Christmas Part 2

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When Levi and Lupin returned to the first floor of the ballroom, they saw Kenny slap Eren across the face. Lupin was infuriated, but before he could move, Levi was between Kenny and Eren, tail wrapped protectively around Eren, eyes a deadly ice blue, claws at the ready, teeth bared, ears almost flat against his head, fur and hair bristled, growling, and even foaming at the mouth slightly. It was a truely terrifying sight. Levi snapped at Kenny.

"How fucking dare you!" Levi's voice was dark, filled with malice and something akin to Satan's voice incarnate. "How fucking dare you lay one of your filthy fucking fingers on my mate!" Levi's nostrils flared with rage. "He hasn't done a fucking thing to you! Are you seriously this fucking stupid!?" Levi growled again, and the way his face scrunched only added to deadly aura coming off him in waves. "Not only did you fucking hit my mate, but you broke the fucking treaty you stupid piece of shit!" That is what Kenny's eyes widened.

Lupin was about to move when Adalene walked over to Kenny, fur slightly bristled. Once she got up to her mate, she back handed him.

"Kenny, I am sick of your bullshit! I never in all of my years thought you would EVER stoop so low as to not only hit a werewolf's mate, but our son's! Did you ever, in that stupid tiny little brain of yours, ever think of having another child? There is nothing wrong with our son, and there is nothing wrong with Eren. And let me remind you that the treaty you just broke, was put in place to keep your ass safe!" At that moment, Lupin cleared his throat.

"If I may. As per terms of the treaty, I'm the one who will deal with this mess." Lupin slowly walked to his son. "Kenny, I believe I raised you better than this." Kenny actually began to shake in fear. "What should be a suitable punishment for what you just did? Not only did you strike a werewolf's mate, but a Rivaille's mate. Not only did you strike a vampire, but Dracula's youngest grandson, son of the first vampire prince AND his mate. You have just committed many crimes with that one action, son. However, since you did not kill him, death isn't reasonable."

"F-Father..." Kenny said, still shaking slightly. Lupin smiled, flashing his fangs.

"Well, I believe sending you to Dracula should be punishment enough. I'll contact the Vampire King and we'll make arrangements for you to go to his castle. For now, retire to your room. You won't be leaving for the rest of the night. Hell, I'll escort you there myself. We need to finish our talk." Lupin grabbed Kenny by the scruff and turned to Eren.

"My apologies for his behavior. He'll be straightened out." And so Lupin turned and began to drag Kenny out of the ballroom, Lilly hot on their heels. Levi turned to Eren and grabbed his face gently, concern all over his face.

"Eren, are you okay?" Eren nodded slowly.

"Y-Yeah... I'm alright. Thank you." Levi smiled softly.

"Anything for you." In which they closed the gap between them with a kiss. Levi wrapped his arms around Eren's neck while Eren wrapped his arms around Levi's waist, and Levi's tail started to wag as fast as Hanji's does when she's excited.

"Do you see that? Prince Levi's tail is actually wagging. I've never seen that happen." That kind of talk filled the ballroom, but the two princes didn't hear as they pushed their lips together more, causing Levi's tail to go faster still. Eren's cell phone going off is what pulled the two apart.

"This better be fucking important." Eren said as he pulled his phone out. "Hello?"

"Uncle Eren! You said we could sit with you at Christmas! But Mama Carla said you weren't home!" The vampire prince sighed.

"Sorry girls. I'm with Levi." The other end was queit.

"You're with mate Levi?" The three girls asked over the receiver.


"We're sorry Uncle Eren! We didn't mean to interupt your time with mate Levi. We love you! Merry Christmas." Eren smiled.

"Yes girls. I love you too. Merry Christmas." And Eren hung up, but not even two seconds later did it go off again and he answered.

"So Hanji just sent a mass text of you and Levi kissing with Levi's tail wagging. Should I tell Marco and Jean not to show your mom?" Eren blushed.

"... No. Maybe it'll satisfy her for the time being. Thanks for telling me Armin, Merry Christmas." In which Eren turned his phone off and sent a glare at Hanji, who was giggling.

"Yes?" She said innocently.

"Fuck you." He heard a small whimper and he turned to Levi who looked a little upset. "Yes?"

"Are you done with the fucking phone now?" Eren smiled.


"Good." And Levi pulled Eren into another kiss and resumed happily wagging his tail. Adalene was over joyed and Hanji was taking another video.

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