8: Limbo

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Chapter Eight
Maya Hart

All of the sudden, I felt myself hit the ground. For some odd reason, I heard no loud, "THUD!!!". Did that mean that when I hit the ground, I scared myself awake? I opened my eyes and looked around. I shrieked, then jumped up out of fear. I was looking right at... myself?

"How the heck...," I managed to breathe out, puzzled.

I was staring at myself, but how? The version of me that I was looking at was laying in a hospital bed and was connected to several wires that led to a life support system and a cardiograph. Just as I was about to ask myself how this was possible, it hit me.

"I can't believe that librarian Riley lied to me!" I cried, "I'm still dreaming!"

I whirled myself around. Just as I was about to storm out of the hospital and try to go and find another cliff or a building and make another attempt to wake myself up, I realized that there was someone else in the room. Riley. She was leaning over the hospital bed as tears ran down her face. I soon realized that was the Riley that Dream Riley told me about when we were in the frozen cave. This was the Riley who was visiting me in the hospital. The real Riley. I was no longer in dream world. I was in the real world.

"RILEY!!!" I cried with joy as I ran over to her to give her a hug.

That's when something strange happened. I ended up running right through Riley. I stopped when I had realized that half of my body was now going through the hospital bed. I shrieked as I jumped backwards and out of the bed.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!?!" I practically screamed.

I looked over at Riley. She just kept on crying and looking at the version of me that was lying down in the hospital bed. She didn't even acknowledge the fact that I was there.

"What, did you just not see that?" I asked with an annoyed tone, "Because if I was you, my mouth would've hit the floor!"

Riley just lowered her head and let out a sob. "Please wake up, Maya..."

That's when it dawned on me that Riley couldn't even see or hear me.

"Am I a... gh-ghost?" I trembled as I looked down at myself, "Did I... d-die?"

I looked up at the version of me that Riley could see. According to my cardiograph, my heart was still beating.

"If my heart is beating, then why do I feel like a ghost?" I asked myself.

My stomach lurched. That's when it occurred to me. I wasn't exactly dead, but I am sort of like a ghost now. I was in the state that's in between life and death, known as limbo. My body was still knocked out, in a coma, but me, my body's soul, is no longer inside of it. I was still alive, but not quite. But, how did this happen? How did I get into the state of limbo and how do I get out of it?

"How the heck am I going to get back inside of my body so I can wake up?" I asked myself.

I thought for a moment.

"I know! Maybe if I just touch myself and concentrate really hard, I'll go back inside of my body!"

Not wanting to freak myself out again by going through the hospital bed, I walked around to the other side of it. I placed my hand on top of my body's hand, closed my eyes real tight, and concentrated.

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