A/N: My Spelling Bee Story

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Hey, welcome back to another one of Creativity77's long life stories! I know that my author's notes have been really long lately, but a lot of things(good and bad, mostly good. This one's good though) have been happening to me lately and I just love sharing them all with you guys! It's like your getting a glance into the author's life outside of Wattpad! But if you're not interested, you can totally skip this. I sometimes don't feel like reading A/Ns either(which is really weird coming from me since I love writing them), so I understand! This is honestly a lot longer than I meant for it to be, so you guys don't have to read this.

Anyways, if you're one of my older readers, then you may recall that last year I said I was in a Spelling Bee at my school(I'm pretty sure I wrote about it in an A/N in one of my older books, but I may be wrong. I don't feel like going back and checking since idk what chapter of what book it would be in lol). Well, on Tuesday my principal announced that the annual Spelling Bee was going to be held on Thursday(last Thursday. The Spelling Bee already happened) and I was like, "Oh, no, that means that my language arts teacher is gonna have us do a practice Spelling Bee in class to see who's gonna get in! Spelling Bees make me nervous!" And I thought it was so weird that the Spelling Bee was held this week because a few weeks ago, I literally was wondering when they'd announce the Spelling Bee. In my head, I was like, "I'll be glad if I don't make it in since I won't have to deal with my anxiety, but I'll be disappointed if I don't since I was in it last year."

So then 2nd period rolls around(I'm in language arts that period) and my language arts teacher announces that we're gonna have a class Spelling Bee. She then divides us up into teams so that half us are on one side of the room, while the rest of us are on the other. My one best friend and I end up on the same team and I immediately say to her, "Spelling Bees make me nervous." So how it worked was that my teacher asked the first person on one side of the room how to spell a word. Then she'd go to the first person in line on the other side. It then went back to the other side and down the two lines. People got out of line and sat down as they got out. A few minutes later, one girl gets out and I realize I'm the only one standing on my side and there was three people on the other side.

"I'm the only one left on my side!" I cried.

"It's you against the three of them," my language arts teacher told me.

So at that point, I was just a nervous wreck. How was I alone gonna beat three people? So how it worked was that as soon as someone on the opposite side spelled a word, it always went back to me, then back to the other side, and back to me again. Like my teacher said, it was me against the three of them.

So eventually, two of the people on the other side got out, and it was me against this girl in my class. Me and her went back and forth went back for the longest time. It felt like it had to have been at least ten minutes. The girl I was going against kept on saying how much she hated Spelling Bees and how she didn't want to be in it. So, one of my classmates asked if you were allowed to forfeit, and my teacher said you could.

"Why don't you just forfeit then?" That one classmate asked.

"Because I'm not a quitter," the girl replied.

"Me neither," I thought to myself.

I didn't want to be in the Spelling Bee either, but I wasn't gonna just give into my anxiety and quit or purposely spell a word wrong. And so then, the girl got this one word(I forget what it was) and my teacher didn't hear her, so she asked her to repeat herself. "But I can't!" The girl cried. So my teacher just turned to me and asked me how to spell it. I ended up getting the word wrong and my language arts teacher realized that the girl had spelled it right, but didn't give it to her since she refused to repeat herself. I was thankful for that. Even though that wouldn't of made her win and I would have gotten another word, but what if I spelled that word wrong and the girl spelled it right?

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