Avoiding Disaster

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Levi was freaking out inside. Eren's eyes were switching between green and gold, and everytime they went gold, they stayed like that a little longer. He was panting slightly, and his fangs kept switching between lengths. And the way Eren would look at someone. It was with a hungry look. Not lustfully, but a look that could only be described as 'dinner'. Eren's head hit the table, loudly, and the entire room turned to their table.

"Mr. Yeager? Is there a problem?" Vix asked. Before Eren could respond, Levi did.

"I think he has a high fever. I'll take him to his dorm room." Vix just nodded.

"I'll send you the material you missed." She said, returning to the lesson as Levi helped Eren out of the room, eyes still switching, but lingering on gold more than Levi would've liked. He didn't know what was wrong, so instead of going to either of their dorm rooms, Levi pulled Eren into the men's room and they went into a stall.

"Eren? What's wrong?" Levi asked. Eren's eyes were glazed, and the way he stared at Levi both excited the werewolf, and scared him. Eren ran his tongue over his fangs. Levi got an idea, and unbuttoned his shirt, baring his neck. He saw Eren's green eyes before he felt the tongue going up his neck and the fangs sinking into his skin. Levi couldn't help the small whimper as Eren drank his blood. Eren just out right moaned, the sound filling the room. But Eren didn't pull away. Levi was beginning to get worried, so he pushed Eren away, forcing the vampire to retract his fangs.

Eren's gold eyes faded to green. His skin had more of it's tan glow, and he seemed more alert. He looked around for a minute. He could've sworn he was just in one of his music classes. Why was he in the bathroom? And why was Levi here? And why was he...

"Levi... what happened?" Levi leaned against the stall wall, making a face as he felt the disgusting filth on his back.

"You were acting weird. You're eyes were switching between gold and green and you were looking at everyone like they were a piece of fucking meat. What the fuck was wrong?" Eren stared at Levi. Guilt attacked him as he stepped forward and gently cleaned the blood left on Levi's shoulder and neck. "Eren-"

"I'm sorry." The vampire said, wrapping his arms around Levi. "I hadn't had blood since Friday." Levi growled as he grabbed Eren's shoulders and pushed him back.

"What the fuck Eren! You need to take better care of yourself! What if you entered blood lu-?" He stopped as he saw Eren crying. Levi pulled Eren back into his arms. "Hey Brat, don't cry."

"Th-thank you. If you didn't give me blood... I would've-" Levi slapped Eren's ass, which not only shut the vampire up, but made him make a little squeak, which Levi was going to LOVE that weekend.

"Stop talking Brat. Come on. Let's get you back to your dorm room and get you some more blood. I'm not taking any chances." Eren frowned. "It's not that I don't trust you Brat. Don't you dare fucking think that. I'm not scared of you either. I'm worried about you. And from what I've heard from you, blood lusts and blood rages are fucking terrifying and your dad will have your ass."

"Thank you." Levi rolled his eyes.

"Stop thanking me Brat. I'm doing this because I fucking love you. Now come on. Vix will send us what we missed." And so the couple headed to Eren's dorm room.

Armin was having a fine day. He aced his tests and projects and had his essays finished and checked over thirteen times already. And it was Monday, which meant he didn't have work at the book store. He could go to his dorm room and relax before dinner. Sit down with a good book, drinking blood mixed with coffee because for him, blood was sweet.

So when dear Armin went into his dorm room, he did not expect to see his best friend laying on the couch with a blood packet in his mouth and an angry werewolf prince glaring at said vampire prince.

"What's going on?" The blond vampire asked carefully. Eren turned and was about to pull the blood packet from his mouth, when a warning growl from the werewolf made him stop and just continue drinking from it.

"This dumbass hadn't had blood since Friday-"

"He WHAT!?" Armin was completely shocked. Eren was NEVER that careless. He'd miss one day, every three years like clock work. Sometimes he'd forget to pack blood if he's going somewhere's. But he NEVER missed so much time. "What happened? Do I need to call Dr. Yeager?" The blond asked, obviously worried.

"His eyes were switching between gold and green, he was panting, pale, and looked at everyone like he couldn't wait to sink his fangs into them. I lied to Vix and told her I was taking him to his dorm, but we side tracked and I gave him some blood." He showed Armin the marks in his neck. "And now, I'm making sure he has enough blood in him."

"I ha ehoug lool ih eh." Eren said. Both turned as he pulled the packet out of his mouth, much to the werewolf's displeasure. "I have enough blood in me. I'm stable."

"But that back in your mouth. You're finishing it." Levi said.

"I said I'm-"

"Eren you put that back in your mouth and finish it or I'm calling your mother." Armin snapped slightly. Eren automatically put the packet in his mouth and started sucking on it. Levi sat down by Eren's feet.

"So you'll listen to him but not me?" Levi asked. Eren shook his head, wanting to speak but was afraid to pull the packet from his mouth until he knew it was empty.

"It's not that." Armin said, sitting down. "It's his mother. You won't hurt him, he knows that. His mother, on the other hand..." Armin shuddered a little. "She's terrifying when she's mad. And if she ever found out Eren almost went into blood lust, she would bottle feed him blood for a month." Eren groaned as Levi's eyebrow lifted.

"You're shitting me?" Armin shook his head.

"Nope. Dr. Yeager almost fell into a blood lust once, and she bottle fed him for a month. You think it would be funny, watching a woman bottle feed her husband. But it was anything but." Eren chuckled a little. "It wasn't Eren." Eren pulled the packet away from his mouth.

"It was fucking hilarious! You don't live with them. It was PRICELESS! Do you know what it's like being four, finally passed a sippy cup, and watching your 300 year old father having to use a bottle?" Levi and Armin stared at the vampire prince. "It's empty damn it." Armin took the packet and inspected it, and after deaming it empty, disposed of it.

"Now Eren." Armin said as he sat back down and glared at his friend. "Why didn't you take your blood?" Eren sighed.

"I've been busy with that damn pageant. I woke up early Saturday to go work with some of the contestants, came back late, studied, did homework, and passed out, to repeat the process Sunday. I didn't have time to get any." Eren sighed as he leaned against Levi I ran his finger tips over the marks still in Levi's neck. "I almost didn't let Levi go..." Eren teared up and the werewolf and blond vampire jumped to keep them from falling.

"You didn't Eren, and you didn't hurt anyone. You're fine, right?" The blond hurried out. Eren sniffled, causing his boyfriend to roll his eyes.

"I'm fine Brat. I told you I'd supply you with blood if you needed it and I fucking meant it. I'm your boyfriend, future mate, whatever the hell you need me for, I'm gonna fucking do it. Calm down. It's not that big a deal."

"But what if I-"

"You won't." Armin said. "Vampires can't drain they're mates, remember? Our bodies won't let us. After a few pints our fangs retract on their own. It doesn't matter who or what the mate is." Eren nodded slowly as he cuddled into Levi more. "Now, it's almost time for dinner, and I'm going to assume you don't want to leave the dorm room. There's some stuff in the fridge, and for the love of blood, if you need to do your mating season shit, go in EREN'S bedroom. I don't mind you two doing whatever, but I don't want to be slapped in the face with wolf horomones when I get back." And after successfully causing the werewolf and vampires princes to blush, Armin headed to dinner.

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