29: How Is That Possible?

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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Riley Matthews

"Hello, Farkle!" My dad greeted my friend as he opened up the front door after it had been knocked on several times.

Of course Maya told my family about her plan to get Farkle to help us figure out who had actually ran her over. It was now the next day and my school had probably just ended about twenty minutes ago.

    "Hi, Farkle!" My mom and brother, Auggie greeted him, suddenly appearing at the door as well.

    "Hey, Matthews family!" Farkle replied, "Riley invited me over here. She said that she wants to talk to me about something. She wanted me to come over yesterday, but I was running errands with my family and was unable to do so."

    "Oh, we know," Dad replied, "Riley told us everything yesterday."

    "Oh, so do you know what she wants to talk with me about?"

    "Yes, we do," Mom answered, nodding her head.

    "And what is it?"

    "Oh, you'll see," Auggie told Farkle.

    "Oh ok... Anyways, where is she?"

    Instead of answering him, my family just smirked. That's when I began to type on the computer that I was on, which could be perfectly seen from where Farkle was standing.

    "Hey, Farkle!" I typed onto the Word document that I was currently on.

    Because Farkle was standing so far away, I had to write it in size 48 font so that he could see it. Farkle's mouth dropped to the floor. He had obviously been watching me as I had been typing my message into the computer. Except for he was not watching me. He was watching the computer. Farkle cannot see me because I am in limbo just like everybody else, except for Maya.

    "Gah! Wh-hat th-the? Farkle gasped, not being able to form words, "Did you guys see that?!?!"

    "See what?" Auggie questioned.

    "Your computer! I don't know how it's possible, but your computer just typed, 'Hey, Farkle!' all by itself! How does it know my name? Computers like yours aren't capable of recognizing certain people!"

    "Silly Farkle, it wasn't the computer who wrote that!" Dad laughed, "Computers can't type anything by themselves!"

    "I know, that's why I said that I don't know how- Wait, if it wasn't computer, then what was it?"

    "Don't you mean, 'who was it'?" Maya typed into her computer, which was the one next to mine.

    Farkle's jaw flew open. "Oh my gosh, now your other computer is doing it! I-It said, 'don't you mean, 'who was it'?' It's trying to hint that someone— a real person— wrote that! But how!?!?"

    All of the sudden, Farkle turned around towards my family. "Are any of you somehow behind this!?!? Are you guys trying to prank me!?!? If so, then it didn't work because I figured out your little scheme!"

    "We're not pranking you, Farkle!" Mom laughed.

    "Yeah, that's Riley and Maya!"

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