The Walk

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Colby's POV

"Wanna go for a walk?" she says grabbing a hoodie "Sure, why not" i say putting my hoodie on, we walk out the door and start walking down the street

"So wanna play 10 questions?" She says breaking the silence "Sure, ill go first, whats your full name?" i say patiently waiting for an answer "Skylar Brooke Rose, what is your favorite color" she says smiling "dark blue, what is your favorite color" i say, with 8 more questions left to ask "any shade of blue,whats your last name" she says smiling fixing her beanie "brock,how many questions do we have left?" i ask while slightly laughing "after i ask you one we will both have 7, how long have you and sam been friends?" she asks looking up at the sky "i don't know....since we were juniors in highschool,are you cold?" i ask putting my hands in my pockets "no, how many questions left?" "after i ask this one i will have 5 and you will have 6, how old are you" i ask looking at her "17,how many girlfriends have you had?" she asks looking at me smiling "i'm not sure,how many boyfriends have you had" i say smirking "not sure either,how old are you?" she says looking back at the road "18,i have 3 and you have 4 right?" i say looking at a squirrel "yep well after i ask this ill have 3" she says, she picks up a snow and makes a snowball without me noticing, then throws it at me "did that hurt?" she says laughing "no" i make one too and throw it at her "did that hurt?" i ask laughing "no,how pretty is it out right now? she says looking around "very,what time is it?" she looks at her phone "3:55,have you ever rode a horse?" she asks looking at a rocking horse through a window..last question i gotta ask her, now or never "yes, will you go out with me?" she looks at me smiling "yes" she starts holding my hand "come one we need to head back"

*5 mins later* Skylar's POV

I cant believe he asked me out he's so hot and when we kiss fireworks shoot through my body i love him so much.We walk into his house and sit down on the couch, Sam is sitting there just staring at us, A few minutes go by and Sam is still just sitting there "What the fuck Sam, are you retarded or sleeping with your eyes open" I say looking at Sam "You guys are so nice together....but that cat got claws" he says glaring at me, i stick my tounge out at him and move closer to Colby "He's mine now" I tease "Woah, Colby I see you got yourself a girl....might wanna throw her back she's a bit clingy" he says sticking his tounge back out at me, i adjust Colby's beanie and give him a kiss, I sit in his lap and start messing with his bangs, I put them back to the way they were and take his beanie off and put it ontop of my head "So vogue" i say getting up and styling the hat, the boys start laughing "haha suckers power of laughter!" i say smiling

i walk into the kitchen and open the fridge and grab a water bottle. I grab a tooth pick and poke a hole in the top and walk back into the other room i walk next to Sam and squeeze the bottle really hard so it sprays all over him and sit back in Colby's lap "IM WET!" Sam says wiping some of the water off "WOAH TMI Sam! TMI" i say joking "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT" he says getting up "yea but it was funny the way I put it" i say looking at Colby who's laughing, Sam and I start laughing too.

My phone bleeps and I look at it

(S-Skylar M-Mom)

M-Where are you? Come home right now young lady

S-Mom i'm just at a friends house don't worry

M-I don't care where your at, Just get home


Eh....I gotta go, I give Colby a quick kiss and stand up, I walk to the door "Dayumn" I hear Colby say, I turn around "what?" I say looking around "nothin, bye babe" Colby says kissing me and then pushing me out the door, I look around and go to walk to my car "....wait, I have to walk back to my house" I say rolling my eyes walking up the road.

*5 mins later*

I finally get home and walk in, mmm warmth "Mom? i'm here.." i yell waiting for a response "Ok! i'm upstairs if you need me" I walk upstairs and turn on Wildest Dreams Taylor swift and go to text Colby

(S-Skylar C-Colby)

S-Hey, i'm home, safe and sound 💖

C-I'm glad

End of Conversation

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