'Different directions'

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Life is full of surprises that you like. But also surprises that you don't like. For example someone who is dear to you that passed away out of nowhere. You can receive surprises like a big surprise party for your birthday. And you can plan surprises like Selena did for Justin a month ago. Bungeejumping together in Los Angeles from the Vincent Thomas bridge. Now it was time for Justin to surprise her. It would be something totally different then all the things he did the last couple of years. Something way smaller then renting out Staples Center. Something more intimate...

Justin's POV
Selena is visiting a hospital today with fans that are very sick. And aren't able to go to a concert of her. She visits different hospitals every year. I try to do that also as much as I can. Just putting a smile on someone's face who's getting through a hard time. Let them forget for like 10 minutes that they are sick and give them some love. That's what I like the most that comes with this job. Making people smile and inspire them to keep going.. no matter what.

And I know Selena feels the same way. She left an hour ago and was very excited that this afternoon was scheduled for only her and her fans. Surprising all her Selenators in the hospital. And she didn't know yet that she would get a surprise too. I've still got 3 hours to make everything ready.

Selena's POV
Looking in the eyes of a young girl singing 'Who Says' with me was very special. Her voice sounded like a angel. A beautiful angel sadly without any hair. Her mother told me she's having leukemia. Her skin is pale, she's having lot's of pain with her bones. And she's losing much weight. She's getting chemotherapy and there's still hope she will make it.

It seems like she's putting all her energy in singing along with me right now. Her eyes are sparkling and I can't wait to give her a hug when the song is finished. 'Who says you're not perfect? Who says you're not worth it? Who says you're the only one that's hurting? Trust me, that's the price of beauty. Who says you're not pretty? Who says you're not beautiful? Who says.'

The poor girl was almost out of breath but she wanted to continue. I saw it in her eyes that this meant so much to her to fulfill this. And this beautiful angel did it! She smiled at me while catching her breath and then I gave her a glass of water. When the glass was empty I pulled her in for a tight hug. And I wispered in her ear: 'Remember that you are very beautiful and strong. I love you.' She wispered back: 'I love you too Selena.'

Justin's POV
Selena said that she would be back around 5 o'clock. I've still got 30 minutes. The candles were already lit. All the objects were on the places that I've wanted. I only had to lay the rose petals on the ground. In between every object throughout the house. The idea was that Selena has to follow the direction of all the rose petals. And I think it will be a long walk for her. Because I bought more then 2000 rose petals.. otherwise my plan wouldn't work.

After 20 minutes I was finally ready and I quickly hided upstairs to Selena's final destination. I was grinning like a fool when I walked upstairs because she has no idea what I've got planned. Just when I arrived at my hiding spot I heard a key fumbling in the lock of the front door. I breathed a sigh of relief. I was just in time ready.

Selena's POV
During my drive back home I constantly thought of these special moments that I've just experienced. Seeing innocent sweet children having diseases like brain tumors, lymphoma and leukemia affected me more then I thought it would. It breaks my heart that these kids and their parents have to go through these painful situations. I really hope that I've made this day for them with my visit a little bit better now.

I locked my car and walked to the front door. When I opened the door and came inside the hallway I saw a line of red and pink rose petals laying on the ground. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. Justin was nowhere in sight. And I didn't hear a sound. 'Justin? Where are you?'..... Still no sound. I took off my jacket and then decided to follow the direction of the rose petals. I have no idea what this romantic dork has planned for me this time. I felt excitement throughout my whole body.

I walked next to the line of the rose petals and it brought me to the couch in the livingroom. I saw a little note laying on top. I picked it up and I saw a familiar handwriting. It said: 'Don't let this go to your head. But you're the best I've ever had. Not to mention.. that thing is swollen. You got me oh so in a trance.'

My cheeks immediately turned red.. that thing that he's talking about could only be one thing. I layed the note back on the couch and continued the direction of the rose petals. Now I arrived at the diningroom table. There was laying a beautiful watch and a little note next to it. I tried to grab the note from the table but it was glued. Luckily the watch wasn't glued so I put it around my wrist. This boy is too good for me buying me beautiful presents like this.

I started to read this note and it said: 'Something like a zip lock, but a lip lock. Want you wrapped around my arm like a wrist watch. Oh, so hard walking out. You got me stuck like crazy glue'.
Now I understand why this note was glued on the table. It made me smile like a fool. I stared for a moment at my new watch and then followed the direction of the rose petals again.

Justin's POV
I was a bit nervous right now. For the first time she's reading lyrics from a new song I've wrote this past week. And she obviously knows that she's my one and only muse. The anticipation is almost killing me. And this little room doesn't really helps me either for my claustrophobia. But I do this for Selena.. she's worth it. Then I heard a giggle from downstairs.. this made a bit calm again. I'm wondering which note she reads now.

Selena's POV
The next note was laying in front of the little playhouse from Gracie, in the corner of the livingroom. Gracie loves to play with it when she's here and she's forcing Justin always to play with her. There was standing a tiny bed with 2 little dolls laying on top next to a new note. I was curious what this note would tell me.

I started to read: 'They hold on tight, yeah they hold on tight. Ooh, they hold on tight. Them lips won't let me go. Got me tossing, turning in the bed. Your place is where I'd rather be instead. You don't know your strength. Missing you is like adrenaline.'
I started to giggle.. these two little dolls in bed holding each other tight. That should be us right?!

I laid the note on the ground again. And while still a bit giggling, I continued my road of rose petals. Now I was walking in the gamingroom. And the rose petals leaded me standing in front of the dartboard. A note was plastered on the board with a dart on it.

I grabbed and pulled the note from the board so that I could read it: 'Holding back the faces I would make. I'm a fan and you're the rock star. Making it hard on me. Visualize a monster. Cause you're too bad for me. Shot that arrow I'm hit. Need you right near me.'
My cheeks started to flush again after reading this. I wanted to hug my Canadian prince already. But he still isn't here.

I followed the direction of the red and pink rose petals again and it made me go upstairs. It lead me walking in our bedroom. Candles were lit around the bed. And there laid a new note on top of the bed. But also candy in the form of little red lips.
I couldn't help it and eated two candies before reading: 'They hold on tight. Yeah, they hold on tight. Ooh, they hold on tight. Them lips won't let me go, no.'

I've got butterflies in my tummy and eat some more red candy lips that are tasting like strawberries. And then continued the line of rose petals. It made me stop in front of the door from our walk in closet.

With excitement I picked up this note from the ground. It said: 'Open the door and kiss me already.'

Immediately I let the note fall out of my hands and opened the door. There he was.. siting against the mirrored wall with a smile on his face. I walked to him as fast as I could and literally fell on top of him.. while placing my mouth finally on his. Our lips smashed together with bruising intensity as we both fed our desire. Wanting more, I broke the kiss and ran my lips down his jaw. nipping his chin before trailing kisses down his neck.

I heared him moan but after a moment he stopped me. 'Selena wait... before we take this further to our bedroom I want to hear what you thought of my surprise?' He was looking at me with a shy smile. I kissed his cheek and I wispered in his ear: 'I loved it babe and these lyrics too. I can't wait to hear the song. And thank you for the beautiful watch! But should I show you my appreciation to you further in here with some talk? Or show you some love in our bed?'

He stared at me for a moment and then picked me up bridal style. And then literally run to our bedroom. This next hour I would give him some reward between the sheets..

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