The Date

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The little bell in the Shingashina Coffee Shop went off as Eren and Levi walked in.

"What would you like?" Eren asked. Levi shrugged.

"Fucking tea." Eren chuckled a little.

"Besides that?" Levi looked to Eren.

"I don't fucking know. I never come here." Eren sighed as they got up to the counter.

"Well look." And so Eren ordered tea, a latte, and two pieces of strawberry shortcake. They sat down at a back table. "I have to say that this is a nice change of pace to cuddling all the time." Eren said as he sipped his latte.

"I thought you were a fucking cuddle bug." Levi sipped his tea. Eren smiled.

"We're both cuddle bugs, but cuddling too much with nothing to do isn't going to get our relationship moving. And all we've done for three weeks is cuddle." Levi pouted a little.

"I like to fucking cuddle with you Brat." Eren chuckled.

"And you can't work on your art if you're cuddling me. And I can't work on my music if I'm cuddling you." Levi thought about it for a minute.

"Damn it. You shouldn't be able to be right." Eren chuckled as he took a bite of a strawberry. "Or cute. Why the fuck are you so cute?"

"Why are you always calling me cute?"

"Because you are and don't fucking stop." Eren pouted his lip.

"I don't try to. And why is it always cute? Am I cute when I preform at Titan?" Levi's eyes flickered as a smirk came to his face.

"Not really. You're more of a tempting tease there. Wiggling your hips and undressing me with those golden eyes. I'm surprised all your little fangirls haven't realized you're not into them." Eren blushed a little.

"I'm the tease? What about you? Smirking, eye fucking, licking your lips like you're going to eat me. And your dances moves are pretty suggestive too." Levi's smirked widened.

"But you liked it." Eren's blush intensified.

"And you're point is?"

"If you like it don't fucking complain." Levi sipped his tea again. "You know, it's been a while since I found a damn place that can make decent tea." Eren smiled.

"They're cakes are good too." Levi watched as Eren took another bite of his cake. "Seriously, eat your fucking cake or I will." Levi narrowed his eyes before having a bite. He shrugged as he swallowed it.

"Not bad."

"Hey, at least it's not frozen." Levi nodded in agreement.

"That's not fucking food. If it's not made where you sell it, don't fucking sell it. It's a waste of time and half the people fucking hate it anyways." And another forkful went into his mouth. Eren watched, intently.

It's weird watching your significant other eat, and weird to find it attractive, but Eren did so anyways. The way Levi ate was hypnotic, or maybe it was just watching Levi swallow and the thoughts of what else Levi would be willing to swallow. It had been a while since such thoughts went through the vampire prince's mind. They hadn't entered his mind since they started dating now that he thought about it. He wondered if Levi had similar thoughts.

And son of a bitch, the werewolf prince was. He watched as Eren sipped his latte. Levi wasn't only thinking of what else Eren could swallow, but the way he gripped his cup. It was firm, yet gentle as his long, tan fingers went around the cup. The thought of having his boyfriend on his knees between his legs was a lovely thought, but Levi wasn't sure he wanted that quiet yet. Maybe they could get that far on Valentine's Day or something stupid and sappy like that. He sure as hell wouldn't mind it.

They continued in silence and left, Eren taking Levi to the park downtown. It wasn't anything big, because Shingashina was nothing big, compared to Levi's hometown of Stohess, but it was a nice park. A small pond, an even smaller playground which was pretty much a slide, a swing set with two swings, and two see-saws. There were about six benches in all for people to sit on, but it was still a nice park for a first date.

"That's were I first punched Jean in the face." Eren said, pointing to an oak tree. He decided that he'd share some memories with Levi, and the werewolf was happy to hear them. "That's where Connie fell and broke his arm. That's were Sasha got in a fight with a squrriel over a bag of peanuts-"

"Wait, hold on a fucking second. The bitch that eats like a fucking cow but doesn't look it, fought with a rodent over peanuts? Who the fuck does that?" Eren turned to Levi and cocked an eyebrow. "Alright, I fucking know she's nuts." And so they continued with they're little walk, enjoying themselves when they heard a whistle. The couple turned to see another couple approaching them.

"Hey Uncle Eren!" Marco said with a wide smile. "Are you and Levi on a date?" Eren blushed a little and nodded. "That's great! Jean and I just finished dinner at the new resturant in town. It's really nice." Eren smiled to his nephew.

"That's great. We just went to the cafe." Jean snickered.

"Too poor to take your boyfriend out somewhere nicer, Yeager?" Eren just turned to him.

"I don't know Horse face. I just got back from a two week vacation in France this morning. Do you ever take Marco out of the country? No, I didn't fucking think so. I thought something simple would be nice. And I do believe I'm royalty, so no, it's not cause I'm fucking broke."

"You spent $300 dollars on a drum set two months ago." Eren blushed slightly, before smiling.

"Proving I have money! Besides, it's our first date, I'm not trying to impress." Jean snorted.

"So did you show him that strip pole in your studio?" Eren growled.

"Shut the fuck up Horse face. You're just jealous."

"Yes, I'm totally jealous of a PINK stripper pole. You don't even know how to use it." Eren shrugged.

"Yes, but I have one. How many people can say they have a stripper pole in their house that comes from their ceiling with the flip of a light switch?" Jean rolled his eyes.

"No one, because no one wants to admit that shit." Eren smirked.

"Like how you don't want to admit your bottom most of the time?" Jean and Marco blushed.

"U-Uncle Eren!" Marco said, covering his face. Eren shrugged.

"You've got Yeager blood in you. We dominate." Levi snorted a little.

"Not in our relationship." Eren turned and pouted.

"Who's acted like the bitch this entire time?" Levi cocked an eyebrow.

"I've been letting you have your fun, but I can make you the bitch if you really want me too." Marco smiled as Jean snickered, causing Eren to glare.

"Well, we'll leave you to your date Uncle Eren. Happy New Years."

"Happy New Years Marco." And so the vampire couple left and Eren and Levi continued their walk.

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