people were traveling with me. People that I worked with on previous records like Rock Maffia. And my manager and more from my new record label. After having no album coming out for 2 years, it was time to give my fans something new. A record where I could speak my heart out. Tell them my story on different levels that I went through the past 2 years. Ofcourse love would also be a big part in the new music. I experienced ups and downs with it.

I writed out many songs already. And I almost couldn't wait to just record them all in once. It was a bummer that I had to leave my boyfriend behind in La though. He was working for like 24/7 on his new album so he couldn't make it to go with me. And I understand it completely. We both have very busy lifestyles that aren't the same as a normal couple.

We both got used to it already throughout the years. But I still will miss him though. Not waking up next to him. Not snuggling on the couch while he feeds me pickles. And most of all I will miss his hugs and kisses. But we are going to facetime tonight already. When he's back home from the studio. There finally came the stewards with some meals we could choose of. I was starving.

Justin's POV
Driving back home to a empty house wasn't fun at all. Nobody that I could talk to. Nobody that I could kiss and give a hug to after a long day. I parked the car and opened the front door. Now it became even more reality that she wasn't here. The lights weren't on. No Selena in the kitchen making some new Italian food. No sounds out of the radio blasting Asap Rocky. That music from him was a current obsession for her. But I should be a bit happy though. In 30 minutes I would see her on facetime. I decided to take a shower and change clothes. Because I looked not swaggy enough after many hours of work. And I always want to look good and cool for my girl. Even if she's many miles away from me now and she only will see me on a little screen.

Selena's POV
I was pleased that I still could talk to Justin before I had to sleep. It was only 2 hours later over here with the timezone. Right now it's 11 pm and I was sitting against the headboard of the bed. I was a bit tired through the flight. I had some nice dinner tonight with the crew. We were all staying in this beautiful big house. That we could rent for 3 weeks. I just watched some episodes from Friends on my laptop. I closed my eyes for a second but then I heard my phone vibrate. Appearing on the screen was Justin's name. That made me smile. I accepted his facetime call. Ah there he was with a goofy smile.

No one's POV
Justin: 'Hey babe..how was your flight? And I missed your cooking skills already tonight.' Selena: 'Hi Justin. Happy to see you. The flight went fast enough. What did you eat then? Some vegatables?

Justin: 'Yeah I eat some vegetables that were on my pizza at the studio. So I have permission to eat tomorrow a bit unhealthier food like some French fries.' Selena laughed and said: 'Unhealthy dork.. you can't eat junk food for the next 3 weeks.'

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