Mz (Mr) Hyde

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That Friday they started the first of two parts of Breaking Dawn. Eren and Levi just watched.

"At least the venue is pretty." Eren said. Levi said nothing, but they both choked on spit when Jacob found out that Bella and Edward were going to have sex before Bella was a vampire.

"Do you think they'll actually show them fucking? I hope not." Eren agreed as they continued to watch. And of course, they had sex.

"I feel bad for the bed." Eren whispered. Levi nodded slightly.

"I feel bad for the fucking cleaning lady." And they continued to watch and by the end of it both males were completely freaked out. "I see why we signed the waiver."

"She should've stayed dead." Eren said. "And making Jabob imprint on a baby... That's just..." He shivered. The two walked out of the room. "I never want to watch that again." Levi groaned.

"We still have one more fucking movie." Eren groaned in response.

"I'm going to go drown myself in music before going to the club for work."

"See you there." Levi said with a wave and they went their seperate ways. When Eren sat down for dinner, his friends all looked at him, slightly worried.

"You okay Eren?" Mikasa asked. He shook his head.

"So you know how I told you that Professor Vix made us sign a waiver because of this absolutely terrifying movie she wanted to show us?" They nodded.

"Yeah, you started last Friday and haven't even told us what the movie was."

"It was Twilight." The table quieted. "And we just watched the fourth movie. It was..." He shivered. "The bed. The poor bed. It never asked for that. Levi can pity the cleaning lady all he wants, but the bed suffered the most pain." Everyone just looked at him weird.

"Do we want to know?" Mikasa asked slowly.

"Don't they have sex in that one?" Armin asked. Everyone turned to him. "It counted as Modern Lit, so I read the books and watched all the movies. If the fourth one made you like this, the fifth ones going to kill you." Eren's jaw dropped.

"Damn it. Levi and I could barely handle the first two!" He whined. After eating he made sure to get a small glass of blood, because seeing 'blood' on the screen had made him a little antsy. After finishing and licking his mouth clean of the fruity taste, washing his face and brushing his teeth, Eren headed out to work.

On stage he looked around and noticed that it was just Erwin, Hanji, and Levi in their normal booth, and that a few of his friends had decided to stay behind to study. He didn't mind, really he didn't, it was just something he noticed. After deciding what he was doing first, he stood in front of the mic with his bat guitar in hand and started with the music, his eyes switching and fangs happily out, he watched Levi out of the corner of his eye.

"In the day light, I'm your sweetheart.You're goody two-shoes prude is a work of art." The dancefloor was automatically swarmed and Eren actually saw Hanji managed to get Levi out of the booth, making his eyes follow them.

"But you don't know me. And soon you won't forget, bad as can be yeah you know I'm not so innocent." Hanji began to dance around Levi and the short werewolf crossed his arms as his wolf ears bristled slightly in irritation. He didn't want to dance. Yes, he loved this song, but he was not dancing. He didn't dance in front of people.

"Better beware I go bump in the night. Devil may care with a lust for life." At 'devil' Levi looked Eren in the eye and smirked. He could see deep into the golden pools that currently were the vampires eyes, fangs glinting in the lights, and fingers moving expertly up and down the neck of the guitar that was changing designs and looked like the bat was staring into your soul.

"And I know you, can't resist me. Cause you know you are so addicted." And Levi agreed that yes, he was addicted to this brat. His voice, his body. It was hot. He would not deny that.

"Boy you better run for your life." And something inside Levi snapped.

"Welcome to the nightmare in my head." And Levi began to dance.

"Say hello to something scary." Eren's eyes widened slightly. The werewolf prince was dancing.

"The monster in your bed. Just give in and you won't be sorry." Eren couldn't believe what he was seeing. Levi was first of all looking right at him, secondly, he seemed to have switched the rolls on who was teasing and who was the tease.

"Welcome to my other side. Hello it's Mr. Hyde." Hanji watched from her dancing position as Eren and Levi tossed teasing and suggestive moves and eye signals back and forth. She couldn't help the smile that made a home on her face.

"I can be the bitch, I can play the whore, or your fairy tail prince, who could ask for more." Eren made an indirect motion at himself while Levi was not shy to run his own hands down his body a bit.

"A touch of wicked. A pinch of risque. Good boy gone bad my poison is your remedy." Eren had winked at Levi when he said 'wicked', and Levi did when he said 'risque'. And as Hanji continuied to watch, she noticed that they were dancing together, but indirectly.

"Better be scared better be afraid. Now that the beast is out of his cage." Eren was definately enjoying how Levi was responding to his movements, but kind of wished he wasn't holding and playing his guitar, because it restricted his movements, where as Levi could go all out.

"And I know you, wanna risk it. You know you are so addicted. Boy you better run for your life." And with the next round of chorus the werewolf and vampire danced with each other in ways only themseleves and Hanji understood or could see.

"I'm the spider crawling down your spine, underneath your skin." Eren sank to his knees as he continued to play, the mic still picking up his voice perfectly. The girls at the front of the stage nearly drooled at how close this singing god was to them.

"I will gently violate your mind, before I tuck you in." Levi smirked as he made a motion for Eren to get closer, and as much as Eren wanted to, if he did move forward, he'd fall off the stage.

"Put on the blind fold there's no way to be sure, which guy you'll get tonight. It's me Eren I swear." And with the final two rounds of the chorus, Eren stood and finished. The club felt really warm, and Eren felt extremely accomplished. He got the werewolf prince to dance, and the bright smile on the vampire princes face made the girls scream.

He got down off the stage and girls swarmed him automatically. He was asked all these questions and some even latched onto him. Eren chuckled a little.

"Sorry girls, I'm on break, and I have someone I need to talk to. I hope you don't mind." He gave them a wink and they all swooned. It made Eren feel a little sick, but hey, work with what you can. Eren made it over to Levi with a wide smile on his face.

"What's with the smile Brat?" Levi asked as the vampire sat next to him.

"I just made the biggest accomplishment this year."

"And what would that be?" Eren smirked.

"I got you to dance." Levi blushed lightly and looked away. "Maybe we should come by sometime during the week and we can dance together?" Eren asked. Levi rolled his eyes.

"In your dreams Brat." Eren sighed.

"Well damn." Eren pouted, causing Levi to sigh.

"What did I say about looking cute Brat?" Levi said, flicking Eren's nose, causing the vampire not only to rub his nose, but blush. Hanji and Erwin cocked their eyebrows.

"So, Levi. When did you start calling Eren cute?" Levi blushed lightly.

"Shut the fuck up shitty glasses." Levi said and turned away. Eren took the chance at the end of his break to touch Levi's tail without permission and bolt before the werewolf could take off his hand, even if it was against the treaty.


Song: Mz. Hyde by Halestorm

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