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The plane ride to Germany was... weird. For everyone. Levi was sitting on a PRIVATE JET filled with vampires. Some he knew, others he didn't, and if it wasn't for Eren's scent next to him, Levi would've vomited because the smell of blood was thick and damn near suffocating. Some where drinking blood in a glass, some of it mixed with something else, some of it not, some where drinking from blood packets, some where drinking from each other, and some had brought WHORES on board to not only fuck but DRAIN.

"That's fucking disgusting." Levi said when one vampire was done with fucking and sucking his whore dry and letting her fall limp on the floor while one of the workers took the body else where. Eren sighed.

"Not everyone cares about humans. My grandfather was like that until my dad was born." Eren said. "And I have to agree. It's gross." He noticed Levi begin to fidget. "Levi?"

"This place if fucking filthy." Levi said. His urge to clean was strong. Eren sighed and pulled the wolf into him, tucking the shorter prince's head under his own so he was engulfed with the vampire's own scent.

"Better?" Eren asked. Levi hummed in response as he happily inhaled Eren's scent. When they landed in Germany, a few dozen carriages and a few cars waited for them. Dracula had his own landing strip, but it was still a ways away from his castle.

"Carriages? Really?" Levi asked as they stepped down. Eren nodded.

"Yup. Mom loves the carriages. But some don't like them, that's what the cars are for." Levi rolled his eyes as he got into a carriage with Eren, Carla, Grisha, and one other vampiress. Her nose was scrunched up and she held an air of complete arrogance, and if she did look at the werewolf, it was with a judging and hateful eye.

"The fucks her problem?" Levi asked once they had made it to the castle and out of the carriage. Eren sighed as he watched the vampiress walk away. His father's first wife had brown hair and spiteful hazel eyes. She was beautiful, no one could deny that. But as the First Vampire Prince's first wife, she liked to believe she was as important as his own mother, being the mate.

"That's Malene. She's my father's first wife." Levi nodded.

"And the fucks her problem?" Eren sighed.

"You." Levi scowled. "She has a thing about werewolves. She truly believes their below vampires. Absolute beasts."

"The fuck! She needs to get off her high horse and take her head out of her ass!" Eren put a hand on Levi's shoulder.

"Levi. She's not completely wrong." Levi's eyes widened, but right before he could comment, Eren continued. "I mean, you truly are a beast in bed." Eren smirked lightly, and Levi smirked right back.

"Damn straight I am. And I'll make sure the whole damn castle knows how I can make you scream." Eren blushed lightly as they walked into the castle. Levi's jaw damn near fell to the floor. He wasn't sure if they walked into a foyer or a fucking orchestral theater. The room was huge. Damn right mother fucking HUGE!

"Welcome to Dracula's castle." Eren said. In front of them, standing on the first landing of stairs was a tall, pale man with dark hair and even darker eyes.

"My children." The man said with one of the heaviest German accents Levi thinks he's ever heard. "We are here for a meeting with the werewolves. Once the rest of the werewolves arrival, we will go to the meeting hall. You all know your places. Go to your rooms to rest. Grisha, my son. I expect to see you and your mate family in my office within the hour." And the Vampire King turned and walked up the left branch of stairs while the other vampires started to go through the doors all around the hall.

"Let's get settled. Eren, I'm sure you have already figured that Levi will be staying it your room. Do not let him leave without you. Vampires aren't as welcoming to outsiders as werewolves are." Grisha warned. "If Levi leaves your side for an instant, it could cause catastrophe. We have yet to find out the reason for us being here. I don't want a war on our hands, and it's obvious that the others are very cautious and untrusting of the son of the man who struck you."

"Levi would neve-" Eren was cut off by a scream. Not a hysterical terrified scream, but one that made the color drain from his father's face.

"Grisha!" A young looking woman with long blond hair and giant, warm brown eyes pretty damn near tackled him.

"Mother." The older vampire said. She pulled back and grabbed his ear.

"I haven't seen you in ten years and all you have to say is 'Mother'? I raised you better than that young man." Grisha rubbed his ear after the woman let go.

"Yes, it's good to see you Mother. Sorry for the absence, work has kept my hands tied." The vampiress cocked her eyebrow.

"That's a lie if I've ever heard one." She turned and smiled warmly. "Carla, you look beautiful as usual." She and Carla shared a gentle hug. "I am so glad you're his mate and not that bitch he married first."

"Thank you Fredda." She said. The blond vampiress turned to Eren and smiled wide.

"Eren!" She hugged him close before pulling away and pinching his cheeks. "Look at you. You've grown into a handsome young man." Eren smiled as he rubbed his cheek.

"Thank you Grandmama. Oh, this is Levi, Lupin's grandson." She turned her eyes. They flashed red as she stepped forward, hand coming and grabbing Levi's chin, turning it every which way before she circled around and examined him, pulling and prodding before she stood in front of him again, returning her hand to his chin.

"I see." Her eyes returned to brown and she smiled. "Oh look at that. Gray eyes. So cold, but there's a hidden warmth. I knew you had better taste then your father. He's a keeper." She smiled and pulled Levi into a hug. "I'm Fredda! Dracula's mate and you're future grandmother-in-law!" Levi and Eren blushed profusely.

"Um, Grandmama..." Eren trailed off as she sniffed Levi lightly, her smile began to pretty much split her face.

"Oh! This is even better." She turned to Carla and smiled wide. "You never told me that my grandson was in love with a painter! I don't think anything else could make them a better match." Eren and Levi blushed lightly.

"Excuse me ma'am." Levi said, gently tapping Fredda's shoulder. "Would you mind letting me go?" Fredda let go, the smile never leaving her face.

"Oh yes, sorry. It's mating season and you'd rather be all over Eren. All the rooms are sound proof so you can be as loud as you want! But make sure to hang a garlic ring on the door so no one walks in." Levi cocked an eyebrow as he turned to Eren.

"Humans used garlic to ward off vampires, and Grandmama thought it was amusing to see humans hang garlic on their doors, so she thought it's be a great way to tell others not to enter a room." Levi nodded slowly.

"Well you all need to meet Drac in less than an hour. Go get settled, slip in a quicky if you need to, I want a granddaughter damn it!" She turned to Grisha. "Start making some magic. Eren will be out of the house. He has three more years of college, and then he'll be living with Levi." This time everyone but Fredda blushed.

"Mother!" Grisha exclaimed.

"I mean it Grisha. Granddaughter. Work on it. I may have dressed Eren up, but I want an actual GIRL to dress up!" Eren blushed darker.


"It's not like I haven't seen you in a dress before." Levi said. Fredda turned to them and smiled.

"Oh, if you want to do anything with different outfits, I believe there's still a few dresses that no one uses!" The old vampiress smiled. She was supportive of her grandson like Carla was.

"Oh shit there's three of them." Levi said, getting an ear pull from Fredda AND Carla. Eren and Grisha both restrained from laughing, Grisha succeeding more than his son.

"Come on Levi. Let's get settled. Grandpapa wants to speak with us, and you can't leave my side." Fredda smiled as she went into her bag and pulled out a dog collar and leash.

"Here you go Eren! This will keep him close." Levi narrowed his eyes and was about to say something, until she fastened it to Eren's neck and put the leash in Levi's hand. "I figured that Levi would be offended if I put it on him, and considering you're bottom, maybe you two can use it. And keep it. I don't need it." Levi then smirked.

"Okay Brat, lead the way." Eren pouted, but grabbed Levi's hand and they headed to his bedroom.

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