Meeting the Family, Werewolf

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Hanji parked in the Rivaille driveway and Eren couldn't help but take in the house. It was beautiful. A two story white house with blue trim and shutters, a nice front law, even covered in snow.

"Wow, your house is beautiful." Eren said as he grabbed his things. The front door flew open and there stood a pale woman with raven hair and blue eyes.

"Mon choit noir! Hanji! Erwin!" Adalene ran up and hugged the three young werewolves, when her eyes caught Eren. Her eyes twinkled. She automatically walked up to him and looked him over, giving him a quick sniff and a smile. "I see why you like him mon choit noir. He's very handsome indeed. Cute even. And he smells nice too." She giggled. Eren smiled softly.

"Hello Maman." Adalene smiled wide.

"You remembered. Now, when my mates around, call me either Ma'am or Mrs. Rivaille. If Kenny finds out I let you call me maman he'll flip his shit and none of us want to deal with that. And pay him no mind. He's an asshole. I do love him dearly, but he's to harsh on my baby." She pinched Levi's cheek and he pushed her hand away.

"Alright." Eren smiled. Adalene nodded.

"Alright, well, we only have one guest room, so you'll have to stay in Levi's room. Kenny can go fuck himself. Levi, I put a few things in your bedside table, make sure to keep it down alright?" Both princes blushed.

"Told you she's like your fucking mom." Levi said. "Mother, it's been a little over a week. I won't be needing them." Adalene sighed.

"Fine, but if I walk in and you two aren't at least half naked I'm going to be pissed." Eren blushed as Levi grabbed Eren's hand and pulled him possesively closer. "Now that's adorable. My pup's already defensive. I'm so proud!" And so they entered the house. Eren was even more amazed by the inside. Everything was either black, white, or gray, but it didn't feel cold, but pretty warm. And clean, but not as clean as Levi's dorm room.

"Wow..." Eren said, looking around. Levi just grabbed his hand and pulled him to his room.

"I'll give you a warning whe Kenny gets here!" Adalene yelled after them. Levi rolled his eyes as he brought Eren into his room.


"You're sleeping in my bed with me. Unless you don't want too." Levi said. Eren blushed a little as he began to look around the room. It was black. Everything was black, except for the hardwood floor. The bed had black bedding like in Levi's dorm room, only it had a small red pillow instead of blue.

"I-I don't mind sharing a bed with you." Eren said. Levi nodded.

"Good, I don't want to make you feel pressured into anything." Eren shook his head.

"Don't worry." Levi smiled. "It's normal to be nervous about meeting your dad right?" Levi nodded.

"Fuck yes. Just be polite and don't offer anything. Don't even offer to go jump off a bridge. He won't touch you because of the treaty, but that doesn't mean he won't say anything. Ignore him, my mother and I can handle him." Eren nodded slowly.

"Alright, thank you." Eren smiled. Levi blinked a few times. Eren really was too fucking cute. He leaned forward and captured Eren's lips in their usual sweet kiss. They really didn't want to rush anything, but they were just doing what felt right anyways, so it wasn't like either one was holding back or pushing the other.

"Welcome home Kenny dear!" They heard Adalene say, loud enough that the males could hear her. They parted.

"What smells like a rotting fucking corpse?" Kenny responded, automatically making Eren upset. Levi noticed and kissed his forehead.

"Ignore him. Come on." Eren nodded and Levi grabbed his hand and they headed downstairs. "Welcome home Father." Levi said as they entered the living room.

"Levi." Kenny acknowledged coldly, then he saw Eren. "You brought a fucking blood sucker into my house!" Kenny was pissed and Levi's eyes flashed ice blue as his ears and tail came out, tail wrapping protectively around Eren.

"Watch it." Levi barked, almost literally. Kenny sneered.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. You want to mate a leech?" Levi growled low. Kenny just rolled his eyes. "What the fuck is this thing doing here, Adalene?" His mate sighed.

"He's coming with us to France." Kenny stared at his wife.

"He's not coming to the werewolf gathering! No way in he-"

"I've already confirmed it with Lupin." Adalene said, effectively shuting her mate up. "He said it sounded like a lovely idea considering he's Grisha's mate's son and it was because of Grisha and you that we even have a treaty to begin with. Now shut the fuck up and grow some balls." Kenny started muttering obscenities under his breath as he went to his room, avoiding Eren with his entire being.

"Well, that went better than expected." Levi said. Adalene nodded.

"I halfway expected him to throw something." She said shrugging. "Oh well, come here Eren." Eren did as told and she hugged him. "Now excuse me. I have a werewolf to piss off." And so she went to find her husband.

"It's going to be a long trip." Erwin said, the other three nodding as they heard Kenny swear loudly.

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