'Love is a medicine'

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People that are always healthy are very lucky. They can live their lives and do their jobs, go on dates, meet with friends and just living life without any interruptions. But when you're sick.. life is not that easy. You have to sacrifice alot. And you will feel a bit stronger when people that you love support you during the good and the bad days.

Selena's POV
Amy Schumer is one of my favorite comedians. So when you're able to see her new movie: 'Trainwreck' before anyone else.. I couldn't be more excited! It was Saturday night. I was laying on the couch with a blanket around me. I'm a bit cold. Justin is making some popcorn and he promised that he would also bring a jar of pickles. Isn't he a gentleman? But that's one of the jobs a boyfriend should do for you right?! There he was.. having a large chocolate bar between his teeth. Holding a jar of pickles in his right hand and the popcorn in his left hand. He has a big smile on his face. He put all the food down on the table and said: 'Let's get this movie started.' I think he's even more excited then me.

Justin: 'But before you hit the play button I want to lay close to you under that blanket of yours and have a thank you kiss for all the hard work I just did.' I laughed and answered: 'Come here already.' Justin literally jumped on the couch.. he crawled under the warm blanket and then his mouth was immediately on mine. I not only felt his mouth. I also tasted some chocolate. What a good combination. Justin stopped the kiss to soon to my liking so I grabbed his neck, continuing our little sweet tasteful heaven.

Justin's POV
Amy can not only make funny jokes. She's a great actress too. Selena was right. I looked to my left without moving to much and then had a beautiful view on my girl without her noticing it. Her smile is so precious. And I love it that she can eat even more food than me. I like it when a girl isn't ashamed of eating. I don't think it is pretty when a girl is very slim and you can almost see her bones. Selena just eat half of the jar full of pickles. When the movie would have been boring the jar would have been empty by now. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and continued watching the hilarious movie.

Selena's POV
We shared the last pickle while seeing the credits appear on the screen. 'I want Amy to teach me her ways. This movie is so good! I'm going to tweet her.' Justin laughed at me and said: 'Don't deny that you're hilarious too. If Alex Russo would have seen the movie with me, I would only look at her face instead of the movie.' I slapped his arm playfully and answered: 'Don't make jokes about my twinsister.'

Justin: 'So you're a wizzard too? Could you do some magic now so that in 1 minute were both laying in bed and you're only wairing some sexy lingerie?' I gasped and there was only one thing I could do right now. I grabbed a pillow and smacked it right into his face. Justin: 'Stop.. stop I'm sorry I will make it up to you. I will buy a new jar of delicious pickles tomorrow.' That's what got me to stop hitting him and I made a run for it to the bedroom.

When I layed on the bed out of breath from laughter I felt painful cramps in my stomach. I've had my period last week already so that couldn't be it. I probably eat too much. Then Justin appeared in the room with a goofy smile on his face. I decided to keep my mouth shut.. he can be over protective sometimes. While there's nothing to worry about. I still layed on the bed and Justin hovered above me, placing both hands on the side of my head. His hazle eyes peered into mine.

His smile was different now. sweet but also lustful. He sighed, placing a warm hand on my cheek. His hand moved from my cheek to my lips. His thumb teased my lips, before he planted a kiss on them. Soon his lips headed south, stopping at my neck. He kissed it up and down, stopping when he heard a moan escape my mouth. I felt a smirk pressed against my skin 'You like that?' He asked between kisses. I hastily nodded. Soon kissing turned into alot more.. the pain and cramps already forgotten.

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