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Skylars POV

I'm heading over to Colby and Sam's house to hang out for a little bit before they do their video.

*5 mins later*

I walk in and go to their kitchen looking for them, they are in there making the video, they have wigs on and are cooking something, they both look at me, i smile and take a picture then turn around and walk out.I'm not 100% sure what they were doing, but it was going on my instagram.

*1 hr later*

I walk into their house and sit on the couch waiting for one of them, no way they made an hour long video.Sam walks in "Hey" Sam says sitting next to me, We both just sit there for a little while, about an hour goes past and Sam and I look at eachother, I smile, Sam leans in and tries to kiss me, I throw myself on the floor as Colby walks in "Hey babe, hey Sam, why is Sky on the floor?" Colby says helping me up and giving me a quick kiss, I look at Sam "Uhhh, I-the carpet is soft" I say quickly.

"Um, ok then?" Colby says walking out of the room to the kitchen, I look at Sam, still not sure how to react, Colby walks back into the room, Me and Sam are just staring at eachother, uncomfortable "Are you guys ok? you look like you just witnessed a murder.." Colby says looking at me, I can't believe Sam would even try to do that, Sam knows how much that would hurt Colby "Yea, i'm fine..." I say, NO  I have to tell him, he deserves to know "Actually, um" I say looking at Sam, he's looking at the floor, preparing him self to lose his best friend "Yea?" Colby says holding my hand and looking into my eyes

Nope, I just can't do it "I'm kinda hungry" I say, Colby hands me the banana that he got from the kitchen, "There" Colby says giving me a kiss, someone knocks on the door Colby opens it, it's my brother, he's so over protective, "Hey, Sup guys, Sky, you forgot your phone" My brother says handing my phone, he's known Sam and Colby for awhile "Mind if i sit for a little?" He asks, it isn't cause he's lazy, or because he's tired, or because he wants to hang out, hes being over protective of me

"Oh, I got you something!" Colby says running into his room and grabbing something, He walks back in with a bouquet of roses, He hands them to me "Thanks" I say smiling, I give him a kiss, and we end up kissing longer than expected "Daaayummmnnn, get a room you two" Sam says smiling "Um how about they don't" My brother says, hes just being the over protective brother he always is, I could tell Colby was flipping them both off, which made me break the kiss and smile.

I Could tell that Sam was jealous, I still can't believe he would do that to Colby, I feel like i should tell him, but I don't wanna be the reason Sam and Colby end, all their fans would hate me.

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