New Years Part 1

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Carla had the princes up by ten the next morning to make them help her get things ready for that night. The two made sure everyone was coming, and once confirmed, started giving the werewolves directions to the Yeager home.

At one, the first batch of vampires arrived. It was Mikasa, Armin, and Annie.

"Hey guys!" Eren beamed as he opened the door.

"Are we in the usual room?" Armin asked and Eren nodded.

"Yeah, Levi should be down there with Mom getting everything together!" The three nodded and came in, each carrying some type of food or beverage and a duffle bag with sleep wear. As they made it into the room, Carla came over and greeted the three and put Eren to work so that Carla could woman the door.

"So, has he seen the surprise in your music studio?" Armin asked as he set his food on a table and placed his duffle bag underneath it. Eren blushed lightly.

"You mean that pink stripper pole with blue sparkles that magics itself out of fucking no where? Yes. Yes I have." Levi said, causing Eren to cover his face a little.

"Damn it why now?!" Eren asked. Armin chuckled.

"So, now that you have a boyfriend, are you going to learn how to use it?" Armin asked. Eren blushed more as Levi hummed at the thought.

"No." Mikasa said. "I'm still not happy he even has one." She sat down on one of the couches and pulled her red scarf down. "He's waiting till he's 21." Eren rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

"I don't plan on ever learning anyways." He heard a small whimper and turned to see Levi pouting, well, as much as an emotionless werewolf prince can pout. Eren was sure Levi'd look down right pathetic if his ears and tail were out. "Are you serious? No Levi. I am not learning how to use a stripper pole for your amusement." Levi sighed.

"Fucking fine." And he plopped down and crossed his arms and legs. Eren rolled his eyes as he walked over and kissed his boyfriend on the forehead.

"Maybe in another century or two."

"You mean another month or two?" Levi teased a little. "How about as a Valentine's Day present? That'd be kinky as fuck." Eren blushed.

"I'm glad you two are happy and shit, but please, not everyone wants to hear it." Eren chuckled a little.

"Sorry Annie."

"I'm not." And Levi licked Eren's neck, causing the vampire to shiver a little.

"Down boy." Eren said. Levi growled.

"I'm not a fucking dog!" He pretty much barked. Eren cocked an eyebrow. "Don't even fucking start." Eren shrugged and started to talk to the others about how their winter break was so far.

"You are precious!" They heard from upstairs.

"Which one do you think just came in?" Levi asked. Eren thought about it for a minute.

"Mom probably just met Isabel or Petra." The door opened to reveal both werewolf bitches and their mates. "Hey." Eren said. The two females smiled as they got situated and sat on the floor.

"You're catacombs are fucking nuts!" Isabel chirped, smiling. "I'm glad your mom told us how to get here and even offered us a map!" Eren smiled. "I like your mom Eren, she's nice!"

"Thanks!" Levi scoffed.

"Not when she's trying to get us to fuck. She's down right terrifying then." Eren turned to the werewolf.

"Maman's no better." The vampire said. Levi sighed.

"Don't remind me." Levi said. At around four, the only people they were waiting for, was Jean and Marco.

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