7: Librarian Riley

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Chapter Seven
Maya Hart

When I opened my eyes again, I was no longer in the frozen cave. I looked around at my surroundings. There was nothing but books, books, books galore! My dream now had me inside of a library.

"May I help you?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned around to see Riley standing behind a checkout desk. She was wearing large, round reading glasses and a dark-purple sweater. She had her hair up in the neatest bun that I have ever seen. Also, she had a open book right in front of her, which she seemed to be reading.

"If you could tell me how we got here, that would be nice," I mumbled as I began to look around at all of the books that were neatly sitting on the shelves.

"Oh, I've been here since 7:00 in the morning, which is when this place opens. If you couldn't tell, I work here."

"Work here? Riley, you're only thirteen- wait, are you fourteen now?!?! Oh my god, did I miss your fourteenth birthday?!?!"

"My fourteenth birthday was fifty-six years ago, hun. I'm 70."

"70?!?! Oh my god, have I really been in a coma for that long?!?! No, this is just my dream being crazy. Pretty soon, I'll be somewhere else and you'll find me again and start saying other crazy stuff to me. Plus, you don't even look that old."

"Why, thank you! And, I have no idea what you're talking about. This ain't no dream. This is the real world."

I just sighed. "Anyways, you never answered me. How did I get here?"

"You just walked in through the entrance about a minute ago. You don't remember?"

"No, I didn't walk in! I just magically appeared here! We were just in a frozen cave, crying on one another! And you weren't 70! You were 13 or 14! Man, I really hope that in the real world, you're 13 right now! I would never ever want to miss you're fourteenth birthday!"

"Are you ok? You seem to a bit... You know, off today."

"I am not 'off'! This is all a dream! You even said it yourself a few minutes ago while we were in that frozen cave, wearing winter coats!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I've been cooped up inside of this library all day. I certainly wasn't in a frozen cave."

I just sighed. "You know what? I'm not even going to argue with you. This is all a part of my crazy dream just to drive me insane. Have a nice day."

With that being said, I whipped myself around and started walking towards the exit of the library.

"I hope that you have a nice day too, Maya!" Riley replied.

I immediately whirled myself around. "You know my name? Have I even met the librarian version of Riley before?"

"No, this is our first time meeting actually."

"Then how the heck do you know my name?"

"Because, I know everything. But, I think that I could ask the same exact question."

"Because, in a world where you and I are around the same age, you are my best friend."

"That's odd. I don't recall being friends with Maya Hart before."

"You know my last name too?"

Riley nodded. "Like I said, I know everything."

My eyes widened. "Everything?"

Riley nodded again. "Everything."

I slowly made my way back to the check out desk. "Say, you wouldn't know how I could wake myself up out of this coma, would you?"

"I honestly don't know why you think that you're in a coma. This is real life, Maya."

I took a deep breath. "Let me rephrase that for you. Let's juts say I'm dreaming, and for some reason, no matter how hard I try, I can't wake up. How would I wake myself up?"

"Well, you would have to scare yourself awake."

My eyes widened. "And how would I be able to do that?"

"You could encounter something that would want to try and hurt you, like a monster or maybe a huge, strong criminal. Or, you could jump off of something like a tall building or a cliff."

"Well, let's say I want to go with the jumping-off-of-something idea and there's nothing for me to jump off of around me. How would I be able to make a tall building or a cliff appear?"

"Just think of either or and concentrate really hard. If you are trying to wake yourself up, that means that you are aware that are dreaming, which is called lucid dreaming. When you lucid dream, you have the ability to control your dream."


Riley nodded.

"Wow, I didn't know that! That's so awesome! Thank you so much, librarian Riley!"

"No problem, Maya!"

With that being said, I started to bolt towards the exit. Once I was about ten feet away from the door, I closed my eyes, thought of a cliff, and concentrated really hard. The only reason I picked a cliff over a tall building was because if I did get the building to appear, I might have to go up 100 stories if I don't appear on the roof.

When I opened my eyes back up again, I immediately looked down. I smiled. It worked. I was now standing on the edge of a huge cliff.

"If this doesn't work, I'm going to be really upset at librarian Riley," I muttered to myself.

With that being said, I made a flying leap and started to plummet towards the ground beneath me, which was nothing but green grass. I was falling much faster than I thought I would. I closed my eyes out of fear and hoped for the best.

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