New House

101 11 4

Skylar's POV

We finally decided to buy the new house, everyone gets their own room, theirs an amazing beach infront of it, and its in L.A, we've been slowly making our way up there since the incident with the...Rapist and hobo, i've been having nightmares, nothing to bad. Colby walks in our hotel room and wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my shoulder "Hello." I say smiling and leaning my head back, his hair smells amazing from the Shampoo from the hotel - its like raspberries and vanilla or something - Colby starts kissing down my neck and I look up so he can reach my neck better, his hand slides down to my butt and I glance at him. 

Bailey walks in and sees whats happening "Oh...Should I, uhm, come back later?" She asks "No you're fine, whats up?" Colby asks  "Devin, the amazing-" Bailey says before getting cut off by Sam "HEY!  IM THE ONLY GUY YOU NEED TO BE CALLING AMAZING!" Bailey laughs a little "Sorry! Devin, the...nice got dunkin donuts for everyone, come get some before their all gone." Bailey says and we nod walking in, I grab a bostom cream one and stuff it in my mouth, all the boys are staring at me, I start chewing the donut and all the guys are still staring at me and I just stare back blankly. Savannah walks in with Reed and I swallow the donut, I wipe my mouth a paper towel and throw it away. I see Rachel laying in bed an smirk "Colby get the camera." I say "Why?" Colby asks "I'm gonna wake Rachel up." I say with a devious smirk , he nods and goes to get the camera "Okay Devin pick her up, and I swear if you wake her up." I say  Devin  nods and carefully picks her up, Colby walks in and turns on the camera and we all carefully into the elevator.

We make it to the pool and Devin tosses her in, she is definitely not a light sleeper, she surfaces and catches her breath "DEVIN DID IT!" We all yell, she gets out and looks at Devin "No no no no no." Devin says while backing up "Come on baby, I just want a hug." She says innocently and bats her eyelashes "NOOOOO!" Devin yells and runs with Rachel chasing after him, I turn to Colby and smile wrapping my arms around his neck and he smiles down at me and pecks my lips, I look over and see Rachel hugging Devin "Devin! Aren't you supposed to be the one getting HER wet?" I say and smirk and everyone starts laughing except for Rachel and Devin who are blushing hardcore.

I walk back inside with everyone and Rachel has a towel wrapped around her like a baby and Devin is carrying her, we go in the elevator and I see a hot guy, like Cameron Dallas with shorter black hair hot...Colby see's me looking at him and puts his arm around me just so the guy knows i'm claimed. The elevator door opens and we walk out and into our separate rooms, Colby shuts the door and locks the other door into our room and I start getting undressed "Do you want a 'massage' before we go?" Colby asks as I take my sweatpants off "No, Cause that always leads to sex." I say and begin getting dressed (outfit below \/) I put my phone in my back pocket and kiss Colby, he kisses back and doesn't let me pull  away.

" I say and begin getting dressed (outfit below \/) I put my phone in my back pocket and kiss Colby, he kisses back and doesn't let me pull  away

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I finally pull away and walk into the bathroom and look at myself making sure I look decent, Colby walks in "One second." He says and puts a raincoat on me, I give him a look like 'What the fuck...' and Rachel walks in and pours a bucket of ice water on me, I gasp and Rachel yells "ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE 2K16!!" And Devin comes into view holding the camera "You just started a prank war." I say and Devin turns the camera off, I take the rain coat off "You're cleaning this up." I say and sit on the sink, I plug in the blow dryer and start drying my hair cause she got it wet with the bucket of ice water "And hurry up cause we have to go soon." I say  and Rachel and Devin begin cleaning up the mess.

I finish drying my hair and they finish cleaning up,  I put the hair dryer back and get down grabbing my suitcase with all my clothes in it - and I mean all my clothes - I walk out with everyone and we go in the elevator down to the lobby and check out. I hop around the lobby waiting for them to finish checking out, Colby grabs my hand and we begin walking out to the car, next stop, L.A!

We all pile in the car, me, Colby and Reed in the front, Devin Rachel and Savannah in the back and Bailey and Sam in the very back "Turn on some music!" Bailey yells to the front, the whip nae nae song comes on, I think that is literally the title but to be 100% honest with you I don't remember the name, we all sing a long and when it comes to the part we whip, except for Reed cause he's driving but you get the point, don't  be a douche nozzle.

We stop at a gas station "Go get some snacks and drinks please baby." Colby says and hands me his card, I look at him and he notices his mistake "Too late." I say and jump out of the car into the gas station, I walk around and grab skittles, snickers, m&m's, jolly ranchers, gum, lollipops with the bubblegum inside them, lollipops with tootsie-rolls inside them, kit-kats, reeses, sour skittles, fruity skittles and for drink I got dr. pepper, root beer, red bull, monster energy, mtn. dew (all kinds), a thign of water and chocolate milk, cause who doesn't like chocolate milk?  I walk up to the counter and pay for the all the stuff, it cost $114.00 so, lets keep that between me and you, shall we? I walk back to the car and hand out drinks and snacks, I hand Colby his drink "How much did all of this cost?" He asks, I hand him his card "Lets just say... I'll pay you back." I say and take a sip of my monster energy drink and put it in the cup holder, Reed gets back in and I shut my door and buckle up. We start driving again and I Took a Pill in Ibiza by Mike Posner and we all sing along cause - to be fair - its a really good song.

I look to the very back seat and Bailey and Sam are making out, ewwh, Colby pecks my lips and I smile, he takes a sip of my drink and I look at him sad, he looks at me and laughs a little and says "You bought it with my money." "You gave me your credit card." I say and  he nods "Tuche." Colby says and the song ends, we all boo cause it's the best song made "I have to use the bathroom." Savannah yells over the next song "Seriously?! We were just at a gas station." Reed says "I didn't have to go then." Savannah says and Reed rolls his eyes "I'll stop at the next gas station." "Hurrry." She urges.

We stop at a gas station a few minutes later and Savannah darts out and into the gas station, I would've found it hilarious if she pissed herself, although then the car would smell like pee and no one wants that. I start eating the sour skittles and don't make a face, which was easy cause these aren't all that sour. Savannah runs out and sits back in the car "Okay, sorry everybody." She says and buckles up, Reed starts driving again and we get back on the highway "Are we there yet?" I ask "No no no, don't start please!" Reed says "I'm just asking." I say "No." Reed responds "Oh, are we there now?" I ask with a smirk "I will kill you." Reed threatens, I laugh a little and lay my head on Colby's shoulder.

A few hours later I wake up and rub my eyes "We're here!" Colby cheers in a soft tone, I smile at the huge house infront of me (allllll the way up there ^^^) I get out and walk into the huge house, I smile and run upstairs with my bags and unpack, I love it here, it's huge and it has a pool and a beach in the backyard, who wouldn't love it?! I look at my bed already set up, we got a bunch of sam and colbys friends from here to set the house up for us so everything is ready, I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, I get under the blankets, this has to be the most comfortable bed in the world, my eyelids  start getting heavy and i flutter my eyes, within no time i'm asleep.

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