New Years Part 2

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The four stood infront of the TV while Just Dance 2015 booted up.

"Shit, what are you gonna make us do?" Jean asked. Eren just stared as she flipped through the selections until she highlighted 'Best Song Ever.'

"One Direction!" She said and accepted it, jumping out of the way as the four males chose which avatar they would follow. Jean growled as he got stuck with the pink guy.

"Why am I doing this again?" Levi asked. Eren shrugged as he began the song.

"Because you wanted to see me dance. Have you ever played this one?" He asked and the other three shook their heads. As it went along, Eren clearly dominated and every so often Levi or Jean would swear, and Marco just blushed. Half the room was laughing or cat calling a bit. When they finished, Eren was the obvious winner.

"What the fuck was that! No man should shake their hips like that!" Jean said pouting as he got dead last. Eren smirked victoriously.

"Yes, and obviously you can't." Ymir smiled as she walked over to infront of the TV and picked up her phone that she left there, just to record the entire thing.

"And we got it all on video! To YouTube!" Levi was about to run after the vampiress when his waist was caught by his vampire boyfriend.

"She will find a way to post it anyways, don't bother. And that song was tame compared to what she could've picked." Ymir's ears perked as she hurried back over to the XBox and selected a new song, making the four previous dancers dance again, to Bang Bang.

"Spoke to soon prince." She said, smirking evil as she set her phone back up. Eren groaned as they started, and by the end of this one, Levi was swearing like a sailor, nothing new, Jean and Marco were blushing, and Eren triumphantly stood, another win and a new high score under his belt.

"And no matter what, I will be victorious!" The vampire prince said, spinning to face the others. "And these will never embarrass me." And he sat down. "You guys go nuts." In which the others did, Hanji forcing Erwin to dance to Me and My Broken Heart and Eren happily sung with all the songs played. After two hours, they switched the TV to the ball drop, even though they still had a few hours until it actaully dropped.

"Damn. That was fun. Food." Sasha walked over to the table and before she could just grab a tray and sit with it, was stopped and Krista got her a plate ready because everyone knew that the brunette vampiress would stuff her face while she put her own together.

"We still have four and a half hours till the ball drops, what's the next game?" Erwin asked, looking up from his watch.

"Pictionary." Eren said. Everyone turned to him. "What? We played a game I could kick all your asses in, why not one that Levi could? We'll do couple teams." Everyone agreed as he pulled the game from the closet. Does it need to be said that Eren and Levi won after an hour? Because they did. They absolutely DESTROYED everyone.

"Can we play a game where everyone has a fair chance at winning?" Connie asked as he looked at his own horribly drawn cattepillar.

"Like what?" Sasha asked. Ymir smirked evily.

"We could always play truth or da-"

"No!" Eren snapped. "Never with you again! I'm still nursing my pride after the last time!" Jean agreed.

"That was the worst thing to ever happen in my life." The werewolves cocked their eye brows.

"What happened?" Petra asked. Eren crossed his arms, pouting with a blush on his face.

"Let's say that everytime we play truth or dare with Ymir, the cops are somehow involved." He said. Ymir sighed.

"They aren't that bad." The vampires all turned to her.

"The last time you dared me to do something, it was to wear one of YOUR thongs and to run through a Burger King in it, asking if it made my ass look fat!" He said, eyes flashing gold. Levi couldn't help but begin to laugh. Eren blushed more. "It's not funny! You try explaining that shit to your mother who was IN THE BURGER KING GETTING DINNER!" This time the entire room exploded in laughter.

"Seriously? It was fucking priceless!" Eren glared at Jean.

"Yeah, well last time I checked, last dare she gave you involved pretending to be a horse and asking Marco to ride you all night while wearing nothing but a fucking pair of socks!" Eren snapped. Jean stood.

"What about the time she dared you to skinny dip in your neighbors pool?"

"What about the time she dared you to streak through that school assembly about abstinence screaming 'Fuck me if you can'?" Jean turned beat red. Eren had an evil smirk on his face.

"Last time I checked I wasn't dared to go into a strip club and ask for lessons!" Eren shrugged.

"You say it like I regret it. I went back the next week and made the strippers blush." Eren said, inspecting is fingernails. "Got paid for it too, though I was called a cheap whore for keeping my underwear on." Jean gapped.

"You are a whore!"

"Can't be a whore if I've only ever had one boyfriend in my entire life." Eren was lightly flushed. Levi was just staring at him.

"So, if we played truth or dare and someone, I don't know, dared you to give me a fucking lap dance..." Levi trailed off, causing Eren to blush more.

"He'd do it. He never turns down a dare." Ymir said, the evil smirk back on her face. Levi stared at her for a few seconds.

"I vote we play truth or dare." Levi said, a few others agreeing as Eren rolled his eyes.

"Fuck all of you." He said, sitting on Levi's lap as everyone got in a circle.

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