3: The Dream

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Chapter Three
Maya Hart

Everything was black. Where was I? I looked around and still could not see at thing at all. Then out of nowhere, my school came into the horizon. But, it was still dark out. I looked up. I could tell that it was now nighttime, as thousands of stars twinkled in the sky. I looked down. All I could see were my feet walking a long the street. The funny thing was that I wasn't even moving them by myself. I looked back up. My school was even closer now. I was almost at the entrance. I tried to stop walking, but for some odd reason, I couldn't. It was if my feet had a mind of their own. But why were they taking me to school? I already went to school today, but during the day like a normal middle school student!

All of the sudden, the front doors of the school automatically opened, which was strange. Since when did our school get automatic doors? In attempt to stop my feet from taking me in the school, I grabbed onto the hinges of the door. But, my feet were strong. They just kept on walking as my hands began to slip. Eventually, I just gave in to my feet and let go. Surprisingly, I did not fall over. My legs just straightened themselves out and my feet continued on walking. Oh no, do my legs have a mind of their own now too, because I really hope not! Before I knew it, my feet were taking me into the gym!

"Oh, no, not the gym!" I cried, "I already had gym today and I am NOT having it again!"

Then all of the sudden, like the front doors, the gym doors automatically opened for me. Like I did before, I grabbed onto the hinges of the door. My feet just kept on going. When was this madness going to stop? When was I going to gain back control of my legs and feet so I can get the heck out of here? Once my grip onto the hinges got too lose, I gave up and let go. My legs straightened themselves out once more as my feet carried me into the gym.

"STOP!!!" I practically screamed at my legs and feet, "I DON'T WANNA BE HERE RIGHT NOW!!! CAN YOU JUST PLEASE STOP?!?!"

And just like that, they did. I looked down at my legs and feet, dumbfounded. I stood on my right leg, while lifting up my left, and then vise versa. Some how, my legs and feet magically granted permission for me to be in control of them again. Just as I was about to leave, I saw a spotlight appear. Standing in the middle of the gym floor, was Riley with a bunch of red dodge balls surrounding her. Once again, I was dumbfounded as I stared at my best friend. What the heck was she doing her in the middle of the night? And why the heck did my legs and feet take me to her? What was going on?

All of the sudden, Riley bent down to pick up one of the dodge balls. As soon as she had it in her grasp, she stood up and chucked it at right of my head. Due to my excellent reflexes, I leaped to the right. However, as if it were a missile that was locked on a target, the dodge ball flew to the right and hit me right in the face.

"What did you do that for, Riley!?!?" I roared, confused and angry at the same time, "And how the heck did you get the ball to follow me like that?"

Instead of answering my question, Riley just said, "M-Maya, p-please w-wake u-up!"

Wake up? Of course! This was all just a dream! That would explain why my feet and legs took me to the gym in my school in the middle of the night by themselves to see my best friend! It would also explain why that dodge ball was able to hit me even though I moved away from it! I immediately closed my eyes and focused on waking up. But when I opened my eyes back up, instead of seeing my bedroom, I saw a dodge ball that was only and inch away from my face flying towards me. In seconds, the dodge ball smacked my face. However, since this is all just a dream, it did not hurt me since I am unable to feel pain in my dreams. Now that I think of it, the first dodge ball didn't hurt me either. I guess I was just so focused on how it was able to hit me even though I moved to notice.

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