'A rainy day'

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Autumn 2012. The leaves were falling down of the trees. A wind was blowing through the streets. And children were playing in water puddles. It was raining non-stop. Justin and Selena had both a day for themselves. Not any meetings, no recordings and nobody that would visit them today. A day for themselves... together.

Justin's POV
The hot chocolate milk was almost at a good temperature. The only thing that was left to do is putting little marshmallows in it. I decided to surprise Selena who was taking a nap right now. I grabbed some marshmallows and dipped them in melted chocolate. After that I decorated them in a shape of a heart around the cups, who were standing on a tray. And for the final touch I put some whipped cream on the chocolate milk and little marshmallows on top. I couldn't wait to see how her reaction would be. With soft small steps I went upstairs holding the tray. I didn't want to wake her up already before she even saw me.

There she was.. wrapped in a satin sheet still asleep. I put the tray on her nightstand without making a hard sound. I started to sit carefully next to her soft breathing body. Looking at her like that.. all innocent with a beautiful face. It woudn't be hard to stare at her like that for another few hours. But I didn't want to surprise her with melted marshmallows in cold chocolatemilk. I started to stroke her eyebrow with my forefinger and I went slowely lower and lower.. just past her closed eyes, cheek, mouth, neck and almost at her brea..

Selena: 'What do you think you are doing? Waking me up like that to fulfill your own needs?' Ah there she was..finally awake. Justin: 'Yes I would love to have some fun with you but then my surprise would be getting cold so we should do that a little bit later.' Selena started to sit upright against the headbord of the bed. She asked: 'Surprise what are you talking about?' She looked around and then she saw it.. 2 cups in the middle of a heart full of marshmallows. 'Oh my gosh what a sweet dork you are!' She started to kiss Justin who was still hovering above her on the bed.

Selena's POV
Waking up like this with a smell of hot chocolate and a romantic touch to it never happened to me before. I think this boy deserved some reward from me. My hands started to travel on Justin's back to pull his t-shirt up. Then my wrists got stopped. I heard him saying: 'If you going to keep up with this.. we will not be enjoying our drinks anytime soon.'

'Ok you are right.. I think that's a very kind gesture from you, to push your needs away for a moment and let me enjoy this. Justin snorted with a smile on his face and got the cups and gave one to me. The tiny little marshmallows were still intact and I enjoyed this heaven on earth drink. Then I heard a familiar voice saying: 'I didn't knew that I fell for a guy. I see that you grew a mustache during your beauty sleep.' I gasped and I pinched Justin in his arm. I started to wipe away the chocolate above my mouth but Justin beat me to it and wiped it with his forefinger clean again. And ofcourse he put it in his mouth.

Justin: 'I don't taste any any little hairs so thank god you are indeed a woman.' Now he was going too far with his silly jokes. I grabbed his cup out of his hands and put my cup on the nightstand before I started to hit him with my pillow. 'Now say sorry Selena otherwise I will hit you with this for the rest of the day.' I heard him saying with a tiny little voice 'sorry'. That was only half of the anwser that I wanted to hear so I kept hitting him.

Justin: 'Ok sorry beautiful Selena'. Finally..that got me to stop. The next thing I know I'm getting pushed on my back and my vision gets dark through a black scarf, that is getting wrapped around my head. 'Justin this isn't funny. I didn't eat all of the marshmallow yet.' Then I felt a mouth through the dust of my top on my stomach placing kisses higher and higher past my belly button, between the hollow of my breasts and then finally at my mouth. Then I heard a whisper in my ear: 'Trust me.. I have another surprise for you. Come of the bed and let me guide you downstairs. I will not let you fall I promise.'

I was excited for another surprise so I trusted him. He guided me slowely downstairs with small steps of the stairs. And we walked further and further. Then out of nowhere a thought came to my mind: 'I still can eat the rest of the marshmallows later on right?' Justin: 'Yes babe.. they aren't going anywhere. I don't have any mouses hiding here around to attack them.' Then I heard we were getting through the front door. And a few seconds later I smelled fresh air but also waterdrops on my arm.

'Justin it's raining what are we doing outside?' Then I felt my feet got lifted of the ground and Justins holds me up in the air. Then he removes the scarf. He says to me: 'We are here to fulfill your dream'. He starts to kiss me in the middle of the street while the rain is starting to pour. I accept his kiss and between kisses I'm able to mumble: 'You remembered it.. my rainy dream. I love you!'

Justin: 'Ofcourse.. I can't forget how your expression on your face is when we watch the rainy scene of 'The notebook' every month.' After a few minutes of kissing, Justin felt that Selena was shaking a little bit. He stopped kissing her and asked: 'Are you getting cold?'
Selena: 'Yes a little bit but you can make me warm again.' Justin: 'No missy.. I don't want you to getting sick. It's enough for now, were taking a shower together.'

He still holds Selena while carrying her inside through the livingroom, then upstairs and arriving in the bathroom. Their clothes were all soaked from head to toe. Justin tries to take his pants of.. that is for once too tight to take it easily off his butt. After 3 times of pulling he lost his balance and falls with his butt on the ground. Selena couldn't hold her giggle inside her anymore and started to laugh uncontrollable.
Justin: 'Do you think this is funny? Laughing at me while I just carried you all the way upstairs?' Then he finally gets the pants of his legs. Selena holds a hand in front of his face and he let her pulling him up from the ground.

Selena: 'Don't get dramatic right now mister fancy pants. Otherwise I will get a cold if we have to wait even longer for this shower.' Justin laughed and they were both finally able to take all their clothes off after a little help from each other.

Selena's POV
Justin turned on the shower. Warm water is falling down on us while were standing close. I hold my face up to the spurts of water and I felt Justin's strong hands on my body. Slippery from the soap. His actions are loving, carefully and he kisses me while the thick waterdrops are falling down on us. Again I'm surprised about his soft side, the intense love that Justin gives to me. A sweet almost vulnerable side of him.

I push my body against his. The side of my head against his chest. He wraps his arms around me and lays his chin on the top of my head. For a couple of minutes were standing that way. 'I love you' I wispered and just as I thought that the sound of streaming water my wispering had drowned away.. kisses he my cheek close to my ear. And he says: I love you too my girl.'

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