It Was All A Dream?

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Skylar's POV

as i wake up i notice that Colby is not beside me so i wonder if something happened last night that i don't remember, i shrug an go downstairs, Colby's on the couch watching t.v i go in for the kiss "What are you doing? We broke up" Colby says leaning back I shake my head "We got back together after the prank you and Sam Pepper did on Sam" I say standing there looking at a confused Colby "What? no you fell asleep in the car after the prank and Sam carried you to bed" Colby says "What do you mean.....? this is another prank by Sam Pepper isn't it, i thought y'all were done with this childish stuff, like really" I say walking back to my room confused.

I decide to get dressed (I'm wearing the outfit above) I walk out and see Sam "Sam, Colby is saying we never got back together after the prank, hes joking right?' I ask, surely Sam would tell me the truth "No, you fell asleep on the ride home and I carried you to bed, you two never got back together, maybe you just miss him, but uhm, would you maybe like to, go out sometime?" Sam asks "You really want to take a chance with me.... ?" I say in a sassy tone, i'm freaking out right now, but i'm playing it cool "Yea, i don't think we get together that much or we don't get much alone time so how bout it ?" Sam asks with a small smirk on his face, I nod "Sure, why not pretty boy" I say giggling a little bit, Sam smirks and walks away, I smile, hes so sweet, I cant wait, I look down at my 5SoS case, I still cant believe I met Luke, he was so sweet, as expected.

*later that night*

(S-Sam Sk-Skylar)

Sk-Hey, where we going?

S-Chicken express cuz i know you luv that place, i think

Sk-Oke, but were going somewhere else right?...


Sk-Okay, well you nerd I'm waiting outside the house, its fucking freezing, pls hurry

S-Lol, okay princess coming out now

End Of Conversation

"Hey princess, you look beautiful" Sam says, I blush, I take his hand and we begin walking to the car, we drive and marvin gaye ft meghan trainor turns on and i cant help but sing "Lets Marvin Gaye and get it on! you got that healing that i want!" I sing, as i sign along Sam joins in singing with me.

*At the restraunt*

We arrive at the place he was taking me for dinner we go in Sam goes to the counter an says "Sam an Skylar rooftop reservation" Sam says, the lady nods "Awww you saved a spot for ussss ????" I say like as if i had just seen a thousand babies "Follow me" the waiter says leading us to the rooftop I look at Sam smiling the whole way up.

We finally make it to the roof and I look around "Oh my gawd, Sam h-h-how?" I say, how on earth did he get reservations for this? It looks amazing "Well ever since I saw you, I new you the pun?" he says half questioning himself "Eh what did you just say" i ask as if just told me i was weird an not a good way "Oh my sorry i meant the one you were the one" he looks around as if someone was watching him "okay than.." i say confused.

The waiter sits us down at a table where we could see the whole city it was beautiful, "You know what Skylar?" he asks "What?" i ask "This city is just as pertty as you" he says in a sweet voice, he starts to say something else but something falls out of his ear, he looks as if he lost his life, just then he looks at the ground, he gets to the ground an looks as if he was looking for something I look at him "Um.. did you lose something???" I ask "Uh.. well i had a necklace i was gonna give you but I.... dropped it.....???" he says questioning himself "An it was in your ear?" I ask like he just said he had been to give it back "Okay theres something i gotta tell you" he says hesitintly "NO DONT "someone yells else where, I look around, I look down at Sam, another prank, another, seriously?! these boys will be the death of me "Sam what the hell is going on" I say in a mad tone "Uh, well, uh" Sam stutters, i raise my eyebrow "Another Sam Pepper prank huh? I'm tired of this shit" I say Sam runs of course i chase after him, he runs down the stairs after him, i hear foot steps behind me but i was focusing on Sam, he stops at a door "Alright alright ill tell you" He says

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