33: And Just Like That Ten Months Flew By!

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Chapter Thirty-Three
Riley Matthews

And just like that, ten whole months flew by in the blink of an eye. It was now June. I cannot believe how fast this year flew by! I did not mind going through September, October, November, and December twice as long as I had Maya with me. I cannot imagine going through for four months without her again. Being without her was torture, and I know that not being able to escape that coma and knowing that she was without the real me was torture for Maya. Plus, it was fun freaking people out by showing off my "psychic abilities" by making "predictions" about what would happen next and being spot-on with all of my "predictions".

The first thing that Maya did after we kissed in the bay window was that she told me about what happened after I had risked my life for her. She said that her and Farkle broke down crying because they thought I was dead. Then all of the sudden, her dad caught up with her and asked what was wrong. When Maya kept on crying about me, he thought she was nuts because there was nobody else was there. She opened her eyes to see that Farkle and I had disappeared, making her realize what happened. Then, whoever was driving the truck tried to hit Maya and her dad, but Maya saved herself and her father from being hit. She then got so mad that she grabbed a stone, jumped on top of the truck, smashed the windshield, and climbed through the hole that she had created and onto the passenger's seat. The person who had stolen Maya's dad's SUV was Missy. She then started yelling at Missy, and knocked enough sense into her to get her to stop the car and to feel bad about what she did.

    That's when the police came and told Missy that she was under arrest. As they were arresting Missy, Maya began to cry, and she and her father apologized to each other. They both forgave each other and said that they loved each other. Maya had accidentally blurted out that I was her girlfriend, and she told me that her dad was perfectly fine with her being in a relationship with me.

"You're in love, and that is that," Maya told me he said.

"Love whomever you want to love, Maya, as long as they treat you right. I'm sure that Riley is a wonderful girl."

    Who knew that Maya's father would actually turn out to be nice? I always pictured him as a big, scary monster. A monster who would totally not accept her daughter being in a relationship with another girl. But I was wrong. I now know that Maya's father is not a monster at all. He just made a really huge mistake; a mistake that he will hopefully not repeat. But from what Maya told me, it seems like her dad has learned a huge lesson. He loves his daughter too much to make the same mistake again.

    Anyways after that, Maya then remembered what happened to me, and dashed to my house to see if I was there and if I was ok. Sure enough, I was there and perfectly fine, wondering how I was not dead and how I was now in my room. Upon seeing each other, Maya and I kissed. That's when Maya explained everything to me, and as soon as Maya was done, the first thing we did was go to Farkle's GIGANTIC house. Maya and I were eager to know if he remembered what happened before time reset itself.

    "RILEY, YOU'RE NOT DEAD!!!" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth when he saw us, "AND, MAYA, YOU'RE SAFE!!! AND, YOU TWO AREN'T IN LIMBO ANYMORE!!!"

    After lots of long hugs, of course Maya and I asked Farkle how he knew that we weren't in limbo anymore.

    "Well, I can see you guys now, duh," he replied.

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