Meet Levi

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Levi Rivaille was up with his alarm at five in the morning. Growling at the thing before turning it off, he headed to shower. An hour later he came out smelling... well... less than pleasant. His nose scrunched up.

"Damn it." He muttered as he sprayed himself with some cologne. "Fucking wet dog smell." He growled. The one thing about being a Werewolf, is the night after a transformation you still smell like a dog. Being a clean freak as well, means the wet dog smell. Something Levi did not enjoy. Even after having to deal with it for 20 years.

After dressing he went downstairs. His mother was standing at the stove.

"Good morning Levi." He just hummed as he grabbed the tea cup that was on the island. "Hanji called. She said she'd be by with Erwin in half an hour." Levi hummed in response. His mother's nose scrunched up. "You either need to not shower the night after a full moon, or you need to stop drowning yourself in that God awful cologne." Levi rolled his eyes.

"It's better then smelling like a dog."

"You are a dog." Levi clicked his tongue.

"Wolf. There's a difference." His mother rolled her eyes before putting a plate down in front of him.

"Yes dear. But a canine's a canine. Anyways, eat up. You won't be back home until Thanksgiving and we both know you won't eat right while you're at college." Levi's nose scrunched up quickly before the smell of bacon filled his nose and he regrettably drooled a little at the smell of the meat.

"Yes mother." He said as he began to eat. No sooner did he clean his plate, hands, face, and brushed his teeth and hair, was there a honk from outside.

"Well, there they are. Behave yourself this year." Levi growled slightly. "None of that sass."

"Yes mother." She smiled softly at him. Levi rolled his eyes before pecking her cheek. "I love you mother." She smiled more.

"Don't let your friends hear you say that. They might think you have a heart." Levi rolled his eyes as he brought his things out and put them in the back of the black pickup. He climbed into the back seat.

"Hey Levi!" The brunette in the front sang. Glasses hanging low on her nose as her brown eyes sparkled. "You excited to go back?" Levi rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever." Hanji pouted.

"Well you're no fun. Erwin's excited." The muscular blond in the passanger seat sighed.

"That's because it means I can get away from my mother. She's still trying to force a mate on me." Hanji growled.

"If she knows what's good she'll stop." Erwin chuckled, blue eyes glistening slightly.

"Yes dear." Levi scowled.

"Will you two not? I'm right fucking here." Hanji giggled as she fixed her glasses and began to head to the college.

"So, how was your summer?" Hanji asked Levi curiously. "Did you get into that art show?" Levi scoffed.

"Of course I did." Hanji smiled.

"Sorry I couldn't attend. I had a science camp back at the college I was helping with." Levi rolled his eyes.

"Of course you were. Find anyone to use as a guinea pig?" Hanji pouted.

"No. I didn't. They were all so boring. And Erwin was to busy helping his father at the office to even see me much." Erwin chuckled.

"I'm sorry. If I want to run my own business, I need to know how to run it."

"Isn't that what your major is for?" Levi asked. Erwin shrugged.

"And you're point is?" The ride was quiet for a minute until Hanji's eyes sparkled.

"So have you two found minors yet? I'm thinking biochemical engineering." Erwin crossed his arms.

"Not really. I think I'll stick with just my major." Hanji pouted again.

"You're no fun." She looked in her rear view mirror. "What about you Levi?" Levi shrugged.

"Mythical Studies." He said bluntly. Hanji's eyebrow quirked.

"Really now? And why's that?" Levi shrugged again.

"Because why the fuck not." Hanji giggled a little. "Will you stop with that annoying giggle? It's hell."

"What's hell is that perfume you use to cover up the wet dog smell." Levi's eyes narrowed.

"It's cologne, bitch."

"It holds the same purpose. Besides, I doubt any guy will want to be within ten feet of you if you marinate in it." Levi's eyes narrowed more, baring his canines.

"What does that mean?" Erwin chuckled as Hanji smiled.

"Well you want a boyfriend right? You'll scare all of the guys away with how strong the cologne is." Levi growled. "I'm kidding. I'm sure your dripping good looks and great personality will get them."

"What personality?" Erwin joked, getting a kick to the back of his seat.

"Watch it Eyebrows. Or you won't be giving four eyes any pups." He snarled. Hanji pouted.

"What? You can't do that!" She whined. Levi's ears twitched in pain.

"Can you not do that? It's killing my fucking ears."

"And those piercings didn't?" Hanji quipped. Levi huffed, touching the piercings in his ears. He had two in his left cartilage and three in his right lobe. As well as a tongue and left nipple piercing. "Is your dad still sore about them?"

"He's still sore that I'm gay." Levi snapped. He rolled his eyes. As of the moment, he was an only child. His father was less that supportive with the fact he wanted to be an artist, and even less so with his love life.

"He'll lighten up eventually." Hanji chimed smiling wide. Levi rolled his eyes as the rest of the ride continued in silence.

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