'Love in a photograph'

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A photograph never grows old. People change all through the months and years. But a photograph always remains the same.

'We keep this love in a photograph. We made these memories for ourselves. Where our eyes are never closing. Our hearts were never broken. Times forever frozen still.'

Justin's POV
My happy excited mind kept me awake for an hour already. It felt like I had too much adrenaline in my body. All because of tomorrow. In about 12 hours I would spend my day with my 2 favorite ladies that were born on this planet. One was sleeping peacefully asleep right next to me. The one who I've got the honor to call my beautiful girlfriend.

And the other lady would take a plane tomorrow from Hawaï to La. Somebody who raised me and teached me right from wrong. I would see my beautiful mom again after 2 months apart. I could finally hug her instead of waving at her on Facetime or Skype. I had to do alot of concerts and interviews the past couple weeks. They all were lots of fun. But spending time with my family is what I needed the most right now.

No one's POV
Pattie arrived after a flight without turbulence safely on the ground of Lax airport. It was already afternoon. She would stay in La for a week. Sleeping at a friend's house and catching up with her. But most important.. visiting her son.

'Are we almost there yet?' The taxidriver looked back in the rear view mirror at curious eyes from a beautiful woman. It felt like she looked a bit familiar. That he saw her on a book cover some weeks ago when he was searching in a bookstore for a nice bedtime story for his grandchild.

It didn't surprised him though to see familiar faces. So many celebrities were living in these neighbourhoods. But it wasn't his business to ask who she was. Instead he replied back to a question he was getting asked every day. 'Yes madam only 15 minutes left.'

While Justin was vacuum the floor Selena made sure that every room was clean again. The bathroom was a place she hated the most to clean. Because it was always a mess in there. It was a habit of Justin to always throw the towels on the floor instead of the laundry basket. But Selena couldn't admit that she was neatly herself. They just always made sure that the house was fresh and clean just in time before their parents decided to visit them.

Selena's POV
We were both relieved that the doorbell was ringing now and not an hour earlier. I walked downstairs to open the door while Justin was removing the vacuum out of sight. When I just opened the door Pattie greeted me immediately with a tight hug. I loved our relationship. It felt like she was my second mom. But at the same time also a dear friend. Because she's still young just like my own mom.

'Pattie so happy you're here again! Did you have a good flight?'

'Yes darling. These 5 hours literally flew by. I watched the movie 'Wild' with Reese Witherspoon playing the lead role. Such a good movie! Did you see it already?'

'Yes I've seen it too some months ago. Reese is one of my favorites. She inspired me when I was still a young girl to go acting myself. I've also met her a couple of times at parties. Such a sweet woman. And yes the movie was amazing! Justin still needs to see it.'

'What do I need to see?'

Me and Pattie turned around while Justin was coming downstairs with a big smile on his face. 'Mom I missed you so much!' Justin walked with big steps to Pattie and pulled her in for a long tight hug. I heard Pattie saying: 'I missed you too Justin! I love you.'

Seeing them together in a warm embrace made my heart melt. Justin looked at my direction while still holding Pattie and smiled again before asking me: 'Now tell me. What do I need to see?'

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