'Shop till you drop'

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Busy streets with lots of shops. For many people it's their favorite place to go to. Especially for girls. Almost every girl's dream is to have a creditcard with lots of money on it. And just buy everything you want. Every clothing item, fragrance, make-up and shoes that you like. There are shopaholics but also girls who take their boyfriends with them on a Saturday afternoon to go shopping whether they like it or not. Shopping is just needed in everyone's life everywhere around the world.

Selena's POV
This time the tables were turned. I had to wait for Justin to get ready and go out. He was still in the bathroom. I decided to kill the time and scroll through new instagram posts from friends and family. To my surprise I saw a new picture of Gracie. My mom didn't post alot pictures of her online because she wanted our little angel still a bit outside of the media. But I understand that she posted this picture. Looking totally adorable in her pink dress and wearing a golden crown. My sweet little princess. I wish I could hug her right now.

I heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. There he finally was.. after walking down the rest of the stairs he walked to me sitting on the couch. With a curious look on his face he asked me: 'Does my hair look okay like this?' I had to hold my laughter inside of me. Because he was still uncertain about his looks after spending like a hour in front of the bathroom mirror.

I decided to tease him a little bit. I stared at his hair and didn't reply right away. I kept him waiting another 5 seconds and then said: 'Nah I'm not sure.. you should wear that hairlock a little more to the right.' Justin looked at me with disbelief. But then also turned around and walked into the direction of the stairs again.

'No.. no wait Justin! I was just kidding with you. You look swaggy enough and your hair looks also good.' Justin turned around and walked slowely back to me. 'I can't believe you fooled me like that. I'm the only prankster in this house.. not you!' I smiled and said: 'You know.. I'm just good that way with my acting skills.'

'This damn, hot, sexy actress deserves some torture.' Before I even could reply or do something Justin pushed me down on the couch and he was hovering above me. He started to tickle me all over. I was almost crying from laughter. 'Stop... hahahaha.. stop.. hahaha.' I heard him saying between my laughter: 'First say I'm sorry handsome, swaggy, most sexy Canadian on this planet.' After 10 more seconds of tickle torture I decided to say it while getting almost out of breath: 'I'm sorry handsome, swaggy, most sexy Canadian on this planet.' Finally Justin stopped.

He looked at me with sparkles in his eyes. Then he started to kiss the side of my neck. 'So you think I'm handsome?' The kisses went a little bit higher. 'And swaggy?' His mouth was behind my ear now. 'And the most sexy Canadian?' He gave me one last kiss against my ear and then he pushed himself of the couch while saying: 'I think you're right.'

I sighed and replied: 'Don't get ahead of yourself right now mister. I just want to go already because otherwise the dress is sold out.' Justin grabbed his coat and smirked. 'You are changing the subject. I know you meant all these words. But okay let's go.' I shaked my head with a laugh and decided to ignore it. Otherwise we would never leave this house.

Justin's POV
I parked the car in front of the shopping mall in Calabasas. When I opened the car door I already heard clicking sounds of camera's from paparazzi that were taking pictures of us. Unbelievable they were like everywhere where we going. I decided to ignore them and was already relieved that it still wasn't dark outside. Because hundreds of flashing lights in your face is madly annoying.

I grabbed Selena's hand and as fast as we could we walked to the entrance. You can't block their voices so we still heard them asking things like: 'Is everything okay with you two?' 'Justin will you ask Selena to marry you anytime soon?' Finally we walked into the entrance and the annoying voices were gone.

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